Amazing game concept! As a femdom addict who always had a fetish for 17th-18th century women's attire, this game is right up my alley!

And jokes aside, the lore of the world and plot are both well-written, I love the scheming-mastermind protagonist (she reminds me of Giulia Farnese from the series Borgia: Faith and Fear, who was the ruthless, rational and self-interested mistress of Pope Rodrigo Borgia and influenced Papal States politics in the early 1500s - she was my favourite character in that show!) and I think this is one of the only lesdom games narrated from the perspective of a domme in general, so massive congrats for all the effort you put into this!
It appears to me that perhaps we have too many favor points with the king at the start and so far, at least to my knowledge (I played for about 4 hours), no ways of gaining more, but generally I like the political mechanics and I hope there will be multiple ways towards the end to stage a coup/assasinate (if necessary)/blackmail Erthur to seize the crown! Anyway, coming back to the "king points" issue, I always cared more about story-telling and choices that matter than I do about the gameplay, so the game not being that difficult is fine by me.
Speaking of black screens, I get one after I tell Elaina (the elf princess) to "accept the reality" of her father being executed - I never get one if I promise to do all I can to spare the elven king, but I always do with the other choice.
Great work once again and I'm really looking forward to all of your updates going forward! <unironically tips fictitious fedora>