
Jan 6, 2018
Is there a latest bugfix version of the Waifupocalypse mod that still has the Milk Maid content attached to it? All the latest updates of that mod that I've found on the Discord and the Wiki seem to have that content removed, and I would rather have the complete mod experience.
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May 3, 2018
There were multiple side-stuff updates, yes, but now the author is back on trying to build the next chapter of the main story, and it's... I'll go with "highly ambitious." The Labyrinth has its own control system and a turn-based strategy minigame that's a bit like Pac-Man crossed with Foxes and Goose (MC is the Goose). He's really pushing Renpy in a direction I haven't seen before, and I'm sure it has a lot of challenges to work out. That's without going into additional art assets that he's previewed in the Patreon (which I won't share here, because that's a Patron perk seeing those).

TL DR; Maybe he did update more frequently, but the next update is going to be a doozy, adding a new zone that plays differently than the rest of the game before it.
My reading of the most recent patreon update is that the next update is going to be mainly art assets, and the Labyrinth was pushed to the following update. But that update should have all of the Labyrinth content, in contrast to an earlier plan where threshold was going to split the Labyrinth into two updates.
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Tired Noir

Dec 29, 2018
Will you ever be able to go genocide route in this game, or it's a MGE lite?
Because some of those women deserve a painful death for their thotery, especially the soul killing bitch Sofia
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Jul 8, 2020
Will you ever be able to go genocide route in this game, or it's a MGE lite?
Because some of those women deserve a painful death for their thotery, especially the soul killing bitch Sofia
You know Sofia stopped 'soul killing bitch'ing years ago? I'm pretty sure it's against the law or something, and that the entire point of her weak fights earlier on is because she's so lethargic from not having that high of power from soul sucking. Kinda what makes sheep girl (Ancilla) special to her as well. Unless you wish her a painful demise for another reason barring her history of killing people (God knows what 'thotery' even refers to in a game where every. single. character. fucks you. Well most anyway-).

Also: No. I'm not an authoritative figure on the game's development or anything but... No.

Tired Noir

Dec 29, 2018
You know Sofia stopped 'soul killing bitch'ing years ago? I'm pretty sure it's against the law or something, and that the entire point of her weak fights earlier on is because she's so lethargic from not having that high of power from soul sucking. Kinda what makes sheep girl (Ancilla) special to her as well. Unless you wish her a painful demise for another reason barring her history of killing people (God knows what 'thotery' even refers to in a game where every. single. character. fucks you. Well most anyway-).

Also: No. I'm not an authoritative figure on the game's development or anything but... No.
anyone who soul kills deserve the penalty of being soul killed themselves, doesn't matter if they "reformed"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
anyone who soul kills deserve the penalty of being soul killed themselves, doesn't matter if they "reformed"
i remind you it was during a war. the girls were also affected with demonic energy
besides monster girls saw humans as food back then:cautious:

i made 3 posts that summarize the lore of this game:cool:
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Mustang Flex

Oct 24, 2017
Only reason I don't think Sofia should be killed is I can't think of a war crime more based than eating people's souls. Really the dev fucked up by not setting the game in the ages spanning mutual war of extermination.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
anyone who soul kills deserve the penalty of being soul killed themselves, doesn't matter if they "reformed"
eh, I don't think it's that cut and dry.

First, we don't know enough regarding the circumstances of when Sofia's soul eating began. she's only around 2000 yrs old, while the war has been going on for supposedly 100,000 yrs, so she was probably raised knowing she could be fighting for her life at anytime. She also mentions that consuming a soul is both an instant boost to power, which would be very helpful on the battlefield, and that it is also highly addictive, numbing all other sensations while causing a major high. Plus, we learn from Catherine, one of the succ. Campers, that it is possible to attempt soul consuming unintentionally. It's framed that it happens because she is immature, only recently converted into a succubus, and is lacking control, but it still sets a precedent for the action being unintentional.

