I was wondering, does anyone else find the Protag to be a hilariously petty asshole?
Seriously, Icstor's protags always seem to be shithead.
I named the MC "Asshole" for the lols and only the capitalisation let me know that he wasn't just insulted considering how many situation where an insult wouldn't have been out of place.
All ICSTOR protags are little shits. This one is actually the most likable protag he has ever made, and the only one with even a shred of self-awareness lol. Personally I like playing games with degenerate assholes, it's like GTA for porn, you know what you're getting and you go along for the ride.
Although it's BS how long he takes between updates. He can't use the animation excuse, he's been doing this for years, and this is no longer a nascent scene and we've seen how other developers with similar funding have learned to do high quality animations with a fast, regular release schedule (shout out to NLT Media).