Aug 5, 2016
discussion thoughts:

1) the game starts with the MC in 'therapy' with Judy who interrogates him on his sexual interest in his sisters and mother, but particularly his mother, even encouraging the MC to welcome her advances. Later in the Linda story-line, a Judy calls Linda about material for a book she is writing...
What we know about Linda is that she is suddenly, out of the blue, lusting after her son - trying to make-out with him, groping his crotch, wanting to press her body against his, and then we find she is reading a book explicitly about trying to entice your son into dating you or letting you bang him. The dishes-scene is Linda setting the MC up to try and play upon his psyche, to get him thinking of himself as an acceptable mate [even though he is far inferior] to prime him for being willing to bang her. I see nothing in the writing that indicates that Linda feels anything other than lust for the MC - no 'deep affection' or anything else of the sort. As her story-line progresses she shows effectively NO INTEREST in anything he is doing or thinking except as it relates to dating other girls or screwing her or if he is getting along with his sisters [a typical motherly question that puts him in the proper context as her inferior]. She has a career with which she is busy but wants time and space for them to be physically intimate... but only physically.
And somewhere in the background is Judy wanting information on how things are progressing, wanting the MC to report back to her about what is happening with his mom.
And then there is Auntie Margaret looking to give him some pity-employment just like the Mom hiring him as a janitor - 'Hey kid, I'll pretend to care about you and pay you if you'll do some meaningless duty that puts you in proximity to me for the option of fooling around together...'
If that is the scenario that interests you, alright, but I don't see anything in there suggesting actual romance - for that you need something resembling equal footing and the MC doesn't have anything close to that with these women.

2] Celia - neither the therapist nor anyone else encourages the MC to pursue her in any way, he has to take his own initiative to uncover blackmail material and then only needs Judy to give him slight encouragement - there is no indication that Judy realized where the MC would go with her encouragement toward revenge, she might even be horrified by it. This isn't a consensual situation with Celia even if the writer makes her rather willing to participate and cuckold her husband, with the possibility that Celia really wants to find out who it is so that she can be dominated by her abuser for more pleasure. Celia is messed up, but would any of the other females find it remotely amusing that the MC blackmails her... doubtful.

3] Sarah - she is my favorite, mostly perhaps because I do not find the MC to be far inferior to her and that her at least shows her strong affection beyond wanting to bang her. Their relationship is the most developed. He plays with her at home, wants her to stop being addicted to gaming and do better in school, he worries about her. When she comes seeking affirmation he can give it, their weekend-date is really very sweet and they are open with eachother. She is more self-giving and it would have been nice if the writer put in more of the MC trying to please HER rather than himself. One really 'off' thing to me is not her offering her ass to him but more her going down on him so quickly, like immediately after sharing a single kiss. That seemed really really absurd. Why not write in a slower burn between them, lots more make-out sessions - some of the best animation is the kissing afterall. I wish that relationship involved more late-night make-out sessions [perhaps in place of always molesting her at night], or even in-school make-out sessions [yes please], with a SLOW lead-up to 3rd base.
LILY is the impetus to Sara wanting to see the MC naked again, she is the impetus to Sara realizing that she was jealous about the MC, and that started with just a kiss between Lily and the MC. I would have expected more development in that relationship between the MC and Sara [MOSTLY KISSING AT FIRST] with Lily as her confidante as the intimacy blossomed and progressed. This would also set up the possibility of Lily being involved with the two of them, producing a threesome situation where Sara may be willing to share in appreciation to her friend's help in securing the MC for herself as well. Indeed, the possibility of a competitor like Macy or Deborah [or perhaps one of those aiding Sara against Lily as a betrayer] who needs 'removing' with the help of girlfriends, such a scenario opens some really neat possibilities that may not be so far-fetched.... Perhaps that is me wishing ;]

