"Milfy City does not produce no lewd, degrading or depraved content ... no sick disgusting acts involved go ask a D grade Dev to make Caroline Futa you sick ewwwkk" ... ROFLMAO, Sir with all due respect your apparent interpretations of the words "lewd, degrading, or depraved" are probably only maybe at least slightly at odds with that of, well, probably most anyone but you, though I appreciate your sense of virtue. Incest, rape, blackmail, corruption, that's just an average Friday night in most people’s homes, about as controversial or offensive as a chair, am I right or am I right? And futa!!! Don't get me started. Even those four letters together, I swear I can feel the vomit climbing to my mouth with each consecutive letter f ... yuck .... u ... omg ... t ... please be future please be future ... a ... fucking fuck fuck fuck blahhhhhhhhhhhh fuck. Tricked me again! Dicks are soooo ghey unless they're attached to a strapping young buck, hairless with a pretty face, or an old sweaty fat fuck with big bouncy balls who may or may not want to fuck aforementioned strapping young buck in the ass, or mouth, or pee hole, cuz those are men, manly men, not sick futa ghey hot chicks with perfect titties acting as a stand ins. Man dicks or no dicks at all, that's what I always say! ... actually that's the first time I've ever said that but I plan to always say it from now on!!!
... is sarcasm allowed here? Totally mah bad if not! Nothing personal at all, it was just really frikkin funny in my head and my fingers just started typing, it happens sometimes but I don't mean nothing by it!