I dont get the "terrible gameplay" part... how it is "terrible"? The game offer a ton of races, jobs, skills, weapons, armors, gems to power-up your party and you are really forced to keep upgrading your gear in chaos route since the power spike skyrocket very fast. I know this is not for everyone (and thats why TRTR add the cheat item to reduce all enemy hp to 1), but thats dont mean the gameplay is terrible, is just a very deep RPG
Abundance is hardly a qualifer for good gameplay or depth. While paradox has abundance, it lacks substance and complexity in it's gameplay. Most rpgm games lack even abundance, which is why the games are often hated for boring gameplay, i can agree with them too.
Though even if you add alot of features it won't hide the gaping holes that is a shallow combat system.
The only cost that can be sunk is time but they themselves said they willing dumped 200+ hours into a game they weren’t enjoying. Sounds more like they are trying to blame anything but themselves.
You're either trying to say "If you didn't like it why did you play it so much" or "If you don't like it, don't play it and don't complain here
Whichever it is, i disagree with the points.
The former completely equates the willingness to invest time into something proves the individuals eagerness and enjoyment of said activity. People can put themselves through something they find boring, hard or torterous for various reason, not even I can say i hate this game, i just heavily dislike it and am completely perplexed as to why it's popular.
The latter completely eliminates any kind of objectivity. If you dislike a game, sure, you could drop it that instant, but once again, you can have many reasons to stick around, telling anyone who doesn't like that game to just leave and give up isn't encouraging of anything. If the critical audience wishes to complete the entire game so they can properly formulate their opinion on a game and not treat it unfairly, it's admirable, especially considering the retardation that is the F95reviews.
Well guess you are just the type who get hung up on the bad and none of the good matters anymore.
This is a weak point, especially so when said to Desregaurd, who among the critical audience of this game has been quite fair when it comes to giving his opinion on this game (No worries, i won't be like him).
The formation of one's opinion obviously includes everything, both the good or bad, but if there quite literally is no good to speak of or is heavily outweighed by the bad, 'getting hung up on it' seems fair.
As for the review that the discussion was prompted by, it is pretty retarded, nothing new for this platform. Insulting the playerbase in the first sentence can get the whole thing thrown out the window
Gems are part of it, but there's a ton of other stuff too. There are just way too many multipliers that cause the game to scale exponentially. They put +400% and +1200% gear stats abilities in which I felt were.. really unnecessary (your gear basically doesn't exist if you don't have the highest tier gear enhancement ability for it), there are like 50 different abilities that all double your damage output in different ways that all stack together etc..
I think they needed to make most multipliers stack additively instead of multiplicatively in general, gems and otherwise. Having such big multipliers stack multiplicatively will always mean that even having a few multipliers or or less than someone else will make the difference between a fight being impossible vs. braindead easy, and it also removes any incentive to having balanced character builds (tanks do effectively 0 damage, damage dealers always die in 1 hit - if you have enough resources to make a character capable of dealing a non-trivial amount of damage and not dying in 1 hit at the same time, then those resources could've been spent on making a character that just 1 shots the enemy instead if you'd just skipped everything that made them tanky enough to survive any hits at all).
I don't disagree with what you're saying, but this is clearly an intentional design decision. TT had a clear misunderstanding of how of how difficulty design worked in the first place. Proof of such is the original difficulty modifiers, and CLoc.
Small stat inflation relative to the player is fine, most similar games would also have level equalization aswell, making players either almost equal in stats to the game's enemies.
This is a disliked feature, as it completely elimintaes the entire concept of 'growth' in a game, which is often a pivotal selling point.
Paradox just being a flat 3x multiplier on enemy hp isn't 'difficulty' design, though i've already said this before, so no need to get into it again.
Same with CLoc, had TT had actual play tester capable of being critical of the game, this issue could've been ironed out.
I think that even in an 'infinite' dungeon where the enemies stats increase the deeper you go. Reaching a point where you quite literally CAN'T act firsst because their agility is guranteed to be higher than your team, to add onto that, they practically one shot you if you let them hit you. Thus requiring you to have intiative gear so you can kill the enemy in one turn instead. You either die instantly or kill the enemy instantly.
It's a mess, and i can't figure why none of us couldn't tell it'd be a mess