4] Caroline - I don't see much in the way of her and the MC being 'close' at all - until she hires him to take photos of her, she mostly ignores him and his troubles, telling Mom when he seems to be having a problem [which ends up getting the MC stuck in therapy that he doesn't want/need] rather than trying to help him, she tells him that he is always welcome to come to her and then blows him off almost immediately as she is engrossed in her own business stress, she calls in a favor from a slut-friend to get-him off as if he is some brainless animal that she simply wants to have appropriately focused when he is working for her... It isn't until AFTER that when she over-hears him mention attraction to her that she begins thinking about him and how he thinks/feels about anything AT ALL. As their relationship progresses to where it is left at the end of 0.3b, she has just started figuring out that he is a person and that she might be attracted to him... but she has a past that he knows nothing at all about, and his biggest concern [beyond his dick] is getting good grades and graduating highschool, it is very hard for them to meet on equal footing.
Prediction for the future there - the MC is looking for a way to help Violet, Violet may come apologize to Caroline of her own accord and get involved in the relationship between the MC and his big sister. But what can the pathetic MC really offer either of them besides a big dick/ There was the hint of photo-sessions with the MC and Caroline both posing and someone else taking the pictures - probably Violet unless the writer introduces a new character which should then be another male that Caroline knows/dated/screwed...

5] Suri/Zuri assistance had no ramifications in this release, but they do seem written as the wicked honey-trap that could lose the MC every good thing if he goes along - the only reason to comply with their requests in this build was to collect the scenes, and honestly I was not that impressed with their scenes, possibly because their characters had about as much development as Violet - kissing Sara was more erotic than the sessions with the twins, imo. I REALLY LIKE THAT THEY ARE THERE - having a honey-trap may be considered a trope but it can be important to the story-telling.
Another prediction [far fetched] - in later developments, Auntie Margaret will be shown connected to the twins plotting the downfall of the MC's family. wouldn't that be interesting...

Here's to the next update====
There is some indication that Linda has been physically interested in the MC for while. The photo hung on the wall of their house has her draped all over him in a sexual manner. It's entirely possible that she, out of dissatisfaction with her husband's physicality, viewed MC from birth as a 2nd attempt at a close and intimate relationship with a male that could give her what her husband couldn't, and as MC grows up she's probably watching him be a taller, stronger, younger version of her husband and likely without the attributes that she finds repulsive and her lust starts kicking off.

As far as Caroline goes, I think the story is actually pretty heavy handed in demonstrating that their relationship started scarce (she's the classic workaholic older sibling type who strives for independence so much that they're hardly even a part of the family and thus doesn't have close relationships with their younger siblings) and then get pushed together by circumstance in which her self-identity is rocked by professional setbacks and he's the only one who cares enough to comfort her.


Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
Hey guys I need some help. So I have done all parts for Celia's blackmail route, the envelope, the webcam etc. and now I am stuck when I try to put the sex toys and dress in her locker nothing happens, they stay in my inventory. I select them one by one and it doesnt do anything. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug? Any step by step help would be appreciated :'( Thank you.
I never had any issues with any of this, so just to be clear:

You left her the envelope after speaking to Judy.
You installed the webcam software and spoke to her on Webcam.
You had her run through various tasks on multiple different nights? Like stripping etc (I think mouth/sucking fingers was another). I think there are 2-3 escalations when you first do this before getting into sex-toy stuff (it's been a while, so I can't quite remember).

And now you are stuck when trying to place your first sex store item?

Edit note: You can only place one item at a time in her locker. So if she hasn't picked up the last item, you can't place another.
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Jul 27, 2017
I have two questions after playing the game:

The people that live with you are they all real family?

Does the incest patch add a lot of content?


Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
I have two questions after playing the game:

The people that live with you are they all real family?

Does the incest patch add a lot of content?
Yes, and no.

Yes, they are meant to be family...

and No, the incest patch changes that exact context (so basically, the odd bit of text).


