How can we know when the beta will be finished.......?When should the animated version come out?
Use the crowbar from the garage.What should I do with Charlie's house? The door and window are closed.
I'm pretty sure he's referring to the special routes you get to select from, once your character reaches lvl 5. Although nothing has been implemented yet.What is the suprise that ICSTOR spoke about?
Caroline vibrator event keep repeatingAny idea? (Started a new game with this version.. :|)
Im stuck at the caroline vibrator event, repeats every night. Did anyone manage to get past it? I dont know what to do!
hm im in a loop and cant go to the date with caroline to the nightclub..the bj scene from v5.c keeps repeating every night..i got the sms telling me that she wanna go on a date but each night including fridays the bj scene where she finds her vibrator keeps repeating..can someone help please? theres no new weekend event with her either.
also @ anhell, _Bad_Guy_ Hocane Slex fapyouu15 JeffTheGreat MrOnche YoMamamaToo many goddamn bugs, first with the old saves, then the caroline loops is so annoying, i cant progress at all