Comics Collection Melissa N. Collection [2024-10-16] [Melissa N.]


Dec 1, 2023
Funny you mention Mana Omega as I'm subscribted to her on Patreon. :p
Me too! $4/mo for high quality 2D comics is a bargain. She's got Lustomic beat on both price and art. I haven't made the switch to SubscriberStar because I was only ever using the dropbox links anyway, which are still available on Patreon.
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Jul 25, 2021
This story has multiple points where Andrew and Marina (and others, Nokia, daughters) made poor choices, AND multiple points there these same characters could have ended all this by just saying "ENOUGH!"
This has been a running theme and my greatest peeve with this story. So many of these developments come from unbelievably convenient omissions, misunderstandings, interruptions, and people frankly not behaving like adults would.

A lot of feminization stories hit an issue of "a solution in search of a problem" where the solution is "feminization". The writer wants the solution to a problem to be feminization, and they work backwards trying to figure out what story would result in that feminization. Problem is, feminization is such a drastic change, it's really hard to have something that stands up to scrutiny, especially the more realistic you make the story.

AM has, imo, run headfirst into this issue. The story needs Elena's feminization to continue, so Marina and Elena can't have a conversation like adults. How many times have they been interrupted now?

Elena needs to have sex with Nikos as part of the feminization, but at the same time Nikos isn't supposed to be the bad guy(?) so the story needs to justify having Nikos and his daughters act like a man fucking his niece's husband is fine? Which just opens up all the previous discussion we've had about how unbelievable all that has been.

At this point, everyone just kinda pisses me off.

Andrew is a victim but also a passive idiot. He has been drugged, but he also seems to have zero clever thoughts. Maybe this is the whole "autopilot method acting" (I really hate how unclear what's stuff he can control and what stuff he can't), but at no point in time does he come up with anything other than "let's just wait and see what happens". Even thinking back, why did he establish a safe word with Marina, but not with anyone else?

Marina is also a victim, and is less passive, but she keeps asking the one person she doesn't trust, which makes no sense. From her point of view, I totally understand her reluctance to trust Andrew at this point. Andrew lied in the past, selfishly during their honeymoon committed to roleplaying as Elena for a longer period of time, and now seems to be gaslighting her by ignoring their safeword. From her POV, it seems entirely possible that Andrew at some point decided to just get together with Nikos. On the flip side, if you don't trust Andrew, then why wouldn't you confront Nikos? Instead, she calls the cousins. Instead, she tries to talk to Andrew. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

As before, I firmly believe Nikos and the daughters have bad intentions. Nothing else makes sense to me for them to happily be tormenting Marina like this.

And honestly, I don't care about the other characters at this point. The interesting characters should be the family closest to the feminization. Everyone else are just players in the narrative.

I think it would be much better if Melissa focused on a long and a short story simultaneously, rather than releasing two long stories alongside each other.

The problem right now with AM and K-Pop is that they require long rendering time between each release and the releases often end up containing nothing but story exposition without any sexual content. Consequently, sometimes Melissa will end up going weeks without releasing any sexual content because of the focus on these two long stories.

This is a big turn-off for the fans who want regular sexual content, especially if they're paying a monthly subscription and barely getting any during the entire month. I think it's a big part of the reason people lost interest in K-Pop, which has mostly involved story exposition with barely any sex up to this point.

If Melissa kept the focus to one long story at a time alongside a short story (with updates every day or so like she used to do), there would be more regular sexual content in addition to the ongoing story arc, and the audience would get the best of everything.
At least for me, I don't necessarily need explicit sexual content for this to be erotica. But being feminization erotica, I do want some regular intervals of feminization. AM has been going on so long, over half of the story has basically been about a middle aged woman who has lost her memory and is trying to figure out what's happening.

As I mentioned above, my gut instinct is that there's all this exposition to try to make the feminization "realistic" while also having a cast of characters for an overall plot that's also happening. The problem with having a larger cast of characters is that now they have to be either in on the feminization, or unrealistically open minded or oblivious to not react to the changes the feminized character is going through.

I just keep contrasting AM with "Job for a MILF", and keep thinking about how much I liked that story more. Sure, part of it is the actual novel format is easier to give exposition on plot developments. But the pacing was so much better, and the characters stood up to scrutiny and had agency in their own stories, despite being manipulated.