Second, we don't know enough about the soul and about death. None of the characters yet give much detail regarding whether people believe in the afterlife, or what they think happens to souls after death. there is no mention of the soul going up to Heaven, or getting reincarnated, or anything really. It is entirely possible that the soul is simply a spiritual organ, and that it dissipates after death. Sofia describes a soul as similar to a fountain, Venefica only talks about it producing spiritual energy in humans and demonic energy in MGs, and the church gave no info regarding the soul or afterlife. The only character to interact with souls after death, was Kotone attempting to revive Feng, and that clearly failed since Feng held no memories pre-mortem.

TL;DR We don't know her circumstances, or if it was really that much worse than simply killing.
Jul 9, 2019
Only reason I don't think Sofia should be killed is I can't think of a war crime more based than eating people's souls. Really the dev fucked up by not setting the game in the ages spanning mutual war of extermination.
I'd love it if in future updates Sofia told detailed stories of her war crimes. If it's true like L30 said a while back about Sofia consuming millions of souls, and if Sofia is indeed 2,000 years old like she claims she is, then even a low-end estimate of 1 million would average out to 500 souls per day. Assuming she didn't eat the same amount each day, some days must've been excessively high. On those days she must've approached insane levels of gluttony, like 24 straight hours of feasting - or bingeing, given the addictive nature of eating souls.

"If war crimes are bad why do they taste so good?" - Sofia, probably.

Edit: I'm a dumbass and messed up the math, it would be 500 souls per year, or ~1.37 per day.
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Maeror Ignis

Sep 21, 2020
How do I access updates? Will downloading a new one delete my progress?
Just override the folder with the new one. Or if you're afraid something will break, delete the folder and replace it with the new one, I'm pretty sure the saves are held in "../AppData/Roaming/Renpy/MGD".

New Kid

Apr 2, 2018
Eh, considering how powerful Sofia is and all her talk about how many souls she used to eat it's not a stretch to think that she consumed way more than necessary "to survive the war" or even be an effective fighter, and seems that she really only stopped because it became an illegal act. Then again, even if someone wanted to punish her, I doubt such a powerful enough person to actually do so exists in the game universe.


Jul 7, 2019
How close is this game to being finished? Any other games like this that contains little amounts of rape?


Jul 2, 2018
eh, I don't think it's that cut and dry.

First, we don't know enough regarding the circumstances of when Sofia's soul eating began. she's only around 2000 yrs old, while the war has been going on for supposedly 100,000 yrs, so she was probably raised knowing she could be fighting for her life at anytime. She also mentions that consuming a soul is both an instant boost to power, which would be very helpful on the battlefield, and that it is also highly addictive, numbing all other sensations while causing a major high. Plus, we learn from Catherine, one of the succ. Campers, that it is possible to attempt soul consuming unintentionally. It's framed that it happens because she is immature, only recently converted into a succubus, and is lacking control, but it still sets a precedent for the action being unintentional.

Second, we don't know enough about the soul and about death. None of the characters yet give much detail regarding whether people believe in the afterlife, or what they think happens to souls after death. there is no mention of the soul going up to Heaven, or getting reincarnated, or anything really. It is entirely possible that the soul is simply a spiritual organ, and that it dissipates after death. Sofia describes a soul as similar to a fountain, Venefica only talks about it producing spiritual energy in humans and demonic energy in MGs, and the church gave no info regarding the soul or afterlife. The only character to interact with souls after death, was Kotone attempting to revive Feng, and that clearly failed since Feng held no memories pre-mortem.

TL;DR We don't know her circumstances, or if it was really that much worse than simply killing.
Ohhhhhh boy my second favorite debate. The monster girl war crimes!!!!!

