I am missing Aiko, too. Remembering her warmly for her many months of relatively unassuming service as mercenary and - as I tend to think - pretty nice behavior and touching backstory. Perhaps, just perhaps, she will one nice day return.
Personally I dare to hope she does have her comeback - and preferably not as slutty version as Enya, who seemed to turn into quite a depraved issid with certain needs my MC could probably have coped without.
No idea how many wives we can finally have. There are already too many game-versions for me to be certain about anything. I just still think that even one wife is too much.
I got a severe lesson from marital life a few versions back when 'legacy' emerged in the first place. (Such a bad experience. Never again! ![Eek! :eek: :eek:]()
) That said I also warmly support the idea of divorce. No matter how much it would cost or how much fame and property my poor MC could lose during or after the process. It could not be worse than constantly showeling good money to wives bottomless chest and taking her to that stupid 'wife-cafe' again and again to keep up appearances. I imagine divorce is still WIP atm. but like I declared, I just dunno about things. Perhups it is tier 6...9 specialty.
Actually, historically, most early/lawless societies, were *MALE* dominated, FEMDOM, FEMINIST, & Female power in general would greatly diminish, or cease to exist in a world like MoR [just go back even 300 years IRL!!! "FEMINISM" is a modern, new thing!] (RICH women excepted of course)
The spin-off, is DIVORCE even if allowed [which would be rare] would be very unwise 1) For females, they need the $$$ & support/protection, of their husband. 2) For males, if a) she's influential at all [rich/powerful friends?] they might make you pay---SEVERELY---or, avenge her. b) if no power/influence, *BODIES* R always very valuable! [rem no "mass production/robotic labor/etc; ] she could be "demoted" given more duties/labor/responsibilities---basically, treated like any other slave. (or become "concubine?)
For most of history, slave labor was how many---& most countries---became powerful. (PER-industial age [or "Post" in this case] same thing would apply. )
Every [healthy] able bodied person [including women] is an ASSET.
(just b/c most modern women don't do manual labor, doesn't mean they can't! Look @ history & 3rd world countries---women can do all kinds of manual labor)
Also side effect [again, common historically] SINGLE adult women tended to stay w relatives, until they were married. [hence the traditon of males going to girl's father...]
More likely: [ugh scary world!]
In this kind of society, *MEN* tended to die young! [combat/sickness/etc] [again look @ history]
More widows & widowers.
Higher birth rates, but also higher death rates. [IRL you're not immortal like in MoR!]
PS I too liked Aiko, but I think he's bringing them back a few at a time. [whole new Merc/follower & combat sys!]