With K-pop, personally, I think it's a similar issue. Not that there's not enough feminization, because clearly that's still ongoing. But I think people might be feeling fatigued by just how much text there is in justifying or setting up each step. Like the whole "ear implant making Nick unable to hear". So many extra panels have been setting this up and we're still waiting for the pay off to that. Or panels having to exposition dump to explain how the two friends feel about Nick's "transition", which is time that could have been spent on outfits, or other feminization scenes.

I do think that exposition dump was necessary, but only because their reactions early on were so muted. Honestly, it makes me wonder why they were introduced so early if they weren't really involved with the feminization. Imagine if Nick didn't meet them until after he was passable and passably Korean. We could have streamlined a lot of the story that way.


Dec 4, 2023
AM has, imo, run headfirst into this issue. The story needs Elena's feminization to continue, so Marina and Elena can't have a conversation like adults. How many times have they been interrupted now?

Elena needs to have sex with Nikos as part of the feminization, but at the same time Nikos isn't supposed to be the bad guy(?) so the story needs to justify having Nikos and his daughters act like a man fucking his niece's husband is fine? Which just opens up all the previous discussion we've had about how unbelievable all that has been.
Their inability, after all this time., to talk is frustrating. Elena is supposedly pissing around every day doing lunches and stuff, she can't be that busy. ...

As for Nikki's, as I mentioned earlier, I think this chapter strongly hints that he completely believes Elena is Elena, his long time wife. Elena tells Marina here that she will deal with Nikos herself in having him stay in character. I'm fairly certain Melissa is doing this in purpose. Elena and Ninos have this incredible, complete made up backstory - they have been married almost 30 years, their wedding was small, they have a secret romantic spot, yadda yadda yadda, somehow they know this. How this happens I dont know - Orlov, Joanna, drugs, something. But this would explain how Nikola is just completely ignoring the obvious cruelty if his actions towards Marina and also just swell with having sex with her husband and wanting a forever marriage with him
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Jul 5, 2017
Their inability, after all this time., to talk is frustrating. Elena is supposedly pissing around every day doing lunches and stuff, she can't be that busy. ...

As for Nikki's, as I mentioned earlier, I think this chapter strongly hints that he completely believes Elena is Elena, his long time wife. Elena tells Marina here that she will deal with Nikos herself in having him stay in character. I'm fairly certain Melissa is doing this in purpose. Elena and Ninos have this incredible, complete made up backstory - they have been married almost 30 years, their wedding was small, they have a secret romantic spot, yadda yadda yadda, somehow they know this. How this happens I dont know - Orlov, Joanna, drugs, something. But this would explain how Nikola is just completely ignoring the obvious cruelty if his actions towards Marina and also just swell with having sex with her husband and wanting a forever marriage with him
If two people show the same symptom of losing their own identity and past and instead buy into the lie they're each other lovers of 30 years, logic says such coincidence doesn't happen. There's got to be an outside force making two people fall for that lie.

So either one (or two?) puppet master is playing both Nikos and Elena, or Nikos hasn't forgotten it. If there is an outsider doing it to both of them, surely it's got to be one of the people Elena wanted to know about the deception. The small story of one of the twins falling in love with someone could be a hint. What if the other twin wanted the people in her life to be loved and she is the person giving her twin a marriage partner, just like she arranged for her father?


Dec 4, 2023
If I am reading the last chapter right, the plan is for Marina to just tell the sisters that they need to keep up with the Andrew is Elena deception. They really don't need much of an agreed on phony history, just call her Mom and so on. But Elena, in this panel, specifically says she will deal with Nikos and come up with some agreed on history:
Based on the level of detail they have and Nikis' steadfast stating with the role, I think she would have had to do something more than just have to a quick meeting with him to go over a script. Either someone with some expertise helped or used something to immerse both of them into their roles. Could be one of the daughters, Joanna, or as U guessed, maybe Orlov, either thru something he taught Andrew long ago, or possibly he appears in person now (where he is mentioned previously it seems like Orlov was someone from the more distant past, but it wasn't entirely obvious).

