wildlife has been in developing since 2017 at least and the game doesnt even have a prologue, as thing stands now the "game" is just a gloried pose & animation selector.
People have really been spoiled by mainstream game announcements. We're so use to games getting announced a year or 2 before release, thinking thats how long it takes to make a make of any scale when it couldnt be further from the truth. We're not use to seeing games start from pre-alphas to full release, so seeing the entire process takes place is agonizing when we think it be as simple as just slapping things together and it all works out in a year.
As for wild life itself, the devs are on record saying they want/need to get animations done first because they're needed for story sections when all of that comes along, otherwise you a sex game story with no sex. Most other games of its ilk tend to put animations second.
Since 2017? That sounds about right for the timescale of a game development for a game of this scale.
a smart dev will narrow the scope of his product aiming to please the crowd he has most rapport with and actually finish his game.
otherwise you get wildlife.
For one, it really depends on the type of project being worked on. It it something aiming to be a mass marketed product with a target audience, or a passion project? It can be both at the same time, but a passion project is gonna be one with a set vision that the developer wants to accomplish, the audience be damned.
more fetishes equals more developing time and if you want to actually finish your game then that means setting a limit to how much content youre gonna add, and if you have too many fetishes then that means that there's gonna be a lack of content for either all of them or for one of them.
Trying to put h-game devs in the same light as mainstream AAA dev studios is the core mistake in this argument that i see every time. AAA devs are typically under publishers who make contracts and have set release dates. Delays can and often do happen to the detriment of the publishers funding the development, but at a certain point, no matter the state of the game, the game comes out "done" warts and all.
H-game devs, or just indies in general, are generally not working in those kinds of conditions. With crowd funding devs general are able to take the time needed to make the game they want. Its not about rushing something to market and filling in the gaps later, thats what black market did and its pretty barebones as a game, and while good on them for coming out patches quickly, they should have actually finished the game as it still clearly missing some content.
Just because a game doesn't come out as fast as you want it too doesn't mean its in development hell or its poorly managed, games aren't made in a microwave despite what the mainstream tries to project.
So yea, a game can have a wide range of fleshed out fetishes full of content, but that takes time. Just because its not done quick doesn't mean thats bad for the game.