Comics Collection Melissa N. Collection [2024-10-16] [Melissa N.]


Dec 4, 2023
The not so perfect first date series does do this well - you really get the idea of the connection between the before and after.
As for a different approach. I think Hanna23 in her current story, puttin the ass, and the femme unveiled does a good job too (I don't know enough about the software to know if the putting the ass character is a originally a female model, but it look like a possiblity). In both, the characters do come across well as male, and the changes keep a lot of features - they look attractive but still retain a good deal of their old character. Her story Most wanted isn't so good - the character is finally looks like a female with a silly moustache tacked on


Jul 25, 2021
Par for the course for a transformation story like this. Rule of Sexy and all that.
It's kind of interesting, because the shape of the head looks really nearly identical:

KPOP252.png KPOP480.png

Nick still has a fairly pointed and prominent chin, and the jawline is still more of an almond shape (it's actually kinda weird calling out that the face feels smaller to me? Maybe that's more in reference to the cheekbones, but seems like a weird callout). Honestly, I think I could almost believe the change from before and after if before Nick's eyebrows were more similar to his now "Korean Girl" ones, and that the mouth didn't look like it'd gotten smaller (lips are bigger, but it seemed like before the mouth was wider).

Overall, I'm fairly satisfied with the new look. Massive improvement over last step, even if continuity between the two could have been a bit better.

So... thoughts on the pronunciation being messed with: I'm assuming this is something physical, not mental conditioning while unconscious. If so... wonder how this is going to play into things, as it's not like they can only target his English pronunciations? I could see this kinda being a "reset", to physically condition through practice him to speak Korean more naturally... but again, if the surgery messed up his mouth in such a way that his speaking is off, then any speech therapy would (generally) help his English as well. And more generally, it's not like his currently off pronunciation seems like Korean accent. But I'd be willing to suspend disbelief a bit. I like a bit of feminization through physical conditioning, and honestly, it seems like a missed opportunity that with the surgery and recovery, that wasn't used to get his body moving a bit more like a woman's.

Last part ended with Nick waking up, and there's been a few week time skip. So I'm still guessing he was put under. Transformations basically done, but I'm hoping we've got some more mental/behavioral changes, and more outfits. Really am hoping here that we aren't gonna get a flashback. We've already jumped forward, I'm just wanna make the most of where we're at and where we can go.


Dec 1, 2023
So... thoughts on the pronunciation being messed with: I'm assuming this is something physical, not mental conditioning while unconscious. If so... wonder how this is going to play into things, as it's not like they can only target his English pronunciations? I could see this kinda being a "reset", to physically condition through practice him to speak Korean more naturally... but again, if the surgery messed up his mouth in such a way that his speaking is off, then any speech therapy would (generally) help his English as well. And more generally, it's not like his currently off pronunciation seems like Korean accent. But I'd be willing to suspend disbelief a bit. I like a bit of feminization through physical conditioning, and honestly, it seems like a missed opportunity that with the surgery and recovery, that wasn't used to get his body moving a bit more like a woman's.
My guess is that it's the same procedure as performed on Andrew in Aphrodite's Mirror to force a Greek accent:
I assume this is some sci-fi thing invented by Melissa.

Last part ended with Nick waking up, and there's been a few week time skip. So I'm still guessing he was put under. Transformations basically done, but I'm hoping we've got some more mental/behavioral changes, and more outfits. Really am hoping here that we aren't gonna get a flashback. We've already jumped forward, I'm just wanna make the most of where we're at and where we can go.
This story doesn't seem to deal with any memory loss, so there's less need for flashbacks than with AM, since it would just be the main character unconscious the whole time. At most we might see flashbacks that explain why Minji decided to do this, but that could just as easily be revealed through dialog in the present.


Jul 25, 2021
Any bets if Nick still has his penis or not?
Looks like it's going to be a big revelation soon which might set the tone for the next few chapters.
(Un)fortunately, I think he'll still have it but there's the same "oh it's actually there, but we've implanted a state of the art prosthetic that is so realistic it honestly would be better than what's actually done in reassignment surgery, but for some reason we're distinguishing between the two" as in AM. A "Distinction with no Difference".

Personally, I'd rather there be some fictional procedures for these "not complete" feminizations. Surgically secure the balls in the body cavity and flatten the scrotum if you want to have a "plausible" claim to reversibility, while also reducing the bulge.

Like I've often said before, if it's not gonna factor into the story anymore, I'd rather move forward and just have him have a pussy already. It'd be one thing if consideration was given to the outfits, or if the sexual manipulation actually seemed to matter, but at this point, it's not like Nick has any choices in the matter anyway or even any illusion of being able to bargain for his position.


Jul 5, 2017
The opening post is updated, with special thanks to alex8up for generously sharing the latest part of K-Pop Idol!

So... thoughts on the pronunciation being messed with: I'm assuming this is something physical, not mental conditioning while unconscious. If so... wonder how this is going to play into things, as it's not like they can only target his English pronunciations? I could see this kinda being a "reset", to physically condition through practice him to speak Korean more naturally... but again, if the surgery messed up his mouth in such a way that his speaking is off, then any speech therapy would (generally) help his English as well. And more generally, it's not like his currently off pronunciation seems like Korean accent. But I'd be willing to suspend disbelief a bit. I like a bit of feminization through physical conditioning, and honestly, it seems like a missed opportunity that with the surgery and recovery, that wasn't used to get his body moving a bit more like a woman's.
I wonder if Melissa has come up with a different method for her main characters to lose the ability to speak their native tongue in K-Pop Idol and Mirror. Both her main characters lose that ability, or we're told they do, and I wonder if we can infer from one story what happened in the other.


