So what I did – I recreated each scene outside of the game by combining the art using a script. As such, my recreated scenes might be different from the game as I didn't go for accuracy - different background, sequence, timing, etc.
I've recreated all scenes I could find, except for some really trivial ones (like a background and a pose). There's around 200 scenes I've recreated this way, missing a couple unfinished ones (or maybe I didn't find the right files). My scenes have more versions and some versions have my edits (altogether around 580 variations? Fuck I have no life -_- ).
Anyway, the script (png-framer.ahk, requires AutoHotkey) takes an ini file as the first argument and outputs a directory with the frames for an animation. The script, ini file and pictures must be in the same directory or registered in PATH. The script requires imagemagick and paths to it (edit the lines). Each scene folder has its ini file inside, plus some have bat files (require imagemagick's 'convert.exe') to convert parts of especially tedious animations that had pictures in wrong resolution (like eyes without the whole canvas, needed to be placed in the right spot by hand, then the offsets are in the bat file).
The ini files might be of most interest. Each line has one file in syntax <frame order>:<layer>:<relative path> - these are fed into the script, which sorts by layer and flattens each frame into a separate file.
What might be problematic is that I reorganized the scenes from the original structure (the filenames are still the same, though) and converted all WEBPs to PNGs. Every scene is self-contained, no need to address files from all over the place, like the original did.
Hope that helps, took a ton of work. Here's the directory:
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