
Jul 24, 2018
You seem to be just blind. I gave you an argument in terms of production cost. And I gave you an argument in terms of the effect the developer wants to give to the player. Acting Lessons is among the best example of this.
You are just throwing a tantrum saying "i want all options". Sometimes those additional options can reduce the experience.

This paragraph proves to me you have 0 idea of how it works. Adding several real options has an exponential growth. If you have 2 choices, you have 2 paths. If you add another choice with 2 alternatives, you have 4 paths. Add another choice with another 2 alternatives you have 8. True, not all paths need to be fully unique. But you cannot just simply say "you can just add choices as they have been doing" because precisely if you have already made many paths, adding more is more and more complex.
And time is a resource, computing power is another resource, effort is another resource. Do you really think that they are making all the resources themselves? most images you see have things that are purchased, each image consumes a lot of electricity power to create, and writing takes time. Do you really think supporters will just say "take the time you need for 1000 paths to make? we will be here in 2050.. maybe"

Giving players what they want when they ask for stupid things are precisely what you should say no to. Not every request is sensible. Everybody knows that. For example, players may request you give stuff for free. Is that sensible for a company making money? learn to differentiate. Ubisoft fucked up because they listen to some insensible request. Like make a lot of DEI stuff, instead of focusing on making good games, which sometimes means, you have 0 DEI content, just good content.

Where it says this is a porn game? AFAIK this is an adult visual novel. And f95 is an adult site. Big difference.

And no, not all games will give you fully happy endings in which everyone is happy. Sometimes crap needs to happen. That is precisely like life. Let me tell you something, there is no path in which you can, for example, date Marylin Monroe. It's just not possible. Deal with it.

I could ask you the same, what they fuck are you doing here? game is what it is. Oh wait.. i know what this is. ITS A FUCKING FORUM. The point is discussing the game. Saying what we like and saying what we dislike. Shocking. I know... Do you need a sarcasm sign?
Jesus christ, you must have written a book on straw man arguments, because that was the largest paragraph of bullshit I've read in a while. I never said I want ALL options. I said that the addition of options is always good. And i explained why. And i even said that it does mean more work. It is much easier to add in branching paths once you have already committed to making branching paths, the only downside to this is more work but that is the only one. Because at the end of the day more choice means more players can experience a story the way they want, meaning more people can enjoy it and avoid the things they do not enjoy. You seem to think that adding more choices implies adding in a choice for everything at every turn. It doesn't. It would be really cool to do that, but it's not feasible. But adding in path choices IS very doable. MANY games on this site in fact have done and still do this. It isn't like there are a thousand girls in this like something like wvm or grandmas house or one of the other mega harem games around. It's a fairly reasonable cast that you could write in choices in a reasonable manner to allow for people to not pursue some characters while going after others, and based on certain characters personalities not include them in certain options as it would not make sense unless they write in something that happens to change that dynamic.

As for the resource argument. That's just you blowing hot air. They do not have share holders or a board of directors to please, so as long as they communicate with backers and keep a stable income, that resource use is stable and fine. So again, there is no reason to use lack of resources to say they can't do something. They have all of the tools required to do what they need to do already, and any assets they can't or do not want to make themselves they can buy or have commissioned with the income they are making, which is exactly what that income is for, to keep working on the project and eventually release it in full.

Now please explain what "stupid" things people are asking for here? What are these "no" requests you seem to think are being made? Are people asking for all the girls to suddenly grow dicks and fuck the mc? Are they asking for men to be in the harem? Maybe vore? No. Just some extra choices in a harem game, which in most cases revolve around choices in trying to get the girl to add into the harem, unless it's a kinetic novel with zero choice from the start.

And yes. Nearly everything on this site is porn. If you don't think so, go and play this in public and see how that goes, and please take video of the outcome, it would be funny to see how passersby react to you fucking a demon women in a game on a laptop in some cafe or park somewhere. Saying this is not porn is just a semantics argument, and a wrong one at that.

And your monroe example is flawed. No, flat out wrong. We are not talking about options involving literally impossible things. We are talking about conversations with a person that can lead to different outcomes. Saying there is no chance to fuck marylin monroe is such a disingenuous take to make. Like yeah, she's fucking dead , that's not the kind of best outcome we are talking about, and you know it.

