I've read the entire thread, and no one seems to have run into the same issue I have.
I've followed the walkthrough and checked off every monster girl it mentions. I even captured all of them for good measure. But I can't get the scene in the witch's house for beating/capturing every available girl up to that point. I have every girl in the gallery except the bottom right six squares, and the bottom right of the forest group. I have all four fairies, the tree girl, bee girl and honey guardian, and Undine. I've been over the guide twice, reading through and checking each one to make sure I've beaten or captured them. I beat a slime again to make sure, but I can't figure out what I'm missing or if I have a bug.
I didn't run into the Elf bug, and the walkthrough doesn't mention a possible error here.
Am I just entirely blind? I don't know what enemy is in the lower right of the forest fairy group, so I don't know if it's one I should have yet.
EDIT: Tried the basement door anyway, turns out it's open. I didn't get two scenes with a timeskip like the walkthrough said, I only got one saying the witch was gone. I was assuming there would be a second. Weird.
It is entirely possible I just mistook two for one or forgot the exact details over the last few hours going back over the entire game. I dunno.
EDIT 2: The pink Grimoire (Dark?) is missing her nipple piercing during the insemination 3 animation, I haven't checked the uncensored one but the data folder from this thread is applied.
I still can't find the last aqua-haired fairy...