ok: for the record - regarding "perfect ending discussion"
here is a statement of one of the devs i recieved and allowed to share:
I was watching "8 Mile" a few weeks ago and that story, as you would know if you've seen is, is about Rabbit's (played by Eminem) early beginnings and wanting to be a big name rapper, when all the odds are stacked against him. Naturally there's a lot more conflict in that story than Melody, but similar scenarios, he has the talent, he just needs guidance and the self-belief to overcome a rap scene that sees him as white trash and out of his depth. By the end of the film, after being beaten up, betrayed, and his girlfriend cheating on him, he comes out on top, and proves everybody wrong, making a fool out of those that judged him, mocked him, and saw him as a nobody. You don't see what becomes of him or if he makes it as a big name rapper - after the big rap battle, he goes back to his day/night job. It's to be presumed that he now has the respect of those locally and that he eventually will make it out of his hometown and become something bigger. We could've done that with Melody, but decided to show various endings of how or where her career takes her after she plays that big show at the Palace Hotel Ballroom and signs a professional contract with Hank (Sharp Records). The rest is down to the player.
personal add from me:
once again to tell you: there will be also additional bonus scenes in december update which maybe will surprise. I have no detailed information, but we should expect something unexpected - nothing what seemed impossible has to be impossible. Leaving to your imagination, dont promise anything in special ... just be curious XD
Now that i played the M route to the end i can understand to some degree why he avoided the 3 somes in it, it's a "romantic route", very intimate and focused on the love between the 2 main characters while their career develops like in a dream. OK, i get that. BUT.. even if this relationship is the main topic of this game, it is still not right to completelly ignore the other relationships developed throughout the game, mostly with Sophia. Aferall she's Melody's best friend and has also a quite strong sexual attraction to her and to MC. Which is reciprocated by both. Of course we can "imagine" that things go on between them also if we dont see anything like that in this ending, mostly because Sophia and Xianne are there in the background all the time (as are at times also other girls with whom the MC had some relations: Becca, Izzy, Amy..) but in order for me to allow myself to fantasize in this direction i wold need to NOT be forced to make this end possible only if all other relations are excluded. The "M only" condition for this end is what disturbs me! Because that means that all these girls have and had nothing to do with the main characters.. so why would they be featured there in the background in that case? In a "M only path" they are .. nobodies..
So here is the "compromise" i would suggest:
- remove the "M only" condition and make this end available also if other relationships are active. Then i can "imagine" things
- to help my imagination , allow just 1 nice 3 or 4 some in the hotel room in Paris. That's at the beginning of the end so to say and the memories of this particular relationship are still fresh. Once you saw this, and since Fi and Xi are there all the time, at the concerts, at the wedding, at the pool, one can indeed imagine that they are still doing it at times even if we don't see it

And this way the main "romance" is not "disturbed".
- make the wedding a double wedding - MC & Melody get married with Fi & Xi in the assistance and right after that Fi & Xi get married and MC and Melody assist. And at this point a "4some honeymoon" would be possible. But i would not insist on that, the honeymoon is nice as is (but needs a few animations) and the rest i can really imagine provided the 2 points above have been done. Maybe just let them spend the first night after the double wedding all 4 in the same room each with their own main relation, but still somehow together..
- then go on with the career&love story as is, let it reach it's summit, give it some time .. but then .. let that lovely baby come! And be wanted to come, not as an "accident".. And let Fi & Xi be her godmothers.
And then, when all this has been done, i can call this ending PERFECT