And yes, this is a forum. A forum for a game with a focus on harem. So yeah, what are you doing here if you don't like these things or at least seem not to? That's like going onto the forum for a game with heavy ntr and complaining it doesn't have any vanila sex where the main character beats up the guy cucking him and taking back his love interest. It's just not on the table to begin with. So getting into an argument about it is just plain dumb. Like saying yeah i don't like this is one thing, but going on and on about why and how and what it should be like some of these people are about the harem needing to be removed, like why even bother chiming in at that point? It's not a product for them, nor was it ever, and trying to advocate for that to change is just plain silly.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Jesus christ, you must have written a book on straw man arguments, because that was the largest paragraph of bullshit I've read in a while. I never said I want ALL options. I said that the addition of options is always good. And i explained why. And i even said that it does mean more work. It is much easier to add in branching paths once you have already committed to making branching paths, the only downside to this is more work but that is the only one. Because at the end of the day more choice means more players can experience a story the way they want, meaning more people can enjoy it and avoid the things they do not enjoy. You seem to think that adding more choices implies adding in a choice for everything at every turn. It doesn't. It would be really cool to do that, but it's not feasible. But adding in path choices IS very doable. MANY games on this site in fact have done and still do this. It isn't like there are a thousand girls in this like something like wvm or grandmas house or one of the other mega harem games around. It's a fairly reasonable cast that you could write in choices in a reasonable manner to allow for people to not pursue some characters while going after others, and based on certain characters personalities not include them in certain options as it would not make sense unless they write in something that happens to change that dynamic.
I explicitly said not all paths have to be different. Learn to read. Second, let me tell you exactly what you are saying, you moron.

More benefits is better. Wow.. what a profound statement. We would not have realized that without you. What I have been saying is "yes, but it comes with additional cost" which you are totally discarding. "he can add more stuff" that comes with extra cost in development. For example, slower updates. WVM (up to what I read) and (I assume Grandma's house too from what I know) are precisely linear games in which you just have options to skip content. Those are essentially not choices. Remember i wrote explicit "real choices"?

There is also the fact that not all choices allow for good stories. Say you put in a game of Lion King choice to save Mufasa. Or choice to make Scar a good character. Or in spiderman choice not to be bitten by a spider... or choice to save uncle Ben. You destroy the character. then what do you do?

As for the resource argument. That's just you blowing hot air. They do not have share holders or a board of directors to please, so as long as they communicate with backers and keep a stable income, that resource use is stable and fine. So again, there is no reason to use lack of resources to say they can't do something. They have all of the tools required to do what they need to do already, and any assets they can't or do not want to make themselves they can buy or have commissioned with the income they are making, which is exactly what that income is for, to keep working on the project and eventually release it in full.
Proof that you have no idea how this works again. No, they dont have all that. They have patrons. Patrons that support the game. Start delaying development time or reducing the quality, those patrons will leave. Patron essentially works by reputation stuff. Fucking up your reputation is very costly.

Now please explain what "stupid" things people are asking for here? What are these "no" requests you seem to think are being made? Are people asking for all the girls to suddenly grow dicks and fuck the mc? Are they asking for men to be in the harem? Maybe vore? No. Just some extra choices in a harem game, which in most cases revolve around choices in trying to get the girl to add into the harem, unless it's a kinetic novel with zero choice from the start.
Those same girls you are trying to add were originally written in a way that contradicts harem. So those are unreasonable choices. Is like suddently asking the developer "i dont like werewolves, make MC a vampire instead". There is a continuity that you just shouldn't destroy. Yes, potentially he can make a very convoluted and complex, most likely long path in which those characters eventially accept harem. It is NOT reasonable to do this, at least no if you are expecting some quality.

And your monroe example is flawed. No, flat out wrong. We are not talking about options involving literally impossible things. We are talking about conversations with a person that can lead to different outcomes. Saying there is no chance to fuck marylin monroe is such a disingenuous take to make. Like yeah, she's fucking dead , that's not the kind of best outcome we are talking about, and you know it.
This was just an example. Extreme precisely to make it clear. That i need to explain this is sad. The point was precisely that not everything in life is possible. I was even being extra nice but let me be clear now. There is, in my opinion given what I read from you, 0 chance you can get Margot Robbie. (disclaimer: honesty requires i said I have 0 chance too).

