Talk system is a fun little thing to have and gives some barebones personality to like 90% of the characters who otherwise have no dialogues or (main or side) plot relevance whatsoever. That said, you can also just train somebody on the talker jobline and have them spam great praise and ally invitation, maybe even have multiple characters with talk skills to get affinity to 100% in one go or whatever.
I also feel like (at least for the first playthrough) it could give some info about surrounding area as well as pieces of lore\world building (e.g. slimes and slugs can't stand each other, which you partially can learn via those talk dialgoues), which adds some depth to the otherwise purely mechanical rpg-whatever (which I stay away from)
And, yeah, it may be tedious for some as well as not engaging on playthroughs after the first and maybe it's an odds thing to say, but I just feel that there is so much love put into these games (as unpopular and unappreciated as they seem to be). Grindy gameplay, tropes and cliched story elements aside the whole things feels alive sometimes.
Sure, one can approach this as "press spacebar to read a novel" type of thing, but you can approach it as "it's a process" and then discover more (like goofy jokes and useless items or imbalanced skills, like I get so much fun just imagining becoming a maid and then spray bug repellent over giant mantises)
Tbh I'm more excited for that "side stuff" than the main story (which I don't expect to be somethin revolutionary)
It does paint a funny picture in your head of just what the fuck is even going on in combat if it were played out in real-time rather than turn-based. Having a casual conversation, question and answer session where you and the enemy pass items and money back and forth while the other members of your party are robbing and beating the shit out of them, and it's all happening simultaneously.
It might not even be the strangest part. For example, the reserve part of my party spends their time lying on the ground paralyzed, blind and silenced (binding rope accessory) psychically receiving double the experience of the active party...
Actually that's my preferred usage of the protagonist, since he's kinda useless in the beginning