Mph ... yes, I see that when they mentioned the bugs I must have taken it seriously, my case. I found the bug that they mentioned about if you didn´t raise Mia's affection, but I didn´t give it importance, I skipped another but nothing happened to me, but when I started the final parts of new content, that was when everything became a crazy, the most important thing, is that the save where I had already discovered all the scenes so far was lost.
By any chance someone will not have a save prior to the end of the new content but with all the current scenes unlocked?
Is that as I saw in the clock that there are spaces for 2 other girls and I made saves with very long intervals of time and between the necessary fights to progress in the story, the skipped story, among others, it would take me between an hour or two to complete it again everything and the truth is that I would like to avoid it, both because I don´t have time for that and because I don´t want to deceive myself with the game so that waiting for other 2 contents is not so heavy.
Given that I am one of those who wait for there to be a good weight of new content to return to a game and more games of this type that you like to continue seeing the story and the scenes of course.