Having very high dexterity on your MC might make the Terror miss a lot as long as you are not wearing armor that penalizes DEX too much. I never really tried it though (because DEX won't save me from enemies with the dangerous guns so I prioritize it last) but it should be possible.
Alright, I did an experiment and it turned out better than I thought it would go for characters that were not wearing any armor. Still iffy though. I had cleaner runs with my low DEX herculeans. The problem might be the weapons. Only me and Aria were holding greatswords. Only I was wearing armor because I forgot to take it off. I was not doing powerstrikes until two of my girls were incapacitated because I wanted to see how DEX performs in a drawn out fight so if this was serious, maybe I could have avoided Loren's fall. Aria though got taken out by turn 5-6 so it was not possible to save her.
Well 100 dex or even 130 dex is nothing.
As it a slight simplification of the current melee hit chances (of enemy attacks) is
where $weaponskill is the meleeskill of the attacking enemy, random(1,40) is the skillroll of the attack and $targetdex is the dexterity of the target.
In the above simplified formula the hit chance modifications due to low skill roll (+100 for skillroll of 1 or 2), dex penalty of armor (of the attacked npc/mc), weapon specific hit chance bonus (of the attacking weapon), hit chance modification due to reach (ie. attacked npc/mc is wielding a spear) are not taken into account, along with some other seldom hit chance modifications (ie. due to "master traits" or mc/pc being targeted, while totally wasted from alcohol consumption or because a prowler was taken along for a walk as a follower).
In the simplified formula one can see, that if $weaponskill+15-$targetdex is above 40 (eg. at least 41) and no other modifiers do apply, then the melee attack of the enemy will be always successfull.
So assuming a $targetdex of 130 (which many think is the cap, which in fact is not the cap for very petite and petite female npcs and might also be obtainable by young male npcs, before getting a higher numbered bodytype through aging, eg. Loden Wixx or male mc/pc offspring or maybe Lil' Cooney from the independent Walker Ranch in Imogen's Barrow) and a combat weave worn (which afair gives an armor penalty of 3), we would have the inequality $weaponskill+15-130+3> 40 <=> $weaponskill>152 for always hitting. And as the skillroll is 1 in the worst case (from the perspective of the player), we would have $weaponskill+15-130+3<1 <=> $weaponskill<113 for never hitting (unless the skillroll is a 1 or 2 as that gives a +100 to hitchance).
Now the $weaponskill of Goran-Ika is a measly 160.
So hell might freeze over before an attack of Goran-Ika after the first combat round against the mc/pc will not hit the mc/pc (unless the mc/pc is wielding a spear or he has taken a prowler for a walk). But then again hell doeth freeze over before an attack of Goran-Ika will hit ie. my Laika, Aiko or Enya regardless of weapons used by them and regardless of armor worn by them (and even if the skillroll of Goran-Ika is always a 1). The calculation of how high the dex value needs to be is more or less straightforward, but a good estimate (or upper bound) is 300 dex (which is indeed still achievable) to not get accidently hit by a Goran-Ika with a $skillroll of 1 (which gives +100 to hit chance).
BTW there are some differences between the melee hit chance calculations of enemy attacks and melee hit chance calculations of mc/pc/npc attacks. Eg. $skillroll for mc/pc/npc is random(1,45) and there is a higher base modifier (+25) and the amount of hit chance modifiers is slightly different (and a few other things are also slightly different, ie. the dex value of the target is here substracted after checking, whether there should be a damage bonus due to high "hit chance"/skill, for enemy melee attacks this is checked after the dex is substracted from the hit chance).