Jun 24, 2018
I never had any issues with any of this, so just to be clear:

You left her the envelope after speaking to Judy.
You installed the webcam software and spoke to her on Webcam.
You had her run through various tasks on multiple different nights? Like stripping etc (I think mouth/sucking fingers was another). I think there are 2-3 escalations when you first do this before getting into sex-toy stuff (it's been a while, so I can't quite remember).

And now you are stuck when trying to place your first sex store item?

Edit note: You can only place one item at a time in her locker. So if she hasn't picked up the last item, you can't place another.
Ty my man, I loaded on a previous save file and it works now. For some reason my other save file got corrupted or something when saving I guess. Love the game :D Thanx again!
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Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
the game starts with the MC in 'therapy' with Judy who interrogates him on his sexual interest in his sisters and mother, but particularly his mother, even encouraging the MC to welcome her advances. Later in the Linda story-line, a Judy calls Linda about material for a book she is writing...
What we know about Linda is that she is suddenly, out of the blue, lusting after her son - trying to make-out with him, groping his crotch, wanting to press her body against his, and then we find she is reading a book explicitly about trying to entice your son into dating you or letting you bang him. The dishes-scene is Linda setting the MC up to try and play upon his psyche, to get him thinking of himself as an acceptable mate [even though he is far inferior] to prime him for being willing to bang her. I see nothing in the writing that indicates that Linda feels anything other than lust for the MC - no 'deep affection' or anything else of the sort. As her story-line progresses she shows effectively NO INTEREST in anything he is doing or thinking except as it relates to dating other girls or screwing her or if he is getting along with his sisters [a typical motherly question that puts him in the proper context as her inferior]. She has a career with which she is busy but wants time and space for them to be physically intimate... but only physically.
And somewhere in the background is Judy wanting information on how things are progressing, wanting the MC to report back to her about what is happening with his mom.
And then there is Auntie Margaret looking to give him some pity-employment just like the Mom hiring him as a janitor - 'Hey kid, I'll pretend to care about you and pay you if you'll do some meaningless duty that puts you in proximity to me for the option of fooling around together...'
If that is the scenario that interests you, alright, but I don't see anything in there suggesting actual romance - for that you need something resembling equal footing and the MC doesn't have anything close to that with these women.
I mostly agree with this, but it is not only stated, but alluded to multiple times that Linda has been into the MC for a very long time (how long that can actually be, since he seems so young, is beyond me). Even if it is lust, she still "loves" her son... so maybe it is not a romance, but it is a strong desire and caring for. As for Judy, it is hard to say so far, but my assumption is that Judy was/is Linda's therapist or possibly old-friend, and Linda confided in Judy about how much she lusts for the MC. Judy is likely writing a book about familial interpersonal relationships, or some phenomenon along those lines... thus Linda and MC are case subjects. Out in left field might be that Judy is writing a fiction, and exploiting her friend and/or patient.

Celia - neither the therapist nor anyone else encourages the MC to pursue her in any way, he has to take his own initiative to uncover blackmail material and then only needs Judy to give him slight encouragement - there is no indication that Judy realized where the MC would go with her encouragement toward revenge, she might even be horrified by it. This isn't a consensual situation with Celia even if the writer makes her rather willing to participate and cuckold her husband, with the possibility that Celia really wants to find out who it is so that she can be dominated by her abuser for more pleasure. Celia is messed up, but would any of the other females find it remotely amusing that the MC blackmails her... doubtful.
lol not at all. They would likely be pissed. That said, I have a feeling Celia may be slowly growing to like it. Essentially becoming a sub. That is the only reason I can come up with to justify that whole plotline.

