Morning> Caroline's Bedroom
In the afternoon> clothing Store
- Night> Bedroom > Bed> Meeting Caroline.
- In the afternoon> clothing Store
- Evening> Caroline's Bedroom (green dialog option)
- Night> Caroline's bedroom (optional, 2x-Doggy, Cowgirl)
- In the afternoon> clothing Store> Mingame (3x)
- Steal Necklace
In the afternoon> clothing Store
- Night> Charles Home> Window (scrap-House> Garage)
- Night> Night club> Corridor> Security
- Nightclub> Cindy talk
- Morning> Map> Night club> menu: Warehouse
- Steal the "Pink box"
- Night> Nightclub> Cindy
- Night club>Security
- Next day Night> Nightclub> BossOffice
- Nightclub> Sex room> Cindy (optional)
- Morning / Day> Charles home (his last scene, optional)
- Day> clothing Store
- Weekend event (Last scene)
- Night> Map> Celia's House
- Next night> Map> Celia's House> Apartment 53
- Morning / Day> School> security Room
- The morning> the entrance to the school> Celia
- The morning> the entrance to the school> Room security cameras
- The morning> the entrance to the school> Celia
- Order BlowJob (Night> PC MC, webcam, "Blowjob with Gloryhole".)
- Day> School toilets> Toilet cubicle> Gloryhole
- Morning of the next day> Office for teachers
- Order BlowJob (Night> PC MC, webcam, "Pussy using Gloryhole".)
- Day> School toilets> Dressing room> Gloryhole
- Night> Map> Celia's House
- Evening> Bedroom MC> Celia
- The morning> the Office of teachers
- The day of> School> Toilet cubicle
- Day / Morning> School> therapist's Room> Judy ("Ask Celia for help»)
- Night> Celia's House
- Day / Morning> School> therapist's Room> Judy ("Tell Judy what you learned about . Celia»)
- Buy electrical stimulation Dildo (sex shop)
- Wait for a text from Celia
- the events of the weekend (last scene)
- wait 2 days for SMS from Celia
- Buy binoculars at the store and use them on the window at home in the afternoon
- Morning> Map> neighbor's House
- Next day Morning> Map> neighbor's House (optional)
- Morning> Map> School> Gym> locker Room
- Next Morning of the day> Map> neighbor's House
- Evening> neighbor's House> Fence
- Night> neighbor's House> Fence (Night visits, optional)
- Morning> School> Gym> locker Room
- Evening> neighbor's House> Doors
- Morning> School> Gym> locker Room (last scene)