Yoloswagking or if anyone can answer this.
Everytime Arzor-X has an update to the repository, I'm trying to update my version of the game with his repository files, but everytime I do, the patcher runs into an error. Doesn't matter which version I use and EVERY single time I try to update it with even previous versions, the patcher bugs out. This is why I was asking just to upload your full game everytime he comes out with an update. Manually patching it myself and with many others here for some reason just isn't consistent.
So it'd be nice if someone just re-releases the game everytime there is an update from Arzor's repository.
If it's too much work I understand, but I'm just frustrated from his patcher never freaking working haha.
Unless there's some step I'm missing in his instructions, but all I"m doing is just redownloading his repository, slapping it in the patcher and then running it. Boom, bug/crash every single update and ruins the game files.