He's not depressed, if he was depressed he wouldn't write a Patreon post about starting a NEW game and admitting he's just an "ideas man" who only likes doing renders. The fact is he got gassed out. He has also been making games back to back non-stop without a break and when he felt he got to the pinnacle of Milfy City (the Linda update) he took what he thought was a much needed break, "depression" was just the tag line.
Now that he has taken his break, he's done with Milfy City...trust me, as a developer and a creative person in general, if you do not continue the momentum of your work you can lose perspective on what made it great in the first place (a la the Caroline update which was weak compared to the rest of the game). In his mind he is done with the game but in reality he has a long way to go and he doesn't want to finish the game being a shadow of its former self.
Sometimes taking a break is good when you have writers block...but he's not a writer...he has a team for that...he just does renders and animations.
I also think he's super sensitive, he doesn't like it when he gets hate. He's mentioned that a few times on Discord, he likes being appreciated. I feel taking that break really ruined his rep, not because he wanted a break, but because of the false pretenses behind it (being depressed and stories not matching up) he has been caught multiple times lying red handed and therefore has created trust issues between himself and his supporters.
Now he's in the head space of "Do I really want to finish this game for these assholes who have been insulting me?". Well his "porn game career" is on the line, since if he doesn't complete the game he will not have the same support he once had if he decides to abandon it. It would be in his best interests to finish it, if he were really depressed and if this "job" is causing him that depression, he would have hung his gloves up a long time ago and looked after his health first. Clearly he wants to do this but he's just lost his motivation and inspiration, I think he also realizes how technically limited his abilities in animation are too. He's good at the art work but his animations are stiff and he could also be super critical of his own work which is contributing to his said "depression".
PS. What ever happened to just being upset? I feel like people misuse "depression" too much to get sympathy out of others.