New here. Don't worry. I read through the forums first, figured out the game on my own. Just want to say I love this game.
Very well done, and I look forward to all the content to come. I have my favorites, but appreciate all the characters. It might be "Milfy" City, but I'm glad to see variety, too. Might be some Lily haters, but I'm looking forward to more of her. I would say the same about Yazmin, but the game has kinda already gone there with her.
Looking forward to some Judy, development with the neighbors, and adding in side-characters development (Julia, Cindy, Macy, Delilah).
Plot is surprisingly well done - really like that each character is very memorable with their own stories. Sure, it's all being tied together still, but do we really go to porn for super deep plot? All I can say is, awesome job (on both the main game and the Xmas Episode - snowman is hilarious!), and really looking forward to v 0.6!
::Back to just lurking::