Hello. Amazing game. I must add a couple of observations:
- After a fight, the loot button takes the loot but not the guns.
- Is there ever a reason not to take the loot? I don't think it makes any sense to have to click to grab the loot.
- The fighting system is slooooow. Click the fight button. Go and click an opponent. Wait for the sound to reproduce. Hope that you didn't miss. Repeat. I tend to fight to try to kill the weakest opponents first so at least the fight is faster with the last one. I tend to take only winning fights that could be on auto: aim to the guy that has the strongest weapon, fire at him (unless out of bullets, then melee). Even with the slow fighting I don't get to read the full text of the fight, should have a log.
- Also the delay on the transitions on the two screens that popup after each day are not needed and slow.
- Loaded a 1hr-old game when wanted to save, because the save replaces the load button...
- Buying an armor could automatically make it use it.
- The map is quite messy:
-- It's not really clear where one is going when you take the arrows (for example: from Hamilton Sq. to go to the docks, one goes right, then to go back to Hamilton Sq. one should go... up? Why not left?).
-- It's not clear why there are places in the map that can't be traveled to. At this time I get "The docks" grayed out. I go to Hamilton Sq. then from there I can go to the docks...
-- From places like Imogen's Barrow it's not possible to travel to home or to Redhaven directly using the button on the bottom right corner... (for no reason?), but you can still go directly to Redhaven using the map.
-- Places like Kasey's Park are not accessible from the map (why?), I have to go to Imogen's Barrow and then go there with the arrows.
-- There are places that aren't in the map, like Preacher's Pond.
-- 18 minutes from anywhere to anywhere using the map (for example, from Redhaven to Imogen's Barrow... but 1h30 using the arrows to travel as it takes 18 minutes for each of the 5 steps).
- The prostitution system:
-- It's nice that slaves aren't working when worn out/unconscious/unhappy. But that shouldn't remove the assignment permanently (so, I shouldn't have to check on them every time I use the system nor assign them to the task again). The day that they're happy again (for example) they should work again as assigned.
-- It's quite buggy. I've had: slaves that can't be assigned to work prostitution (grayed buttons) even when they should, slaves assigned to escort without having the 40 reputation, etc.
-- Same way it warns you that a slave is to worn out to be prostitute, it should warn you that she's not going to work if unconscious/unhappy/etc.
-- Maybe a vaginally worn out prostitute should be able to offer blowjobs
- After midnight, Furry's tavern is still open (no closed sign), but upon entering, it says it's closed, to come back after 6pm.
- I should be able to wake up a girl and leave her to sleep on the bondage rack (this is useful when breaking them and I don't want her to escape).
I think that's all I can think of. Cheers.