Like others here. I have a real hard time with Mimi's being such a complete monster in regard the Marina. I really don't think Melissa would go that route here. The only way out if that that I see is thru Nikos not really being able to discern reality at the moment (or, and I think this is extremely unlikely, Marina is secretly the evil character and we will all be happy when she gets her comeuppance ).
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Dec 1, 2023
maybe Orlov, either thru something he taught Andrew long ago, or possibly he appears in person now (where he is mentioned previously it seems like Orlov was someone from the more distant past, but it wasn't entirely obvious).
Orlov is surely someone Andrew knew from the US, so it would be unrealistically coincidental if he showed up in Athens during their honeymoon.


Dec 4, 2023
Yes. it's not exactly clear when he knew Orlov, it does seem back in the US, but it is vague to that point. My guess is either Orlov taught him some beyond method acting to get into a role that Elena uses on Nikos, or Elena actually met Orlov in Greece fot the 1st time and Orlov helped the both of them to be husband and wife.
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Alicia Mae

Dec 13, 2023
I’m wondering who it was Marina was on the phone with in 22-3.


Her family and James are all present. Who is she calling, and why did she go to the other side of the pool first? Seems like a conversation she’d like yo keep private.

Also, who is inspector Karras that shows up in the next part? He says it wasn’t long since he last saw Nikos, but have WE ever seen him?


Dec 22, 2023
I’m wondering who it was Marina was on the phone with in 22-3.

View attachment 3543307

Her family and James are all present. Who is she calling, and why did she go to the other side of the pool first? Seems like a conversation she’d like yo keep private.

Also, who is inspector Karras that shows up in the next part? He says it wasn’t long since he last saw Nikos, but have WE ever seen him?
Was there a phone? Maybe I'm blind, but I can't see one :D
I think Melissa already said that the "bitch" was meant towards Elena.
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Alicia Mae

Dec 13, 2023
Was there a phone? Maybe I'm blind, but I can't see one :D
I think Melissa already said that the "bitch" was meant towards Elena.
I don’t see a phone either. Marina replies to Elena’s “Is everything alright” woth

“Everything is fine Aunt Elena. Why wouldn’t it be? I was just making a call.”

So I assume she was calling somebody, and the phone was just off screen.


Dec 1, 2023
I don’t see a phone either. Marina replies to Elena’s “Is everything alright” woth

“Everything is fine Aunt Elena. Why wouldn’t it be? I was just making a call.”

So I assume she was calling somebody, and the phone was just off screen.
We get a pretty wide view of Marina's surroundings and there's no phone anywhere near her:
GREECE1237.png GREECE1239.png

Plus there's no place for her to hide a phone on her person and nothing in her hands:
GREECE1246.png GREECE1260.png

My best guess is that Marina is lying about why she's off sulking in the corner. After all, everything is clearly not "fine", as she says. Either that, or the word "call" is not referring to a phone call, though I don't know what else would make sense. It could even be a typo.

Or maybe Melissa just forgot to add the phone prop? Or maybe we're meant to think that while Elena was swimming, Marina walked back into the house, made a phone call, and then returned?


Dec 4, 2023
I’m wondering who it was Marina was on the phone with in 22-3.

View attachment 3543307

Her family and James are all present. Who is she calling, and why did she go to the other side of the pool first? Seems like a conversation she’d like yo keep private.

Also, who is inspector Karras that shows up in the next part? He says it wasn’t long since he last saw Nikos, but have WE ever seen him?
A great conspiracy guess is Seferi, who just shot Joel. Way back when Marina went to Crete, she left her phone behind. During this time Seferi gets a call from someone with a new number. Now, this should mean Seferi knows Andrew is Elena and he doesn't seem to, so this theory is very dubious. unless Marina is playing Seferi for some reason. Fairly sure Marina is innocent here, but who knows in this story?

The detective is new to us. How he knows Nikos? Unclear. Maybe the Filip incident?


Dec 22, 2023
Clothes changed and face has healed. So we've jumped forward in time again, but we're still in the hospital. I'm guessing, "got sedated after freaking out after waking up."
I like this cultural change much better than in Mirror as it's more "drastic".
The difference between NA<->Greek, isnt as big as NA<->South Korea.

With Elena you could somewhat see a similarity with Andrew as (in technical terms) the Daz model was feminized or vice versa.
But I doubt Melissa fem'd Nick up and made the model asian, though there are morphs for that.
Now it looks like a complete different person lying in the bed.


