I was just browsing some comments, and it got me thinking about that famous sitcom Friends that was so terribly popular. In the very first Episode, Rachel runs out on a wedding, Ross sees her in her wedding dress, he falls in love with her, and we all know exactly where the plot of the show is going. After about 7 or 8 years, they get married, by accident, still not officially together. After 9 years, they have a child together, still not officially a couple. 10 years, 10 freaking years of "I already know where this is going, why don't they" the show finally ends with the two of them together as a couple. And WHY?! Because sitcom writers learned, the hard way, that when you are writing an episodic story, the audience loses interest as soon as your central plot element reaches its logical conclusion. The rule is, "if they have sex, we'll get cancelled." When I was growing up, it was known as "The Moonlighting Effect." So, yeah, any Patreon, or any writer really, doing an on-going or episodic story is going to take their damn time, because once you reach the end, it's over. These Patreon projects are not comparable to films, they're more like TV shows.