Well, you could always do a pledge one month and skip the next...
Personally, I find both games appealing. Probably because I came in on DMD recently, so the "slow burn" was all pretty quick for me. I only remember thinking of two things that bothered me: 1) the MC seemed pretty stupid and 2) the girl friends seemed pretty illegal. But, hey, the art was nice!
Melody is a fun game, with even nicer art and some more appealing models. As much as Melody and her Aunt are fetching, I am totally swept up by Rebecca. I would be happy to just teach Melody music and focus on Rebecca.
The happy thought for me, is that, by Mr. Dots standards, I'll get some action with my favorite girl far faster than the Melody fans! Heh.
And, yes, I support him, because I like both games (though this one is what pulled in my money).