Firstly, While Sofia may have started by eating souls by 'accident' that doesn't suddenly forgive the action taken. If you accidentally kill someone that doesn't suddenly mean 'oh well try to not do it again you crazy mass murder you'. Also it's a very big stretch to say that Sofia started by accidentally eating a soul. The new camper who nearly eats your soul was a human who was turned into a succubus. She didn't have control over her urges because she was a new succubus. Sofia was born a succubus or maybe an imp and became a succubus? (The life cycle of succubi and imps is kinda messy) She probably knew or was taught how to eat souls very quickly and this was most likely used as you said to increase power of the monster girls rapidly. This brings up the second issue. Even if eating souls is a major power boost that doesn't excuse the action taken. Even we humans have the Geneva Conventions, and while not everybody abides by these rules every person is suitably disgusted by those who break these rules. Soul eating would most almost certainly fall into this camp because we are talking about eating the core of what makes a person a person (assuming souls are real irl which I have stated before not even sure if that's the case). Thirdly regarding Kotone and Feng I believe Threshold has stated that there will be a quest/storyline in the future where Feng regains her memories of when she was alive. This would imply that souls do retain the memories and it was just Kotone's imperfect dabbling in necromancy that caused the memory loss. this would mean that eating a soul and destroying it would be even worse than just killing the person because even if you just killed them their soul would be free to go to the afterlife. Soul eating prevents that and would be the highest crime imaginable because what could even come close to topping it?

Also, seeing how there is a heaven, angels, basically god, necromancy, and souls we can make the reasonable assumption that an afterlife exists. I mean if there was no afterlife and soul why would necromancy be illegal? Just because zombies make some people squicky? Some people are into bonking a dead chick, or dead boi so unless necromancy actually affected the soul of the individual that you performed necromancy on then there would be no reason to ban it. In fact necromancy could just be regarded as a different form of enchanting objects, but instead of say making a golemn out of stone you make a golemn out of the fleshy remains of somebody who died. Therefore if there is no afterlife necromancy should be celebrated as allowing people to make use of materials that have been left behind.

Longish post and debating has come back...... I'M SO HAPPY! CHEERS!!!!!!

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
Eh, considering how powerful Sofia is and all her talk about how many souls she used to eat it's not a stretch to think that she consumed way more than necessary "to survive the war" or even be an effective fighter, and seems that she really only stopped because it became an illegal act. Then again, even if someone wanted to punish her, I doubt such a powerful enough person to actually do so exists in the game universe.
Addicts don't generally stop just because doing what they are addicted to is illegal though. I remember that someone (can't remember who) said that at the time there was a concern that because she was so much more powerful than anyone else that there would be no way to enforce the law and stop her if she chose to keep on doing it. So 'she stopped because it was banned' is technically true, but really it seems like she had already decided to quit and the ban was just convenient timing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Eh, considering how powerful Sofia is and all her talk about how many souls she used to eat it's not a stretch to think that she consumed way more than necessary "to survive the war" or even be an effective fighter, and seems that she really only stopped because it became an illegal act. Then again, even if someone wanted to punish her, I doubt such a powerful enough person to actually do so exists in the game universe.
in terms of power i say:
venefica and lucille (the archangel in the church) should be about the same level as sofia:unsure:
then there is the monster queen and the goddess...

Also, seeing how there is a heaven, angels, basically god, necromancy, and souls we can make the reasonable assumption that an afterlife exists. I mean if there was no afterlife and soul why would necromancy be illegal?
Second, we don't know enough about the soul and about death. None of the characters yet give much detail regarding whether people believe in the afterlife, or what they think happens to souls after death. there is no mention of the soul going up to Heaven, or getting reincarnated, or anything really. It is entirely possible that the soul is simply a spiritual organ, and that it dissipates after death. Sofia describes a soul as similar to a fountain, Venefica only talks about it producing spiritual energy in humans and demonic energy in MGs, and the church gave no info regarding the soul or afterlife. The only character to interact with souls after death, was Kotone attempting to revive Feng, and that clearly failed since Feng held no memories pre-mortem.
well the game has a celestial realm. there are the angels and the goddess...
since there is demonic energy, i assume there is some kind of hell too:unsure:

and sucking out the soul is also the only way to bypass the protection spell on the island:sneaky:
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Nov 22, 2019
Well, before any more discussion develops, I would first like to ask a very important question; in the event that Sophia was a male and otherwise sexually unappealing to you, would your stance on her actions change? This should help determine whether or not your opinion on her soul-eating is actually based on the nature of her actions and not just her tits.
Secondly, I would like to note the use of real-world cases (using international law when possible but otherwise just following U.S federal laws) for ease of discussion.
For example, using the Nuremberg Trials of our own world as an established precedent, Superior defense ("I was just following orders") no longer absolves one of the crime and at most only lessens the punishment in question. Therefore, the legality of Sophia's soul consumption must be defended by an argument other than "she wasn't the one making the decisions," though even that should be called into question considering her position in the military and general power besides.
Finally, before someone goes and says "oh we shouldn't use our world's laws as a lens" or whatever, it should be noted that if we don't, the discussion quickly becomes pointless, as in-universe Sophia is apparently tolerated despite her actions during the war.

