In a contemporary development environment, i agree with you, but in this h-game space, its anything but contemporary. I talked about this a lot in threads of text games where people want full on art of their player character that can have pretty much any body part you can think of. Thats really not feasible. But once again, to bring Slave Matrix into the convo, this is not an impossible task. We could look at a game like good ol' Breeding Season to see and understand why a concept like this seems insurmountable when it isn't. Breeding Season was a possible game, but when you're the victim of bad task management, you won't get any kind of game done, or at least one that comes out in one piece. In an industry, the games industry that is, where there are so few left with ambition because the safest ways are the quickest ways, shit is getting stale. We always need some people are there willing to break preconceived boundaries to make the next big thing thats unique for its time. This isnt to say that everything in someone's dream game can always come perfectly real, but if no one is going to try, then it will never happen, which turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. Not every game with ambition will be a success, but the attempt made in the first place will inspire others to try too. Thats what Breeding Season was.