Jul 25, 2021
I like this cultural change much better than in Mirror as it's more "drastic".
The difference between NA<->Greek, isnt as big as NA<->South Korea.

With Elena you could somewhat see a similarity with Andrew as (in technical terms) the Daz model was feminized or vice versa.
But I doubt Melissa fem'd Nick up and made the model asian, though there are morphs for that.
Now it looks like a complete different person lying in the bed.
I'm sorta conflicted. I do think the race change is more obvious. With Elena, sometimes it feels like the model was aged progressed and feminized, but the race change is just something we're told happened. Maybe if Andrew started of blonde like Nick did so there were other visual cues that there's supposed to be a race change involved as well.

I'm fine with the fully feminized and Asian face being completely different from Nick's original, but I would have liked some better in between character model designs. Obviously surgery is gonna be really impactful, but if the hairstyle or makeup had made Nick look more convincingly Asian (and female), that would have sold to me that this is the same person.

Basically, I'm totally on bored with the before and after being completely different, but I'd loved to have seen more of how we got there. Otherwise, it can feel a bit jarring rather than "impressive" that the character has been so thoroughly transformed.

Can't wait to see the face in full!


Dec 1, 2023
I'm totally on bored
Freudian slip? :ROFLMAO:

Personally, I prefer being able to recognize the original character after the transformation, which is pretty rare in 3D stories because usually at some point they just swap to a female model. But when there's some resemblance between the male and female forms, it helps reinforce that this is a story about a man who was transformed into a woman, which is the whole point for me. If the female form is completely unrecognizable and then the story continues for some length post-transformation, then it just becomes a story about a woman in my mind and I lose the connection to the transformation aspect.


Jul 25, 2021
But when there's some resemblance between the male and female forms, it helps reinforce that this is a story about a man who was transformed into a woman, which is the whole point for me.
I can agree with that except with one caveat: resemblance but not at the expense of the character's attractiveness. I think that's my biggest gripe with Nick and Andrew's pre facial surgery faces. To me, they were so unconvincingly female, that it detracted from my ability to believe the people in the story didn't have any red flags. Granted, that was part of the progression of their feminization, but it also lasted a very long time.

If the female form is completely unrecognizable and then the story continues for some length post-transformation, then it just becomes a story about a woman in my mind and I lose the connection to the transformation aspect.
This is why I think good characterization ends up being important for any feminization story that doesn't end once the feminization is completed: I can still "feel" the transformation if I can recognize the character through their character traits. It's why certain "fast" transformations still work for me (autocloset, body swap, body suits) as long as I can recognize the character. I guess that's also why, I don't really "get" the "identity death" stories that keep going after the brainwashing is complete. Like you, once there's really no connection to the original character, it feels like the story should wrap up.


Dec 1, 2023
I can agree with that except with one caveat: resemblance but not at the expense of the character's attractiveness.
Oh, yes, very true. And I'd add another caveat: I don't like it when the male character starts out unrealistically feminine because the author started with a female model to make it easier to transition to a recognizable but attractive woman. A good example of this is Jack from Squidz' CONTROL, who I never bought as a man at the beginning, though he does remain recognizable throughout the transformation:
control-ch01-raw-page09-panel04.jpg control-ch03-raw-page04-panel03.jpg control-ch13-raw36-panel02.jpg control-ch15-raw-page10-panel01.jpg control-ch32-raw-bonus06-panel01.jpg

An example of it done correctly, IMO, is Tom Reynolds' My (Not So) Perfect First Date. In that, his male form is suitably masculine and attractive, and his female form is suitably feminine and attractive, but many of the facial features are very recognizable between the two, like they could be brother/sister:
not-so-perfect-second-date-01-18.jpg not-so-perfect-second-date-02-01.jpg not-so-perfect-second-date-02-02.jpg not-so-perfect-second-date-02-03.jpg not-so-perfect-second-date-03-00.jpg

I guess that's also why, I don't really "get" the "identity death" stories that keep going after the brainwashing is complete. Like you, once there's really no connection to the original character, it feels like the story should wrap up.
Yeah, agreed, usually ID death + full submission is a good time to end the story, unless there's some possibility of the brainwashing being reversed.