The game starts with Judy and Celia featuring prominently, then does only a little with Celia and almost nothing with Judy. Judy should have been much more central to the storyline--she literally says to the MC to check in with her if anything happens with his mom or sisters, AND she helps him blackmail Celia. Plus she's in contact with Linda in connection with a book she's writing. They should have her play a role in developing a family harem, and in setting up some group situations. Celia could be developed in a BDSM direction.
The 4 other school girls are not only potential partners but some are likely threesome partners along with Sara. The neighbors seem like a likely 3some situation as well. Aside from that, there's the two other girls at the nightclub and the sex shop clerk. I think it all adds up to 18 potential conquests for the MC. But currently the only ones with any sexual content are Linda, Sara, Caroline, Celia, Liza, Jasmin, Shuri and Zuri, and Violet. I think 18 is more than enough in a game with quality renders and long animations. Fleshing all that out could take a year or longer. But maybe that's okay. We'd be on version 1.0 or maybe 1.2.
One thing I'd like to see is to have access to all sex options once you've reached that in story. So you can bang Linda et al any way you want in the menu(room for 9 options).
I'd also like the bathtub masturbation options to eventually transform into actual bathtub sex options.