And yes. Nearly everything on this site is porn. If you don't think so, go and play this in public and see how that goes, and please take video of the outcome, it would be funny to see how passersby react to you fucking a demon women in a game on a laptop in some cafe or park somewhere. Saying this is not porn is just a semantics argument, and a wrong one at that.
That something is used for a subset of what is supposed to be used does not contradict that its intend is broader. So I will post below this. Read carefully please.


And yes, this is a forum. A forum for a game with a focus on harem. So yeah, what are you doing here if you don't like these things or at least seem not to? That's like going onto the forum for a game with heavy ntr and complaining it doesn't have any vanila sex where the main character beats up the guy cucking him and taking back his love interest. It's just not on the table to begin with. So getting into an argument about it is just plain dumb. Like saying yeah i don't like this is one thing, but going on and on about why and how and what it should be like some of these people are about the harem needing to be removed, like why even bother chiming in at that point? It's not a product for them, nor was it ever, and trying to advocate for that to change is just plain silly.
The focus on harem happened midterm. In fact, it was so badly implemented that it required several updates to correct the inconsistency when all girls learned about each other. That was in fact my original post. The problem was that it was added to characters that are not written to allow for this. And they suddenly "sure it is fine". That is just terrible writing. Sticking to original design was a better alternative. You would not see me complain about this in Once in a lifetime, for example.
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Dec 18, 2021
I was gutted by the Olga scene....but I dont think its the harem thing, it's how often the MC will tell women he loves them. I know thats directly tied to the harem in a couple of ways, but lore wise, it makes sense. There's no way a part of your love divided would have ever been enough to keep the spell going, especially how she describes her and the woman that created her. As soon as she started to describe it, I knew she was going to die and my wayward teen willy would not be enough to save her. Yeah, you might not like it and I hated it, but if you got every chick just because of big ol wolf dick than the writing and consequences would feel stale. Even worse it'd make Olga feel less special.
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Jul 8, 2018
I love harem and i liked when this game took this route, but in the last few updates im not enjoying the game that much and it made me deslike some characters.
Not fond of lesbians/bisexuals, so Lily and Sofia are not options for me anymore...i know you can "get jealous" there, but this kind option should be given before, not after...and like i said, i like HAREM, not Polyamory...
I like Dragomira, that thing with MC's father left a bad taste and the way dev managed to resolve the issue didnt convinced me that much, she could be a harem member but realistic speaking i cant see her accepting it, and if she does would not fit her character even with her in a sub route...but im still thinking about a solo route only.
Ghost girl didnt want to join, so out of the question...shes not good enough for me to pursue her on a solo path while refusing other L.Is, and if she changes her mind i would not accept her anymore.
I didnt like Olga as a L.I, i would not want her in the harem but i dont want her dead.
That art teacher is like a side fuck imo, so i dont consider her a L.I...same for Rachel's mother (shes married)
MC's ex, didnt catch my interest...could be a harem member but she seems not be into it and she needs more development.
The Fish girl, well, she could be a +1 in the harem but im not fond of her inclined to refuse her.
I like Rachel and wolf girl (her name slipped my mind.)

Now im thinking about deleting all my saves and making only a route with Rachel + wolf girl (and maybe exgf), and a solo route with dragomira with mc being the dom.
But if girls continue to become unlikable for some reason i will end up abandoning the game.
Sep 3, 2020
I love harem and i liked when this game took this route, but in the last few updates im not enjoying the game that much and it made me deslike some characters.
Not fond of lesbians/bisexuals, so Lily and Sofia are not options for me anymore...i know you can "get jealous" there, but this kind option should be given before, not after...and like i said, i like HAREM, not Polyamory...
I like Dragomira, that thing with MC's father left a bad taste and the way dev managed to resolve the issue didnt convinced me that much, she could be a harem member but realistic speaking i cant see her accepting it, and if she does would not fit her character even with her in a sub route...but im still thinking about a solo route only.
Ghost girl didnt want to join, so out of the question...shes not good enough for me to pursue her on a solo path while refusing other L.Is, and if she changes her mind i would not accept her anymore.
I didnt like Olga as a L.I, i would not want her in the harem but i dont want her dead.
That art teacher is like a side fuck imo, so i dont consider her a L.I...same for Rachel's mother (shes married)
MC's ex, didnt catch my interest...could be a harem member but she seems not be into it and she needs more development.
The Fish girl, well, she could be a +1 in the harem but im not fond of her inclined to refuse her.
I like Rachel and wolf girl (her name slipped my mind.)

