VN - RPGM - Completed - Monster Girl 1,000 [v19.3.1] [TwistedScarlett]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A very charming game where you seduce cute monstergirls. The girls are cute, the interaction is fun. I enjoy the dialog. It is not too much and not too little dialog, just right.

    This is RPGM without the RPGM.
    +Navigation is done via VN mode instead of the default walking simulator mode endemic to RPGM.
    +Combat can be just skipped by enabling story mode difficulty which automatically wins all combats for you without extraneous clicks
    +Looks good. as it is a modern version and not one of the older ones that were locked to 544x416
    +Has some quality of life scripts. Such as the ability to set text to instantly show up, and the ability to fast forward text via W key. Due to the same button being used to progress text and make a dialog choice in RPGM this game adds a script where the choice always starts on nothing selected which makes it impossible to misclick. A+.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    So i've played the 5.0.3 version until the end and I can genuinely recommend this even if you are not an RPG lover (the battle system) the autoplay works really well and you don't need to think about fighting and can enjoy the story.

    The Story is very interesting and I look forward to where the plot will be going.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    ~If you like all the tags go for it!

    It is a feels good harem game with lots of cute Monster-girls. Don't expect high-drama and realism- it has a lot of the hyperbolic optimism and cheesiness of a Slice of Life anime.

    ~The writing is a consistent quality. It is charming.
    ~The plots are a little formulaic, but can surprise you at times
    ~Combat was fun
    ~The game-play and reward systems are all very straight forward.
    ~The "gift-box" mechanics was cool- it was like a present reveal for the player and the charcter they gifted it to; along with some really cute plot and characterization reveal details.
    ~It is a RPGM that mostly plays like a VN
    ~It has some truly erotic scene premises.
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  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite nice harem game so far, although i find scenes take long time with the same picture. Not going to animated scenes, a few more images for each scene would have been nice.
    Of course, it's already quite goodconsidering there will be like a thousand different concept of girls (don't ask me where i put this thousand figure from)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Best hentai game I ever played. Story is interesting, characters have depth and they are very diverse both in personality and in looks. Scenes are hot af. I don't have any complaint for this game, it is perfect, I am waiting at the edge of my seat for the next version.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent art. Freakishly fast output by the dev. The turn based content would stand alone as a well designed non-adult game but it somehow works amazingly in this game for those who are nervous of the idea of having standard game content in a visual novel. This game has hands down some of the best pacing I've seen.
    S Tier.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid characters and dialogue, 16 locations, half dozen or so characters per location all with their own art, and a standard but enjoyable combat and inventory system to boot. All around an excellent game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Charming writing, fun set pieces, and delightful characters makes this a win. I'm enjoying the dialog even though it can get a little repetitive, the characters are fun to follow. The developers did a great job making a sense of mystery and the cultural references are fun. If you enjoyed Monster Girl Quest, definitely give it a go, not anything like a successor, but definitely has the strong positive vibes of MGQ. Give it a whirl!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of promise, characters feel distinct personality and gameplay wise, art and dialogue is solid across the board. Overall wasn't fond of the way the Pumpkin Queen ark was handled both story wise and gameplay wise but I can live with one malus on an otherwise great game.
    Looking forward to more!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Artwork looked decent for me in the beginning but maaaan this has easily become one of my favorite games and will support it so we can get the next chapter out because i want to know what happens next and what other monster girls we will encounter
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    So far, I am enjoying this a lot! The writing is pretty good, the dialogue isn't cringey, the art is fantastic, the sex scenes are hot, and the story is good enough to keep you interested! Also, the gameplay is actually fairly decent. Nothing special, but it's not mind-numbingly boring or easy either.

    I love the entire concept of building a harem and then being able to interact with those characters back at the village and make them pregnant. Can't wait to see how that actually unfolds in the game. Also, I enjoy how you have to actually earn some scenes through side-quests and they're not just handed to you on a silver platter, and I like the slow-burn with Ray and Bessie (as I'm fairly certain that even Bessie will end up being in the harem due to the dialogue continuously teasing there being something more to her and MC's relationship; at least, I HOPE that's the case, Bessie is probably my favorite girl so far lol!).