With all that established, it becomes important to determine whether we should argue Sophia's deserved fate from a legal or moral perspective.
It is considered unlawful to punish someone for actions that were legal when they did it but were made illegal after the fact (ex post facto). Depending on if soul-eating was legal or not during the war (I don't quite recall) Sophia's legal safety is in a grey area.
However, on moral and ethical grounds, we can assert that soul-killing is considered "evil" or otherwise seen as unjustified due to its currently unlawful nature and the fact that most people react with some degree of disgust or horror at the idea of it. Pedantic arguments against objective morality and society's ever-changing nature aside, it should be reasonable to state that the act of soul-killing is inherently a bad thing. Hopefully I don't need to explain the intricacies of why it is a bad thing.
Anyways, from there, it becomes important to determine just how bad it actually is--the moral weight of the crime. Is it worse than just plain old murder? I believe so, due to the fact that it robs the individual of the possibility of an afterlife or even reincarnation, which is presumably the natural state of things for this setting.
Whether or not it is simply "twice as bad" as murder or should be considered as "something even worse" isn't really important to us, as we can already assert that in itself, murder with purely malicious intent is considered heinous for obvious reasons. It's in bad faith to argue otherwise.

To some extent I suppose the powerup that soul-consumption provides could justify the act (depending on the situation), seeing as how being a high-ranking soldier in the middle of wartime necessitates certain actions to guarantee one's survival.
Even so, the sheer scale of her actions makes it so that she went far in excess of what can be theorized as "a justifiable amount of soul-consumption," assuming one thinks it can be justified at all. Parallels can be drawn to the use of excessive force in cases of self-defense, which is considered unlawful.
In that case, then, it would seem that even from a generous legal standpoint, Sophia's guilt is assured. Her innocence depends almost entirely upon whether or not the act of soul-consumption was approved of or even encouraged during the war, and from a moral standpoint, she cannot be found innocent at all. Irrespective of whether or not she makes my dick hard, I find it impossible to excuse her actions.

And that, officer, is why it is absolutely imperative I fuck her ass as hard as possible. Yes. It is for a good cause.

Mustang Flex

Oct 24, 2017
From a legal standpoint. It's trickier than even regular ass war criminals. In real life cases, major war crimes are usually prosecuted after whatever the side committing them has lost. If this were the case here, it'd be easy to try and convict Sofia because the continent would be occupied by a human army and made to agree to retroactively make their actions illegal. Since this isn't the case. The only way a trial could be held at all would be if humans somehow kidnapped her, or the Demon Queen agreed to extricate her as an olive branch.

Morally, the only way I can think of that would mitigate what she did would be if all the humans she drained were enemy combatants at the time. No prisoners of war or civilians. Without getting into the argument of how moral the war was in the first place, that'd downgrade the atrocity from wholesale systemic soul murder, to a particularly nasty way to kill the enemy.

The third factor is that it's pretty explicit that neither side was in the right. Humans weren't fighting a losing battle where they needed to do whatever it took to survive. They might've lost eventually, but they gave as good as they got. We don't know who was around from back then to hang for their war crimes. But it could be that at the time when peace was first established; it was agreed that neither side would seek retribution. Some like Sofia got the better end of it since they're immortal. But unless both sides sign a treaty that involves handing over their war criminals, it might be for the greater good that a few people go unpunished rather than sparking war over it.
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Nov 15, 2018
How do I access updates? Will downloading a new one delete my progress?
1. Open old game version and save in main town.
1.1 Close old game version.
2. Open new game version.
2.1 Load saved game.
3. Profit.

As long as you save in town before upgrading game versions your save will be perfectly fine.
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