VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Melody [v1.00 Extras] [MrDots Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say other than this is the best game around. Simply great visuals with a good plot and the main character, Melody, is the best. Story is realistic compared to many other games and your choices matter. I also loved how characters wear different clothes throughout the game contuniously and how there are more than few places in the game for different events. Hopefully it will be finished soon so we can get that perfect ending with Melody.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    this game has the perfect mixture of feeling accomplished after working towards a goal coupled with intermediate satisfaction. graphics, characters, and story line are of excellent quality. while I do wish there were more scenes included with a few specific characters, and some scenes of others left out, I'll take what I can get in this game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    The Asmodeus

    Likable artstyle , okay-good animations , good depth in story but probably a little too many conversations for an adult game . The feelings such as love , lust and even concerns and fears are well shown . The details of places and events are on point . However this game desperately needs anal sex and deepthroat animations . Lets also not forget the animation speed is not optional . Overall this game has so much effort in it and can become a masterpiece with few changes as it is already really well-made . 4/5
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    one of my faves, along with the other Mr.Dots DMD , am already a patreon to his work but great to see it on here, good job! What i like most about this and DMD is the writing/plot... you dont usually get good writing or plots in porn as you are all well aware.. but Mr.Dots work has me on edge on my seat sometimes... you can see that at some point all the main characters plans risk going up in smoke but it mostly works out as a "happy Ending" if you catch my drift
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a review of Melody in version 1.0 and developed by Mr. Dots Games.

    This game has beautiful renders and impeccable art design, all characters are well-proportioned and it has smooth animations on the erotic scenes.
    The gameplay has a point system(represented by keys from the musical keyboard), it shows how good your relationship with Melody based on your decisions. After you reach a fixed amount of points, you level up your relationship with her and that unlocks a new sexual option. You can decide if you want to be her(Melody) boyfriend or just a friend because it affects the relationship with the side girls(Amy, Isabella, Rebecca, Sophia, and Xianne). So, your choices have a real impact on the story and they define the ending you'll get: Melody only, Isabella, Rebecca, Amy, and a bad one.
    The story is very good and heavily focused on music. The chemistry between the protagonist and his main love interest is the strong point, a coherent narrative, well-written where each charismatic character helps to tell the story.
    The sex scenes complement the story spicing up it, they are very inspired, creative with several positions for your taste.
    So, if you want a lovely story to read with several branches possible, this game was made for you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I Can't begin to explain how highly I recommend this VN!

    The characters: A++
    The Story: A++
    The animations: A+
    The setting: A+

    I absolutely love this game and cannot get enough of it! I'm so excited to see where it goes with future updates and my hopes are so high I haven't been this excited for a game in a long time! And I NEVER would have expected it to be a VN! I don't know what to say... 10/10 on my scale! Keep the amazing work up!!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been following Mr DOT Games since his 2nd or 3rd release of DMD. I was pissed when it got canned by patreon and he had to start a new game (Melody). I didn't think it'd live up to the expectation of a META TIER BUFF every patch. I was wrong 100%. DMD? What's that?
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Great story and sublime work on the characters - especially the one whom the game has been named after. Sadly, the sound seems to be very limited, although, very pleasing and fitting when present. It's most definitely worth a play.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    My one complaint, thus far, As someone who was a big music nut (Major) in his school days, a mini game with the answers were completely wrong and not even a part of the song that was being used, pulled me out of the game quick. Ruining the immersion for me. IF one wanted to use fake bands and fake musics and songs fine, but a real song by Artic monkeys, game design flaw and cause player to get wrong answers, it would have been so easy to get it right. , the complaint out of the way, the story isnt bad, the models used havnt been over used and are rather good.
  10. E
    5.00 star(s)


    i fell in love with a girl at the rock show Like blink 182 once sang
    This game kind of reminds me of this But instead you fell a love with a girl who is trying to rock . Melody is one of these game i always look fordward to be updated
    You kind of can say its my favourite game
    This game is realy great
    I never gave game 5/5 but this one deserves it
    This game updates is worth the wait
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    MrDots, you have to grab the readers/players attention within the first 10 pages of a story. Or you'll lose them right away. Nothing new here.

    Melody fails at doing that big time. It's starts out boring, and just goes on and on, spinning an unengaging and meaningless story. If this really gets good later on - I wouldn't know.

    This is not what I was expecting after DMD.
    Nice renders, and programming a game engine is less than half of what it takes to make a good game. You know that brother. Shame on you for this thing here.

    I gave Melody another shot and this time I liked it a lot better. Not sure if there was a revamp of the beginning scenes.
    The renders are top notch and the writing is good. Not great, but good.
    The English seems to have suffered a bit from DMD. Not sure if Dots is doing this himself these days, or if the guy helping him isn't that fluent in English. But, it's good enough.
    Really nice love story!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Another good game from Mr. Dots. It has more freedom in options you can choose than in their last game. Bethany is similar in some aspects with Elena of DMD as well as your ex is with the mother of D in DMD, but the rest of the game feels so refresing and new. I expect to have a path where we can be with bethany and Xianne or with Melody and the aunt, i think is the only thing i would add to the future updates.
    A thing i cant understand is why Melody refuses to have sex more than once if u are in a relationship with another girl.
    If she knows it, what a silly girl is if the only way she can thing to punish u is to let u deflower her and fuck her once one day.

