I have done these if you read it again I've downloaded all the RPG run times from 2000 to ace and installed all of them and I have all of runtime packages of 1998 until the newest one installed so there is no problem with it, I've gone and changed the encoder of winrar to Japanese and the game that I've downloaded still have VL Glothic font missing and I've downloaded it and copied it there then the game crashed as soon as I pressed any key on my keyboard giving switch error and then by some chance space bar worked and I got another error mentioning Graphic problem and it's not like it's my PC problem, all I have to do is to download the game, extract it, install it(if needed) and play it like all other games, all I'm saying there's a problem and they should fix it in next update and I'm not the only one here that has this problem, but hey since you tried to help thanks I appreciate it, Good luck