Well I was starting over for the bazillionth time and noticed that this was possible on day 1 depending on your choices despite the fact that training caps at 120 even with the dojo as far as I know. I was 10 pts short from being able to do this without Limp otherwise I wouldn't have taken it because it is quite annoying in the early game.
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Heh, I've talked myself into a lot of bad traits because I
needed those damn points to make my latest 'optimum' strategy work.
I definitely understand those motives!
Is that an Enhanced start? I played with those for a while and remember thinking that it appeared with the Enhanced starts you could exceed the normal caps. I don't think it works that way with the other starts though, but I might be wrong.
I'm still playing around with all the new options before I try a Rise from the Ashes start, especially if I decide to do Ironman like I'm doing now. My most important perks for this run are Deadly Strike, Tough, Z Mark, and Manhunter.
I love Deadly Strike because it makes capturing in the early game so much easier, opponents wearing Combat Armor and above don't succumb to the whip painlessly very often. The whacked-out Space Marine in Watery Eyes and Brian Calloway often cost me a relative fortune in tendstims, but Deadly Strike makes them so much easier.
The others I've tried briefly but didn't think it worth the expense. Manhunter is kinda nice for those tough early combats where you can get a surprise capture that makes the whole rest of the battle so much less painful, but it can also cause you to get the
wrong capture which can be quite irritating so I end up changing my combat tactics and that sometimes means I've got more opponents firing at me for longer than I'd prefer.
Tough is too expensive I think. It would save you in tendstims and is certainly a nice perk, but thirty points is a
lot. It's two ugly disadvantages I'd rather go without.
So far my combat team is Ayden, Felix, Truls, and Kate. Ayden and Felix don't require much justification. Truls has more health than Ayden, over 100 strength, Brawler, Warrior, and Malevolent so he's a beast in melee. Kate is not very strong but she has both Brawler and Malevolent as well as Shadowborn so her health is irrelevant with her basically having her own personal built in stealth suit, so I don't even have to give her armor. She doesn't have warrior but I can train that up eventually, along with her strength.
All of them have been staples on many of my runs, this current RftA game my 'A-Team' has been Ayden, Dexter, Bud and Rebecca. For Godzilla I swapped Bud out for Truls, if that's the guy down in Watery Eyes who gets the ambush attack. We did it with Greatswords and Bud's Melee Combat and Health wasn't quite up to snuff so he got sidelined.
I did find Kate very useful early on before I got Ayden, I do like that Shadowborn ability.
Planning to add Cassius to the mix eventually but both him and the chick he's got with him initially are badasses so I'm not ready to try and capture him yet. It's day 6 in my current game and I have the stables maxed out minus the final horse upgrade. I'm not clear on whether that nixes the movement penalty from Limp or not but it does give me fast travel.
I took on Cassius in my old Rise from the Ashes run which I updated and started playing occasionally a little while back but the girl I got with him was just a standard random. No special stats, no traits outside 'Jaded.' It was that cute little ginger who has scenes so I wasn't too unhappy 'cuz her pics are hot, but I'd rather have gotten a badass like you did.
In the final analysis I just beat Godzilla with my team of Ayden and the second-stringers and did it with no reloading and nothing untoward, so I tend to think it's possible to over-weight some advantages as in the end you don't really
need them to beat the toughest target in the game.