    The only things that could really make this game better at its core would be to maybe have some animated scenes (or maybe update old ones to be animated), but that's more of a personal critique and I understand that not every dev has the ability to do those things and the focus right now is probably just on new content so it doesn't take away from the score.

    It's clear that this is a project that the dev actually has a passion for and is dedicated to seeing it to its completion, which is awesome! As long as updates continue to come out on a fairly consistent basis, this game has the potential to go from good to excellent! Keep up the good work, TwistedScarlett!
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    no one in particular

    The writing is so good, i am invested in the plot now, cant wait to see where it goes, why is the male population declining, why are our father and mother in hiding, what are eris's plans, find out next time on dragonballz.....the art is pretty good the combat is decent, overall probably the best rpgm I have played, i hope it gets successful enough to get animations and voice acting, best of luck
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The best part about this game the tone. It's always lighthearted, fun, and sexy. It's rare to see a game about assembling a harem be so positive - the characters unashamedly express their limits and desires, and those are in turn appreciated by others.

    The combat is pretty good (if easy). I enjoyed playing this so far, and am looking forward to playing more.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ep.3 part 1] review

    What it is:
    A strange, hot, funny and extremely wholesome mix between VN and turn based combat RPG. It's in the RPGM engine but there is no "walking around" gameplay at all. It plays a lot more like Ren'Py games in that regard.

    + It's extremely well written and the dialogues never get boring. The use of text exposition is fairly light, which I feel is a huge plus. Every character has a distinct feel to them, and their own unique "voice". The text during sex scenes is unique and hot.
    + It's often funny as fuck. Lots of meta-humor and parodies.
    + Combat is well balanced and requires you to use your brain.
    + It's very wholesome, but also touches darker themes like death and loss.
    + There's no grind at all. Every combat encounter is unique and happens only once.
    + Nice lore and world-building.
    + I really appreciated the Dota references. When the naga first showed up with the same skin I'm using I laughed out loud. Moar pls.

    - The RPGM engine is very taxing on my PC. For some reason it can use 100 % CPU for a scene with only text on a background picture.
    - MC's penis. It's too big, and looks kinda wonky sometimes. The sex scene with the mouse girl looks like she's being penetrated by a baseball bat model XXXL. Also I'm not a huge fan of "floating dick" CG:s. I wouldn't have minded seeing the MC present in the sex scenes instead of only floating-dick and POV scenes.
    - Sex scenes are only 1 picture each, with small changes like penis in/out, facial expressions, et c. It feels a bit lazy.
    - Menus are sometimes clickable, sometimes not.
    - The "zone"-menu where you pick your missions or choose to interact with villagers feels a bit same:y and low effort. A clickable map would have been way better.

    All in all, my criticisms are definitely minor and this is a super clean 5/5 any day of the week. The writing is really excellent and with a sublime sense of humor. Warmly recommended!
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Put simply, decent porn ruined by completely unnecessary typical RPGM combat. They've essentially made a virtual Novel style'd game that, for absolutely no reason at all, has the worst combat mechanics ever introduced to the gaming (and especially porn) world slapped on.

    Every brief, passably 'okay' scene comes at the cost of you enduring a dreadfully boring and repetitive turn based combat sequence. It's not hard or challenging, it's literally just time consuming. Enemies are spongey and spells do almost nothing unless they're directly countered by something.

    The scenes are okay, and if they were just normally set up as a virtual novel styled game, it'd be quite nice. The absolute downfall of this game is the combat. It does nothing but detract from the plot and experience, and considering how often such a thing is pointed out as being worthy of a poor review on its own, I'm amazed that this game has the rating it does.

    The plot is nothing to write home about, the art is decent, but the gameplay is atrocious. Boring fights, short scenes, and mind numbing plot. Not worth the time.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Most time I avoid RPGM tagged games, since so many of them disappoint.
    I am pretty glad I gave this one a shot.
    Very nice to get hold of a MG game that is not 90% femdom-y or "lose to see lewds".