Jul 25, 2021
The opening post is updated, with special thanks to alex8up for generously sharing the latest part of K-Pop Idol!

I wonder if Melissa has come up with a different method for her main characters to lose the ability to speak their native tongue in K-Pop Idol and Mirror. Both her main characters lose that ability, or we're told they do, and I wonder if we can infer from one story what happened in the other.
I do think it's different. In AM, Andrew has fooled himself into not being fluent in English due to being trapped in his own method acting. But here, it's not like Nick has lost vocabulary or even has a Korean accent: He's just consistently having issues with certain sounds, like "th" sounds becoming "d" sounds. That's more in line with a speech impediment. Probably the most straightforward one is dental work was done. I know that when I was young, when I lost my babyteeth and got my adult teeth, I had to do some speech therapy because I wasn't getting those sounds right.

This seems similar. The "th" and "v" sounds are all using the tongue/lips against the front teeth. If dental work was done to change those teeth, Nick's muscle memory of the tongue and lips would cause them to miss the right location, producing the wrong sounds.


Jun 12, 2017
I do think it's different. In AM, Andrew has fooled himself into not being fluent in English due to being trapped in his own method acting. But here, it's not like Nick has lost vocabulary or even has a Korean accent: He's just consistently having issues with certain sounds, like "th" sounds becoming "d" sounds. That's more in line with a speech impediment. Probably the most straightforward one is dental work was done. I know that when I was young, when I lost my babyteeth and got my adult teeth, I had to do some speech therapy because I wasn't getting those sounds right.

This seems similar. The "th" and "v" sounds are all using the tongue/lips against the front teeth. If dental work was done to change those teeth, Nick's muscle memory of the tongue and lips would cause them to miss the right location, producing the wrong sounds.
Some of Andrew's surgeries did actually change his accent and limit his ability to speak English. The procedure that paralyzed certain muscles in Andrew's tongue is the "futuristic science" explanation.



Jul 25, 2021
Some of Andrew's surgeries did actually change his accent and limit his ability to speak English. The procedure that paralyzed certain muscles in Andrew's tongue is the "futuristic science" explanation.

View attachment 3561829
Ah, good catch. I do maintain though that I think Nick's difficulty in pronunciations can be from fairly mundane dental surgery, but it might be to capture some of the difficult sounds for Koreans, just not be an all-encompassing accent.


Jun 12, 2017
I posted that same screenshot 6 posts ago. :cry:
Yes, you did! :LOL: My apologies! I completely forgot about it or else I would have just linked back to your post rather than downloading and re-uploading that image again. That explanation about permanently paralyzing certain muscles in the tongue sounds reasonably logical... until you actually look into the eight muscles that comprise the tongue and realize that they work together in tandem. Permanently losing one or more of those tongue muscles would cause all sorts of unwanted side-effects.


Jul 25, 2021
I posted that same screenshot 6 posts ago. :cry:
Lol, my bad! Guess that's what happens when I go to the lastest post and don't scroll to check the whole post :LOL:.

Permanently losing one or more of those tongue muscles would cause all sorts of unwanted side-effects.
Yeah, in hindsight, I think a bit of ambiguity could have gotten the point across without risking it getting too unrealistic. But I could have been more on board if something more was being done with it. It was kind of a one-and-done effect that ultimately pales in comparison to the mental "Greek only" mode the method acting is doing anyway.

I'm hoping that with kpop, the intent wasn't to have him "sound Korean", but messing with his speech was always gonna be a side effect of giving him a perfect set of teeth. And the following speech therapy and constant practice with Korean both in speech and in song will be used as transformative mechanisms. As per usual, in a transformation or feminization setting, seeing the progression is a huge part of the appeal, and I'd prefer watching that play out as opposed to being done "off camera".


Dec 2, 2023
I can't say I'm a fan of the new look. You really can't see any trace at all of the person he was before, he now just looks like a random Korean girl.

Obviously everyone reading illustrated feminization stories likes and dislikes different things, but in my opinion some continuity in the appearance of the main character is essential.


Jul 5, 2017
I'll take that as a subtle hint that I need to pull back a bit if I'm posting so much that everyone is skimming or skipping my posts now. :LOL::oops::cry:
Don't, it's just a bit of trolling on my part. I'm sure most of us very much enjoy all of our in-depth input.

Personally, I'm a fan of the realistic approach. Elena losing her native tongue is silly and doesn't work for me in AM. A very minor operation leading to some minor speech impediment would be sort of interesting, although in reality that impediment is overwon with some time.
Looking at my own father, when he had his real teeth replaced with false teeth he also slurred a bit. But as he got used to his new teeth, he got his own speech pattern back. If there's a way to paralyse a part of the tongue to have the main character in Idol have trouble pronouncing certain letters... I'm not sure what to think of that. I'll give the story the benefit of the doubt and I'm curious how it will unfold itself.

To make a broader point, stories with a massive cultural change usually need some futuristic mumbo jumbo bogus science to explain the cultural change aspect. Whether it's a person changing skin colour because of some diet, an operation to alter vocal chords to make certain sounds impossible to be spoken or some sort of injection to numb the tongue in places to make certain sounds impossible to produce... the hassle rarely outweighs the benefits in the story for me. But I guess that's personal to everyone.