This game was legendary and it was getting better every update.. The quality was in another level but sadly it did not get as much publicity as it should compare to other similar games. It really is a shame..
The MC was by far one of the hottest characters in this style of games and had a very flexible design which could work perfectly for a lot of genres (femxfuta, futaxfuta, femxfem, femxmale).
The gameplay also was very intriguing as every quest really rewarded you with insane scenes.
And speaking about awesome scenes, most of the scenes/clips from the game sadly were never shared elsewhere which would have helped a lot to keep it going and also to collect them as archives as they can easily work as independent videos.
(Maybe someone can get on that?). Most of them were on par or in my opinion even better with creators like blacksheepovca.
Hope Mommy Ripper blesses us soon one day with a continuation..