Because Slutbag Linda is a drug-dealing, sex trafficking, prostitute. Plus she had Jeffery Epstein murdered in his cell on Rikers Island. You know nothing about the "real" Slutbag Linda apparently.
You fill in the blanks how you choose to and I will fill in the blanks how I choose to.
But as far as the actual text goes. Slutbag Linda is the only fucking a different dude in the bed she shares with her husband. At the same time, as her husband is actually sleeping in the bed at the time. Slutbag Linda is the only one showing off her daughter's ass to the pervert MC as well. In my book that makes Slutbag Linda a slutbag and Celia as just a frustrated freaky housewife. BTW, Celia was an unwilling sexual partner of the twerpy MC. Whereas Slutbag Linda pursued the MC of her own free will. Gleefully cucking her husband, good guy Bob to boot. Lastly, if you play with incest. Slubag Linda is fucking her own son, Celia has no blood relations to the MC. What a Slutbag, Slutbag Linda is.
First of you are wrong since you don't use Bitchcilla's real name, while apparently you do so for Linda... yeah I did this intentionally to prove you a point... that's called narrative point of view.
Bitchcilla is receiving bribes from students and parents alike to change grades. For example she helps a mother to sexually abuse her daugther trying to turn her into a lesbian.
She is the local Gloryhole queen and fucks students in the toilet, while her Husband apparently is slaveing away and never home.
She even invites students home and offers them Sex for personal favors.
She is also getting off on dissing her students on a "bad day" which apparently is every day.
...Oh and she is working for the local Kingpin, who is involved in murder, blackmailing, drug dealing, prostitution and illegal gambling.
Btw. Linda never got to fuck the MC in her own bed, she was interrupted on every ocassion from the memories of my last playthrough.
I'd say pretty much every character in this game has a disgusting corrupted site to them... the deeper "their Plot" is developed the less you actually can like them. For Celia that is by design I'd say... all others are either bad writing or a writer that started to hate the game and it's characters.
I am afraid to rate any of the girls before the end of their development because of above trend... but I'd go with aunt and her wife on the first, and Sarah on 2nd last, while Celia goes last... everything in between is actually an equal mess right now... before I would have put Caroline on 3rd place and Linda on 2nd... since Caroline is your standard IC corruption character, while Linda turns the table on the gamefield for once