Now im thinking about deleting all my saves and making only a route with Rachel + wolf girl (and maybe exgf), and a solo route with dragomira with mc being the dom.
But if girls continue to become unlikable for some reason i will end up abandoning the game.
I don't like harem but I don't mind if it's in the game as long as it's optional

and the same goes for lesbian content it's not my thing but I don't mind it if it's optional

I don't care if I reject a girl and she goes and finds love with whoever makes her happy

but if I'm in a relationship with a girl I don't want anyone touching her but me


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
thats a law of nature
I prefer harem games, but this is in fact NOT a law of nature. Packs of wolves have a breeding pair, that are the mom and dad of basically all the other wolves. Packs are family units, sons and daughters will split off and lone wolf for a while before finding a mate and then starting their own generational pack. There is no such thing as an Alpha in a wolf pack, that's bad science, so bad that the guy who did it has retracted everything and regrets publishing it.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2022
anyone knows if the dev has said something about how much longer will the game go on for? 'cause I'm kinda thinking I'd rather wait for it to be fully finished and fixed... seems every update brakes my saves and stuff gets changed =/


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
My critique wasn't on the MC trying to me polygamous. I can see that making sense. It was on the LIs being ok with being part of the harem.

The werewolf girl being ok with it makes sense. The rest of the LI does not.
I see you dont have any real life experience. I always had girls who knew from the beginning they never will get unshared love from me. I care about them, i like them, i would even say i love a few of them, i help them when they need a friend and we can have sex whenever, whereever and however we want, be it alone, 3somes, swinging or orgies - if time allows it and we are in the mood there are no limits...but noone will ever replace big sis and everyone of them knows it since before we had sex for the first time. Same goes her girls since they are not all the same, sure, our circles tend to overlap, especially during/after orgies, but we both have girls the other one dont cares about. Okay, its not the same as a harem protagonist, but in the end it only depends on the mindset if you take and enjoy what you can get, or give up and sulk because you cant be the only one. Nothing is forced, except for the fact a mono relationship is absolutely impossible. Either you can share or you can go, no need to kill the girls who dont want to join.

nah, i can tolerate some, BUT this one isnt (or shouldnt have been) a harem VN at the first place...the dev made huge mistake trying to please those harem-players.
he should have known better.
Obviously you CANT. You wouldnt spam half of the pages of this topic with you no harem whining if you could tolerate it.

Following your logic, give players just what they want, means we no have doubts we are going to succeed, we are guaranteed from the beginning a happy ending. So where is the sense of thrill?
Have you ever played other games? The player is always meant to enjoy the story and win in the end, thats the whole reason of games. You may lose, die and fuck up on the way, but thats what savegames are for.

This paragraph proves to me you have 0 idea of how it works. Adding several real options has an exponential growth. If you have 2 choices, you have 2 paths. If you add another choice with 2 alternatives, you have 4 paths. Add another choice with another 2 alternatives you have 8. True, not all paths need to be fully unique. But you cannot just simply say "you can just add choices as they have been doing" because precisely if you have already made many paths, adding more is more and more complex.
Drop it, thats to much hypocrisy.
I you'd give a fuck about the workload for the dev, you would stop whining about the harem. One harem is one route, every girl bundled in it is one less route. But instead of one harem route you demand 12 standalone routes. That means separated writing, coding and providing art to play every single girl as main heroine of the novel - instead of one for a harem.

And again - Dev stated many times that the game won't have a full harem in the end.
And where did he write he would kill LIs if you are on the harem route? Killing the puppet on solo routes would be something else (if you are in a mono relationship and dont want to exchange your girl) but this stupid "not enough" mindset is just annoying.

On that note, did one of you monos pick the ghost? Just curious what happens if you drop the ghost for the puppet. Will she lose her body again?

