Main menu says activated, but I get a black screen during all either animated or extra content and the game says there has been an error. It will go through the scene if I choose ignore, but the screen will be black and I have to click my way past it.
My setup:
z_universal_activation_crack (code at bottom)
Any ideas?
Big thanks!
init python:
def checkGameIntegrity():
Codes = {"106":[9,39,41,51,16,18,17,38],"107":[19,29,21,11,36,38,27,58],"108":[29,39,11,41,56,31,23,51],"109":[39,19,16,21,36,38,32,15],"110":[41,52,19,29,20,48,23,51],"201":[21,12,61,23,10,27,32,17],"202":[31,42,16,32,16,17,51,19],"203":[8,2,10,15,39,58,41,20]}
if "Extra" in config.version and Codes.has_key(gui.version_short):
entered_code = 0
codeStr = extraFunction(0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")
for x in range(0,16,2):
entered_code ^= int(codeStr[x:x+2])
entered_code = "".join(str(x^entered_code).zfill(2) for x in Codes[gui.version_short])
if extraFunction(3, entered_code, "", "", "", "", "", "", "") == 1:
if persistent.enckey is None:
persistent.enckey = {}
persistent.enckey[gui.version_short] = entered_code
persistent.enckey[gui.version_short + "_local"] = codeStr
activationComplete = True
return True