    Only thing missing to make this one perfect for my tastes would be choices for different positions and/or even getting interactive control over the sex-scenes. That would IMO make the girls more replayable, and performing well could perhaps offer extra challenge and rewards (like not story-linked blessing levels, pregnancy etc.?) for the player.
    Either way, I enjoyed it and look forward to seeing updates.

    One note for the Dev:
    At one point I had Ray equipped with the Wisdom Staff getting silenced in battle.
    I still had her plain staff in inv, so I could just switch and use attack.
    But unless you (or RPGM) have already considered that sort of exception, it might be possible to get 'softlocked' into a battleturn with no possible action. Assuming you have no plain weapon to switch to, and no items to use in inventory.
    Might be good to have a guard/skip turn action in the fight/escape menu as a fallback.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely looking forward to more. Your last game was quirky and fun.
    This appears to be no different. Looking forward to more with these characters and more monster girls.
    Genuinely a fun RPG too!!!
    Keep up the good work. Hope to see some Arachne and Elfgirl Transformations!!!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a dream come true like i never thought i will find a gem like that all the waifus look pretty! i just hoped it be longer also it be great if we had choices that had a an impact like accepting a girl to the harem or something btw i really wanted the kitsuuuuune berserker but she isn't for now......
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    For myself, I consider it right to leave a rating for the game, having played in the later versions and compiled a better picture of the game.
    But for this game I will make an exception, because I believe in the talent of people working on it.
    The picture / artistic component - I really like the hand of the artist. The girls look both hot and cute. The backgrounds are organic. Although the H scenes are not animated (in general, I don’t think that this is necessary, although the author may save something for us in the future), they are executed perfectly.
    Soundtrack - Music, background sounds (like the sound of tidal waves of the sea), sounds in H scenes I also like. I even liked a couple of melodies a lot.
    Gameplay component - RPG is my favorite genre, and therefore I cannot ignore it. I like the fact that there is tactics, analysis of opponents, selection of strategy + equipment. Also, despite the fact that I have a normal attitude towards grinding (within reasonable limits) - I think that the system with contracts is a good solution - you get history, gear, experience, H Scenes as a reward. Maybe in the future there will be more freedom (for example, after the opening of Mistral Village) in movement and missions (for example, there will be really difficult tasks and contracts that can be repeated to strengthen the group). I also like the idea of acquiring new skills, for example, in the battle itself (in an emergency) or, for example, gaining experience / skills / perks, etc. after rapprochement with girls (H. Scene).
    The plot / script / writing skills are just as pleasing to me. The plot, although it looks simple from one side, is intriguing and interesting. Dialogues don't sound stupid. At times, humor pleases (for example, the quest with the Crabs xD). I also want to note the following detail: the characters discuss their skills (including only those they have received), strategies - this is the meaning of what is happening, some kind of realism and increases the immersion effect. I would be glad if there were more such moments.
    All of the above is just as well combined with each other, which creates such a great impression. For me, this game is now 10 out of 10, and even though the early version is one of the best games about Monster girls (and I played quite a few of them).
    So I express my gratitude to everyone who is working on this game, I wish you health, success and good luck! You are great!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    RPGM: some may think of RPGM games, due to previous experiences, as tedious and grindy, or being of low quality in general.
    Rest assured, this is not the case here; and given v1.01's content, I have the impression it won't devolve into such a state either.

    Aside from a few typos (iirc; I post this a few days after playing it), you need not fear to encounter anything that'll trigger your inner grammar Nazi (at least mine kept quiet).

    I like the character design and art. I like the silly, humorous premise as to why the MC has to assemble a harem, and how he just nonchalantly rolls with it.
    And I'm curious about the cliffhanger this first release left us at, and whether a more sinister side to the story gets revealed, which would be a switch from the mainly lighthearted tone the game has right now.

    Overall, as you can guess by my star rating, I'm happy to have discovered this game and can't wait for more!