Not fond of lesbians/bisexuals, so Lily and Sofia are not options for me anymore...i know you can "get jealous" there, but this kind option should be given before, not after...and like i said, i like HAREM, not Polyamory...
Erm, you dont like harem, you like slavery.
Its only natural for the girls in a harem to grow closer to each other, especially if they get used to team up for your amusement. Thats an unavoidable fact in every consenting group.
But if you prefer forced stuff and want to play some pasha, sheikh or slaver who just wants to own some sexdolls, you look in the wrong genre.
  • Haha
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Sep 9, 2022
anyone knows if the dev has said something about how much longer will the game go on for? 'cause I'm kinda thinking I'd rather wait for it to be fully finished and fixed... seems every update brakes my saves and stuff gets changed =/
it feels as if it's getting close to the end now, wrapping up some paths and saying goodbyes to others i can only assume the end is coming sooner than we would like


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I see you dont have any real life experience. I always had girls who knew from the beginning they never will get unshared love from me. I care about them, i like them, i would even say i love a few of them, i help them when they need a friend and we can have sex whenever, whereever and however we want, be it alone, 3somes, swinging or orgies - if time allows it and we are in the mood there are no limits...but noone will ever replace big sis and everyone of them knows it since before we had sex for the first time. Same goes her girls since they are not all the same, sure, our circles tend to overlap, especially during/after orgies, but we both have girls the other one dont cares about. Okay, its not the same as a harem protagonist, but in the end it only depends on the mindset if you take and enjoy what you can get, or give up and sulk because you cant be the only one. Nothing is forced, except for the fact a mono relationship is absolutely impossible. Either you can share or you can go, no need to kill the girls who dont want to join.

Obviously you CANT. You wouldnt spam half of the pages of this topic with you no harem whining if you could tolerate it.

Have you ever played other games? The player is always meant to enjoy the story and win in the end, thats the whole reason of games. You may lose, die and fuck up on the way, but thats what savegames are for.

Drop it, thats to much hypocrisy.
I you'd give a fuck about the workload for the dev, you would stop whining about the harem. One harem is one route, every girl bundled in it is one less route. But instead of one harem route you demand 12 standalone routes. That means separated writing, coding and providing art to play every single girl as main heroine of the novel - instead of one for a harem.

And where did he write he would kill LIs if you are on the harem route? Killing the puppet on solo routes would be something else (if you are in a mono relationship and dont want to exchange your girl) but this stupid "not enough" mindset is just annoying.

On that note, did one of you monos pick the ghost? Just curious what happens if you drop the ghost for the puppet. Will she lose her body again?

Erm, you dont like harem, you like slavery.
Its only natural for the girls in a harem to grow closer to each other, especially if they get used to team up for your amusement. Thats an unavoidable fact in every consenting group.
But if you prefer forced stuff and want to play some pasha, sheikh or slaver who just wants to own some sexdolls, you look in the wrong genre.
I would reply to you but you wrote so much crap that I had too much time laughing on the floor. Good luck living in Narnia. Say hi to Godzilla and the magic elves you see before sleeping for me.

Ohh and learn to count. If you account for players rejecting girls in harems, the numbers of paths is the powerset of the number of LI.
  • Haha
  • Yay, new update!
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Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
I would reply to you but you wrote so much crap that I had too much time laughing on the floor. Good luck living in Narnia. Say hi to Godzilla and the magic elves you see before sleeping for me.

Ohh and learn to count. If you account for players rejecting girls in harems, the numbers of paths is the powerset of the number of LI.
Its one thing if you cant accept the fantasy aspect in a fantasy setting of a game filled with monster girls, i can even understand if your mono brain cant handle other peoples experiences outside your little mono world, but insulting me personally just because you outright refuse to even try thinking about it with an open mind is not okay.

Rejecting girls also gives them solo routes, just not as heroine. One harem is still less work then aditional girls outside the harem. Elementary school math, everything more then one is two or more.
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2022
it feels as if it's getting close to the end now, wrapping up some paths and saying goodbyes to others i can only assume the end is coming sooner than we would like
oh alright, thanks... it'd be nice to have an endgame roadmap.