Sarah - she is my favorite, mostly perhaps because I do not find the MC to be far inferior to her and that her at least shows her strong affection beyond wanting to bang her. Their relationship is the most developed. He plays with her at home, wants her to stop being addicted to gaming and do better in school, he worries about her. When she comes seeking affirmation he can give it, their weekend-date is really very sweet and they are open with eachother. She is more self-giving and it would have been nice if the writer put in more of the MC trying to please HER rather than himself. One really 'off' thing to me is not her offering her ass to him but more her going down on him so quickly, like immediately after sharing a single kiss. That seemed really really absurd. Why not write in a slower burn between them, lots more make-out sessions - some of the best animation is the kissing afterall. I wish that relationship involved more late-night make-out sessions [perhaps in place of always molesting her at night], or even in-school make-out sessions [yes please], with a SLOW lead-up to 3rd base.
LILY is the impetus to Sara wanting to see the MC naked again, she is the impetus to Sara realizing that she was jealous about the MC, and that started with just a kiss between Lily and the MC. I would have expected more development in that relationship between the MC and Sara [MOSTLY KISSING AT FIRST] with Lily as her confidante as the intimacy blossomed and progressed. This would also set up the possibility of Lily being involved with the two of them, producing a threesome situation where Sara may be willing to share in appreciation to her friend's help in securing the MC for herself as well. Indeed, the possibility of a competitor like Macy or Deborah [or perhaps one of those aiding Sara against Lily as a betrayer] who needs 'removing' with the help of girlfriends, such a scenario opens some really neat possibilities that may not be so far-fetched.... Perhaps that is me wishing
I agree with you on all major counts (anal, slow-burn, lily's addition). I have a feeling, as the game grows, that that may be an option though. The game is pretty open, and you can do pretty much any plot-line in any order. Once Lily is implemented properly, it may be one of those things where you have go back and replay to get the full experience. Here's hoping, anyway.

Caroline - I don't see much in the way of her and the MC being 'close' at all - until she hires him to take photos of her, she mostly ignores him and his troubles, telling Mom when he seems to be having a problem [which ends up getting the MC stuck in therapy that he doesn't want/need] rather than trying to help him, she tells him that he is always welcome to come to her and then blows him off almost immediately as she is engrossed in her own business stress, she calls in a favor from a slut-friend to get-him off as if he is some brainless animal that she simply wants to have appropriately focused when he is working for her... It isn't until AFTER that when she over-hears him mention attraction to her that she begins thinking about him and how he thinks/feels about anything AT ALL. As their relationship progresses to where it is left at the end of 0.3b, she has just started figuring out that he is a person and that she might be attracted to him... but she has a past that he knows nothing at all about, and his biggest concern [beyond his dick] is getting good grades and graduating highschool, it is very hard for them to meet on equal footing.
Prediction for the future there - the MC is looking for a way to help Violet, Violet may come apologize to Caroline of her own accord and get involved in the relationship between the MC and his big sister. But what can the pathetic MC really offer either of them besides a big dick/ There was the hint of photo-sessions with the MC and Caroline both posing and someone else taking the pictures - probably Violet unless the writer introduces a new character which should then be another male that Caroline knows/dated/screwed...
This is where I disagree with you. I think everything she has done has been for the MC's sake. In my eyes, she cares deeply for him, much like a caretaker would. She probably spent her whole childhood babysitting the MC and Sara for her busy working-parents. And of course you're going to be freaking out if you get robbed, and your business is falling apart. She seemed truly appreciative of the MCs desire to help her make that right. I think it's just a matter of perspective, as I don't see an older sister getting her younger brother some action as a negative thing. In fact, its almost too good of a thing. Most siblings wouldn't care that much. She satisfied her hormonal brothers' needs. She may justify in more nonchalant ways, but her purer intentions can be beneath the surface. People lie/bend the truth all the time, in order to keep up appearances. And when she grows to realize the MC is truly attracted to her, then it begins to become something different. I really like her plot-line so far.

