Some progress with both of the mom's routes (corruption and love), and it was good to see different settings and types of interactions, depending on the path. Previously, it seemed like the updates were basically the same with only minor differences in the MC's actions or the mom's responses. With this update, one route was
much closer to romantic and the other was clearly more focused on lust. I'm happy to see the divergence happening now.
One thing that confuses me is that it seems like you make very few choices when it comes to Liane, and she seems to act the same in all cases. For example, in this update the scenes with her are identical, as far as I can tell: what she does on her "mission", where she meets the MC, what happens while there — it's the same even down to the dialogue. I did find one possible stat increase for her (possible
lcorr += 1 on Day 5), but otherwise there seems to be nothing to influence her path. I wonder if some of this will be changed (if the dev is still rewriting / reworking what they have so far) or if we'll see more choices for Liane going forward.
When do we get to bang the aunt?
I actually wonder this myself . . . kind of. I haven't really thought about sex yet, since you literally have 2 scenes with her, before and after visiting Liane at her house. But I
was wondering if/when we'd make more progress with her as an additional possible route. I'm not sure, though. It seems like Lemonkey has a hard enough time advancing two mom paths and the main plot of the game, so IDK if I would expect anything on the aunt's route any time soon . . . if ever.