from what i understand after faffing about, i pretty much have to reduce willpower to 0 before i can increase relations or corruption. are girls with like 110 willpower lost causes then? or do i have to take months just to break them? id rather not sell her cuz she has like 90 beauty and 110 charm which i think is good? been easing her relations from despisising with allowances.
right now the only one i can do with decent success chance is dominant tone chores, and making use of a low willpower slave mistress. Bondage is low so thats out.
also, whats the amount of days do your games usually last? i think i have to readjust my sense of time for this game, considering im day 40~ and only managed to make like 20k in loose cash, with only super minor upgrades to the home. though, im probably just having a hard time making money cuz im a nub.
You do not need them at 0 willpower. It makes it easier sure, but you can also lose out on some benefits of having decent willpower. You can reach Undying affection and 100 corruption with an 80+ willpower girl pretty consistently and easily. It's not hard unless you are into the fear and dominance based approaches. Building a gazebo in your backyard (preferably in the small build plot on the right-middle position so your other build plots can focus on other things) and upgrading it to get a pool means you can do one pool party per day. It raises Affection per day by +1 (+2 if you picked the party animal trait) up to Loving and it also increases happiness.
Other ways of Affection gain is by Talk -> Affect -> Compliment. Complimenting her intelligence can net you +3 Affection but it also comes at the risk of raising her willpower (rng). Beauty and Sexual Appeal does not raise willpower but it only raises Affection by +1. You can compliment each girl twice per day. You also have the option of clicking Encourage although it comes with the 25% risk of lowering her Submissive trait by 1. Even if the compliment fails, there's no downside, no penalty as far as I can see.
Every 4pm to 8pm, you can start events via Arrange Events and invite all girls for dinner or set the girls you want to invite as followers and pick invite followers. Turn on maids, turn off floor crawlers, and have dinner. You get +2 Affection the moment the dinner begins provided there were assigned maids. The girls you have working as maids will be the maids here and do not participate in the dinner which means they also do not get affection. If your rolls for joking and socializing succeeds, you can earn +1 Affection, one for each action. If you fail, nothing bad happens.
Of course orgasms during any sexual activity also raise her affection up to a point. Bathe with her, invite her normally, to start some arousal. Then seduce her if you need more arousal for her to agree. It helps to have a decent copulation stat but the way to raise that is by having sex so you can opt to start with your lower willpower girls first. You can also read some books and take the Miss Devious course for copulation stat iirc but for my part I'd rather do that when my copulation skill hits the cap from sex since books and lectures are uncapped increases. Build her respect from fighting with her as follower too. It will make asking her for sex easier. Lastly, some girls have quests that awards Affection. Your high beauty random girl won't have it of course but there will be girls who will be resistant to sex up until their quests are done but the completion of their quest can often jump start their affection for you by as much as +25.
As for corruption, there will be certain quests or jobs you cannot unlock if you raise certain girls' corruption too high (Caitlyn's Clinic or Nicole's news room) since they will not have hopes and dreams at high corruption. You have to painstakingly lower their corruption if you want to unlock things. Or you can unlock it first and ask for their hopes and dreams when their affection is decent enough and their corruption is still low. You can then raise their corruption.
Corruption can be raised passively just by people existing in your house. Your household has a Corruption stat (as well as other stats; see the Manage house option) and it is increased by having high corruption NPCs and NPCs with the Perverted trait. It is reduced by NPCs with Pure trait. It can passively raise all your NPCs' corruption to 60 or was it 70 (I forgot).
You can also hold 3 lectures at your shrine in your backyard. Higher level shrine means better chances. Pro Decadence raises your NPCs' corruption as well as your Household's. You can choose whether you want to lecture your followers or your entire household, either way it increases Household corruption. Anti Decadence lecture lowers corruption of course.