3.50 star(s) 57 Votes


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2016
this game have any content yet?, last time i played went pretty much like this: what's your characters name? "Doucheface" hello doucheface you have now completed all there is to do in this game ,plz visit my patreon! :) *Thats it for this version*

Creeping Death

dies in loneliness
Jan 28, 2018

Progress update

Happy weekend everyone. I hope you've been well, I'm suffering through a bit of power outage right now but fingers crossed, all should be well come next week.

But perhaps that is just as well that I'm focusing on writing instead of trying to push renders this week, things have an odd way of working out eventually :)

So as some of you might know, we're taking this week and most of next week to do some heavy writing - not just for the next update, but also to properly flesh out the character beats and set moments for the rest of this chapter!

For for the benefit of those who joined us later in the party here are some quick points on our current story progress and what's been planned - We're fast approaching day 5/6 in our story, this is the moment where all our decisions made so far is going to have the most significant impact on our story moving forward. Or more precisely, the split between the love/corruption route.
What's significant about this? Our MC has been struggling with his feelings thus far, unsure of how he should deal with them even as he occasionally succumb to his baser instincts. Eventually he's going to need to make a choice, make a decision on where he stands. And that moment is fast approaching.

So what happens after that? Well, if our dear MC is now clear on where he stands.... then it's time to see if we can get our love interest to come around to his way of thinking.

Through Love? Or Corruption?

You decide :)

Thanks for sticking around to read this ramble, I'll see you guys next week for the final part of this big writing update! Then it's time to start pushing out our renders, please look forward to it!

Creeping Death

dies in loneliness
Jan 28, 2018

Progress Update

Welcome to another update folks. Hopefully you've had a great week, if not - well it's the weekend now!
This week has been really busy, for one, I've finished writing both the story and dialogue for the next release, plus fleshed out more of the story outline for the next two.

You'll see that the progress for both story and dialogue is now at 90%, for those new here, 90% is how I denote something is being "done" here. The last 10% is for last minute fixes and changes as we progress through the update. You'll see some changes as we march towards our next release, but it is essentially done!

So next up, the visuals - character and environment tests have started, this is when I essentially do a 'Master' light setup for each environment we will use and set dress it as needed. That way we can reuse both the lights and environments when we start the actual layout. There's almost 10 new environments this time round so it's a fair amount of work! (Each environment is counted when there's a a substantial change in the props and set. Eg: Dressing Room is a separate environment from the Store Front even though they are technically the 'same' location." As is dressing room Exterior vs Interior)

This update is shaping up to be the biggest one by far! I cannot wait to finish it and hear your thoughts on this!
Lastly, there are some character test renders and..sexier versions coming soon for the Cookies and Pies. It's cooking in the oven right now!

Have a great weekend everyone,

Creeping Death

dies in loneliness
Jan 28, 2018

Progress update

Good Saturday everyone! Time for another progress update - so what's new this week?
  • We're deep in scene setup and posing now, and averaging 15+ poses/layouts a day, this includes lighting the shot.
  • Layout is long because good cinematography takes time, eg: It's not just pointing a camera at our character. Rather, using the camera to invoke emotions plus generate interest.
  • Rendering is taking place whenever I'm not at my machine to maximise uptime!
  • My machine is slow however :( there's a hard limit on numbers of renders per day.
  • Typically this is the longest process for each release, taking up to 5 weeks sometimes. This is partially my fault because I do a ton of re-renders when I'm not happy with how a render looks. "Every frame a painting" is something I try my best to strive towards.
  • Getting nice contrasts and silhouettes takes patience and time!
I estimate us to be about 10% done for renders, and going up by about 20% per week. The percentages are moving smaller each week because this update is a fair amount bigger!

Otherwise, this is the main gist of this week's progress. Everything is clipping along nicely and on schedule. I'm holding back some nice surprises until I can get a better idea if we can pull it off on time, so watch this space!

Thanks for tuning in as always, and have a great weekend!


Active Member
Mar 18, 2019
Is there decent lenght of content in this ? Just discovered it and I say in the changelogs that you are still on day 3, so I hope a shitton of shit happens on the first 2 days, but how much can actually happen in that timeframe I wonder, so here I am asking if I should simply wait more updates or is there enough content right now.
3.50 star(s) 57 Votes