    A bug i have experimented is that if i remove all relationships before the sex scene, i got all the sex scenes but when i select to end it and go to sleep the characters acts like they did it only once. Melody goes to sleep and MC thinks why she didnt want to continue having sex and wonder if he hurt her down there.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best I've played. I like how it actually shows a relationship and intimacy, not just sex. The graphics, character development, and plot are all excellent. There is also a good degree of freedom of choice, and that while it is still a VN, and therefore linear to some degree, it nonetheless offers a feeling of player agency in the story.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Yet Another MASTER PIECE From Mr Dots! I literally had no expectations from this game as i think it was planned on really a short notice because of problems with DMD. After playing couple of updates i really was awestruck with how much i got attached with the main character MELODY. All the models in this game look really amazing & am loving the pace at which this game is going. Let me mention this, I play VN adult games for the story & how good the attachment with the character is, and so far DMD & MELODY are at the top for me. DO check this game out if you haven't!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna have to agree with the other reviewer on most points. Especially regarding the story. Man, does the dialogue drag most of the time! It's as if the writer doesn't trust the player to be able to fill in the blanks, so they feel they have to explain every single thought , that every single character is having all of the time. Admittedly, I'm not too far into the story so far, but I'm already finding myself just mashing the space bar because the dialog is so unnecessary and boring. Ffs, there was about five minutes of dialog about a restaurant and chicken legs! I wish this writer (and writers of a lot of other games) would just take a second and read through their work and ask themselves if this is how normal people talk to each other. Because if they did, they'd realize they can get their story across in about half the dialog.

    The renders are fine, but as the other reviewer pointed out, most of the girls look like children. I understand that young college co-eds are popular fantasy subjects, but most of these girls faces look they haven't even hit puberty yet. I want to be turned on by the sexy females, but then I end up just feeling a little gross because most of them look so young.

    What little sex scenes I've encountered so far are fine, but the animation might just be a bit too fast, It makes it look a little silly at times, and can take you out of what's supposed to be sexy. One good thing about this game is that the women are at least proportional looking and don't have ridiculously large breasts or butts. And the main character doesn't have some cartoonishly large penis.

    Overall not a bad game, just needs to tighten up the story dialog and keep the plot moving. But so far it's a decent game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game... Is it a 5 star? Hmm, as you can see by the popularity it is for many people!
    Is is it a 1 star? Hmm, for some it is! Why? Well...
    The good:
    Story! Build up! Romance! Script! Personalities! Dialogs... You see where this is going, right?
    This game is about story, journey so to speak... If you like that then you`ll be blown away. This is the best part of the game! Renders, animations are solid, sometimes great, but overall good!
    The bad:
    A lot! Basically no choices even when you`re presented with one! Its either this or that( whatever you do, you can`t fuck up the main story - Melody path)
    Sometimes its also sooooo boring! Dialogues last forever, and when you want to have some build up...its just grope her! Totally messed up! Basically of 100% story- 90% boring story 10% build up! I just wish it was the opposite!
    The ugly:
    Well, how to say it... The girls in this game are, well... Seriously, you guys don`t see it or...Oh I get it... You don`t want to talk about it...welll..
    The girls are between 11-14 years old! This is incredible! Melody has face, body like a 13 year old!(with plastic boobs!) And what about her friend! Maybe 10?! Also her aunt hmmm maybe 20!?
    That totally ruined it for me! The whole story just went to toilet because of that!
    Only because of the overall quality I gave this game a 4 star. But, it just isn`t for me...
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Search History

    Melody is yet to be finished but the game alone sports numerous renders. It is on its way to becoming a very great game

    Animations are stunning, characters are beautiful and you have a choice to reject any girl (beside Melody herself).

    Personally really enjoy MRdots catering to my kink of ballsucking. A rarity for most of the games, I've played on F95zone.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! First of all, this game is a good story. If you are looking for more of a porn experience (shallow plot, if any, before nearly immediate action) then this is not your game. That is not to say it is without action either. You certainly have to build your relationship with Melody but there are some amazing characters before that to tempt you. And damn, are they tempting!

    Speaking of characters, the character designs are really good too, without exaggerated features. It is sort of like a CW show, even the "ugly" characters are amazingly above average. Each character has a personality that draws you in and is unique enough that you want to know more about them. This of course, leads to the biggest decision in the game, who do you want more?

    You can't have them all and there will be consequences for trying. I actually like that aspect to this game, MC isn't some uberperv or super suave guy, he's a nice guy without being a "nice guy". As such it make sense that he should not be trying for a harem and is conflicted as the player is. I mean the game is called Melody, but still, should that be who you end up with. I can't wait to see how this concludes.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I will start by saying...this is one of the best ones i played so far!

    Looks amazing. Definitely high tier quality.

    The girls are gorgeous though i'm not a fan of Amy's hairstyle. I like how the dev designed the ex because i would not mind her hooking with someone else lol

    It is intriguing but the music stuff bores me. I'm not a musician so i could not relate to it. On the contrary, I love EDM so if it is about DJs, I'm all in!

    Lewd scenes:
    Oh heck yeah! It includes animations so a huge plus for me. One of the best I've seen so far.

    Overall, I had a blast! Thank you for sharing the game! Keep up the great work MrDots.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a very good game.
    Characters are really well crafted visuallly and quite well developed in their personality.
    The story is very well thought and you can feel all the work and the care the developer put into it.

    I don't give it 5 stars because i personally find the all music themed story to be really boring for my personal tastes, but i can still admire the care for details and the effort that was put into making it feel believable.
    I also completely hate the protagonist and his pathetic inner dialogue.
    The dev is really good, but i don't understand his fixation for spineless, hypocritical main characthers which at the same time manage to come off as the classical good guy. (like in DMD)
    Another flaw is the absurdity of some of the sex scenes, which results in them ultimately being anti-climactic (two adults watching themselves masturbate without actually having sex on their first date is something really stupid and a huge turn-off imo).

    Overall i can only reccomend people to play and support this game, because of the amount and the quality of the content it offers.
    Well done MrDots!