Interestingly, in this topic, the forum administration decided to test a zone free of any rules? Or is the administration waiting for all the rules on the list to be violated? Why is there at least some order in other topics, but here is a black hole?
Forum Rules
- General
- Be respectful. Opinions are fine, attacks are not there are dozens of pages of pure trolling, etc.
- This includes trolling, belittling, etc
- Avoid discussing controversial topics, eg religion and politics #28,346 + other
- This is not a dating site, don't treat it like one It's kinda not broken yet (although interest groups have long been formed)
- No spamming Maybe immediately write without "no"
- We are an English only community. Please provide a translation with your post if its not in English a couple of posts is not a crime
- Pay attention to and respect our Staff, their decisions are final With the presence of such topics, respect obviously will not increase
- Content (a game, image, video, story, animation, etc.) depicting nudity or sexualization or sexual/erotic activity involving prepubescent character(s) is prohibited. A "prepubescent character" is one that visually shows no sign of puberty, or if non-visual is otherwise clearly intended to represent a prepubescent character. 2D and 'unrealistic' depictions are generally looked upon more favorably. As this involves some discretion, if you are unsure ask a Staff Member. It's kinda not broken yet (perhaps)
- Do not engage in either like or review manipulation. This includes using alt accounts, incentivized like/review schemes, "like for like", etc. Really? Read the recurring posts of some user groups. Some get "likes" simply for duplicating messages with the same content or frankly fake information
- Alt accounts are allowed as long as they're not used to: break any of the above rules, circumvent bans, manipulate likes/reviews/discussion, or mislead the userbase. Perhaps additional accounts are not created, but to mislead users, this is the norm in this thread #28,553 (20+ likes per fake) etc
- ---
- Game Threads, Fan Art, etc This section is generally written for what and for whom?
- All discussions in these threads should be kept on topic
- Do not branch the topic off into posting random pictures, trolling, etc
- Please do not advertise other games in game threads, this will often derail discussion
- Do not spam the game thread asking for a new version to be shared ("+1", "bump" or similar are not accepted)
- This includes DLCs, missing content, etc.
- You may request images
Here the question is not even what they write in this topic, but how it combines with the rules and behavior in other topics. There are hundreds of topics where there are delays and similar problems, but there are no such duplicate pages with the same posts. If the topic has a normal moderator, then nothing similar, as in this topic can not be found at all. When no one controls the situation, you can write anything you like in this thread. And while the situation is not taken under control, the topic “will pierce the bottom”. There is a feeling that this topic is on another forum.
How is there something to look for on issues related to the game if 1/10 of the topic relates to the discussion of the game.
If someone likes to laugh at the same "joke" maybe it's good. but when several dozens of pages contain the same thing, then the "joke" should not be funny for a long time. And in this topic, the discussion of "delay" is either not a very adequate approach, or simply people purposefully use this topic to increase the rating
The question can be closed or put things in order here, or resolve the same thing in the entire forum (change the rules).
Although what I'm talking about. The theme of “delay” has not yet been disclosed. And in the rules there are interesting points that for some reason are respected...