From the pics, to be fair, there it seems that no kind of furry is involved.
Though if a cat appears, it might eat the MC, but, again, that is not furry.
Micro/Macro-philia, which seems the main theme here, is a common fantasy, and is related mostly to the lost (or gain) of power, being the microperson completely defenseless in the hands (literally in the hands) of the macroperson. Some kind of extreme, fantasy, magic not consensual[1] domination.
Vore, is just the microperson [2] being eaten.
Personally I find the magical reduction, with the power exchange, kinda of a hot theme. The vore? Not so much. But to each his own.
On a side note: I was almost thinking about trying doing myself such a game to cover this niche, but I have beaten at it, it seems.
[1] Well, actually, who wishes to be reduced in size, would like it to be not consensual, which is kind of an oxymoron, but fetishes are complicated issues.
[2] In this case, the microperson. In other cases I've seen[3] fantasies about not reduced people being swallowed by more or less magical animals. Think of a sexualized version of the movie "Anaconda". Which really makes incest, traps and all the other fetishes here sound way more normal now, I suppose.

[3] Years, literally years, ago there was a japanese site dedicated to collect drawings, screenshots from movies, and whatnot on these themes.