At the end of the rant
Notice that I´m NOT complaining about being unable to defeat the Dengi King. That´s perfectly fine, I have not trained like a psycho, and If Grimdark wants to put something that it´s a challenge for the most extreme gung-ho players, that´s fine.
But give me an alternative path!!.
I have expend 270 hour raising Aria Academic to 80 and Administrative to 100. Enough to make 130 training sessions. Bismark with tits, I call her, but now she is completely inactive, showing the same brain power as an artichoke, doing nothing.
We have an army of cannibals menacing to destroy Ikaanos.
Aux Armes, citoyens!
Formez vos Bataillons!
Marchons, marchons!!!
Where is the Republic decree of "levee en masse"? The "We take a loan to raise a company or tanks"? The "Honey, Can you spare to me a million and a thousand rifles to give a nice 1000$ flat bonus and weapons to anyone who join the ranks?"
I have no Strengh or Dextry to talk about, But I have maxed Charm and Manipulation..
Where is the chance to strike deals with the different factions of Ikaanos? Not for free, of course, they can ask for a slice of power in return-. The Two moons church have 950 fighters, The Mosque 650, Kimantos 460, Scandi 460, Cyker House 1250, The underlworld, close to 12000.
And all of them are holding hands waiting to be converted in meat in a Dengi soup cauldron? Makes THIS any sense?
I only can hope that the Dengi invasion, as is NOW, it´s just an unfinished project with half a side to be worked about.