Suri/Zuri assistance had no ramifications in this release, but they do seem written as the wicked honey-trap that could lose the MC every good thing if he goes along - the only reason to comply with their requests in this build was to collect the scenes, and honestly I was not that impressed with their scenes, possibly because their characters had about as much development as Violet - kissing Sara was more erotic than the sessions with the twins, imo. I REALLY LIKE THAT THEY ARE THERE - having a honey-trap may be considered a trope but it can be important to the story-telling.
Another prediction [far fetched] - in later developments, Auntie Margaret will be shown connected to the twins plotting the downfall of the MC's family. wouldn't that be interesting...
There is a chance it has the opposite effect. A reason for the father to slowly fall out of the picture (failing company, divorce, etc), but you're likely right in thinking it will have disastrous effects for the MC. I can only hope that it helps build his familial harem lol

In reality though, I don't understand how insider-trading could ruin the fathers company. People making money is a good thing (unless I missed some detail). Unless the father and the twins all get charged for securities fraud or w/e. In which case, cool. See ya pops.
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New Member
Nov 12, 2016
I never had any issues with any of this, so just to be clear:

You left her the envelope after speaking to Judy.
You installed the webcam software and spoke to her on Webcam.
You had her run through various tasks on multiple different nights? Like stripping etc (I think mouth/sucking fingers was another). I think there are 2-3 escalations when you first do this before getting into sex-toy stuff (it's been a while, so I can't quite remember).

And now you are stuck when trying to place your first sex store item?

Edit note: You can only place one item at a time in her locker. So if she hasn't picked up the last item, you can't place another.
Wait a minute, we can already make Celia - the teacher, to use the sex toys???
I asked her to do some stuff, but can't put the sex toys in the locker as Nephelimo said...
I had thought that we could only buy and keep them there for the next version @_@


Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
Wait a minute, we can already make Celia - the teacher, to use the sex toys???
I asked her to do some stuff, but can't put the sex toys in the locker as Nephelimo said...
I had thought that we could only buy and keep them there for the next version @_@
You can also get a BJ and have anal sex with her as well.
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New Member
Nov 12, 2016
And according to your experience, will the update from the ICSTOR worth the waiting...
- The graphic is great, no argue about that...
- The plot is of course better than many games...
- The personality and the emotions of some character is not really logical - to me at least...
+ The mother is OK so far assuming that she was enlightened by our dear therapist, but saying that she had no interest in the farther is not really convincing... reason as below,
+ The father is quite different from many other games which is a plus, he is not an asshole so far, he runs a company, he is not impotent... what makes the mother bores of him? He is really an acceptable man. Make more sense if he does not want to have sex with her because she could not fulfil his true self - being dominant or at least too bore of each other so neither of them want to f**k.
+ The younger sister: a bit too fast. if she is really innocent, at least be like Lisa in BB - learning step by step, stuff by stuff. And honestly, she is so saint, I feel bad to "cheat" on her, :oops: but what option do I have anyways, these girls around MC are just too hot =))
+ The older sister: why all the dev have the idea of "helping getting rid the wood stick", that is soooo numb (the only time I see this stuff makes sense is the comic Brawling Go! - you guys should check it out :D )... I mean, it's like a guy lends you 100 bucks and you propose to hold his d**k while he pisses so that he could use his hands to smoke!?! WTF. It should be either
* Make it slow and romantic (at first I thought the dev would this route) by helping her small small thing, protecting her, comforting, hugging, kissing and all the silly stuff...
* or just blackmail her! as simple as that!!!
the older sister is really well created. One of the hottest so far.

The game has the very great graphic, the plot is good, a bit more effort on the personality of each character would make it awesome.


Sep 30, 2016
Hi Guys ... i've not tried this one yet. is it worth downloading? is there a good amount of content even it is only 0.3 ... ?


Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
Hi Guys ... i've not tried this one yet. is it worth downloading? is there a good amount of content even it is only 0.3 ... ?
Lots of content already, but there are some very empty areas/time periods still. However, you can skip time on the map screen, so it isn't an issue.
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3.70 star(s) 416 Votes