I see you dont have any real life experience. I always had girls who knew from the beginning they never will get unshared love from me. I care about them, i like them, i would even say i love a few of them, i help them when they need a friend and we can have sex whenever, whereever and however we want, be it alone, 3somes, swinging or orgies - if time allows it and we are in the mood there are no limits...but noone will ever replace big sis and everyone of them knows it since before we had sex for the first time. Same goes her girls since they are not all the same, sure, our circles tend to overlap, especially during/after orgies, but we both have girls the other one dont cares about. Okay, its not the same as a harem protagonist, but in the end it only depends on the mindset if you take and enjoy what you can get, or give up and sulk because you cant be the only one. Nothing is forced, except for the fact a mono relationship is absolutely impossible. Either you can share or you can go, no need to kill the girls who dont want to join.
Also, holy fuck please tell me this is some copypasta I hadn't seen before... and if it isn't, it totally should be... :ROFLMAO:
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Rejecting girls also gives them solo routes, just not as heroine. One harem is still less work then aditional girls outside the harem. Elementary school math, everything more then one is two or more.
State your assumptions about what happens if you don't include them and count again.

The upper bound is the power set. All combinations of in and out. If being in the harem doesn't matter for their actual paths, whcih I believe is what you mean by "rejecting them means solo route" then you counted wrong again. You have solo routes plus harem route, which is 1 more than only solo routes. Alternative of what you meant is choices don't matter. You have one path. You are just triggering content in and out, but story is linear. You can do that with solo routes too. In fact, it is a particular case of the previous harem in which you reject all but one.

So either you counted wrong or you proposed choices don't matter, under which the discussion of paths is irrelevant.


Jul 8, 2018
Erm, you dont like harem, you like slavery.
Its only natural for the girls in a harem to grow closer to each other, especially if they get used to team up for your amusement. Thats an unavoidable fact in every consenting group.
But if you prefer forced stuff and want to play some pasha, sheikh or slaver who just wants to own some sexdolls, you look in the wrong genre.
Sorry but this doesn't make any sense. If the women in question is heterosexual she will not magically turn into lesbian/bisexual only because her and other women are dating or having sex with the same guy, the same way 2 heterosexual men will not fuck each other in the ass in a 3some with a woman, if you do it with your partners dont project as a common behavior, and like i said, harem and polyamory are 2 different things.


Jan 2, 2023
The ghost girl not participating in the harem had already made me very upset. now Olga dies? I am very disappointed with this game. a game with such great potential to make two shits in a row is complicated.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
All this thread is is people discussing the harem and its been that way since the harem tag was removed when the dev himself stated there will be no harem but we will have some throuple options.

And if the dev backtracks on that well then like all devs who try and please everyone the story will suffer hell from what I've read it already has.


Sep 20, 2020
All this thread is is people discussing the harem and its been that way since the harem tag was removed when the dev himself stated there will be no harem but we will have some throuple options.

And if the dev backtracks on that well then like all devs who try and please everyone the story will suffer hell from what I've read it already has.
Its a bit fucking stupid on the devs part to come here to say that the they mistaged the game remove the harem tag and say only throuples at the end, while also having an almost full blown harem route in the game where all but 2 girls have joined your harem. kind of sending mixed messaging there me thinks lol.
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Sep 9, 2022
Its a bit fucking stupid on the devs part to come here to say that the they mistaged the game remove the harem tag and say only throuples at the end, while also having an almost full blown harem route in the game where all but 2 girls have joined your harem. kind of sending mixed messaging there me thinks lol.
technically it kinda is a harem we just can't collect ALL the girls. we have nina, maxine, rachel, sophia, lily, dragomira (not sure how that will work besides being an occasional fuck) and grace while anne might be possible as well (i fucking hope). im not even mad we can't collect them all either, disappointing sure but this is the devs story to write so i will roll with it. what makes me sad is killing off characters that add flavor to the story and school. library is closed so no one can get books and study, the school loses an highly intelligent and helpful individual and making it so much lower in value. sure eventually staff will be replaced (you know shosha is getting fired for helping with the painting as well) but for us readers it leaves a hollow feeling that replaced the wonder and excitement for the story i originally felt when starting to read. hopefully wednesday season 2 this november fill the void
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