I would say for a first version of a game this looks pretty good, but there is still a lot of work to be done. I could see this game being very enjoyable in the future but it is in desperate need of refinement.
1. I had a bug where when I receive blessings of various types they didn't last as long as they were supposed to. Specifically the love blessing ended the moment I reached max love, and the clairvoyance ended after only 1 round.
2. I would love to see some rogue-lite elements to this game that would give the ruler greater advantages on consecutive playthroughs, or at least ways to progress more fundamentally in the game rather than just being a slow grind to death.
3. I see that you have a gallery that you are planning, so I hope to see this soon.
4. Every time you reach max love you have to read the same 10 cards from the goddess of love, which gets very repetitive, perhaps just add a script that reduces that down to 1 card after you have completed it for the first time.
5. It would be nice to have other resources do something at max level, perhaps they could give you cg for specific characters or give you some sort of advantages.
6. I understand that the concept of these types of game is a slow grind to death with no end in sight, but I would personally advise against that. There is a limited amount of content that you will have so it would make the game more fun if there was perhaps an endgame or even a stopping point that you would automatically reset the game and give different endings, this would also give an incentive for consecutive playthroughs.
As a whole I would say this game has a lot of potential to be something really fun, I understand that this is likely the first version of it, so a review at this point will likely not be reflective of the finished product. With that in mind I think there is a lot of room for improvement. Its strength is its art style, and although the cg scenes could do with some refinement and additional content, I am sure that is all stuff that the developer has in mind. I look forward to trying this again in the future.
This is a review of version 0.1.0a