Feb 1, 2018
You know, I don't know what happens when your characther reaches to zero. Like, do you lose them for good? Can you get them back?


New Member
Jan 26, 2019
I love how everyone gets else has special powers or some form of extra protection while the NASCO generics are just normal people that get to run out in their uniform and start trying to beat their enemies to death in a fistfight. It's wonderful.
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Jan 10, 2018
I love how everyone gets else has special powers or some form of extra protection while the NASCO generics are just normal people that get to run out in their uniform and start trying to beat their enemies to death in a fistfight. It's wonderful.
Balzac might get all the catgirls, but NASCO gets the recruits with spirit.

Sadly, "spirit" doesn't seem to win that much compared to claw-fingers, going by the plot.
Feb 1, 2018
Alright, I am still having a bit of a hard time here with this game. For one, I don't know much about how to decrease corruption so I can get a good ending. Can someone explain to me how corruption and reputation work?


Active Member
Feb 22, 2018
Aw, that's a shame - succubi are really neat when they're properly used, being tailor-made to be an interesting social threat instead of being (essentially) another boring overpowered monster.

My own play by the following rules:

-Wildly overpowered in a very narrow area. Between powerful mind control magic, and being naturally charismatic, they can generally get whatever they want just by asking; it takes magic equipment to have a chance to refuse them, and that still does nothing about their natural charisma. But... If one can force a fight, pretty much anyone with a sword can kill them with ease.

-Which also makes them natural airheads. They literally get anything they want in life just by asking. They've never had to work for a thing in their lives, and what scheming they need to do can usually be summed up with "brainwash the right human"; furthermore, any mistakes and complications can usually be resolved with a hefty dose of mind magic. Because they're so overpowered in their field, most succubi are spoiled rotten, and have grown naturally incurious; they almost universally squander their gifts, much to the relief of humanity.

-They're "mostly harmless". Succubi, unique amongst demons, spend most of their time in human lands, but... Not in the way most would expect. Instead of devilish plots or carnage, they mostly waste their time on hedonism. Fine wines, delicious foods, exotic entertainment... As one would expect of short-sighted spoiled brats, they care about fun, not some sort of demonic agenda. And while their fun doesn't generally care about the financial health of their dupes, sadism doesn't come to them naturally; they feed on human lust, which encourages a certain degree of care on their parts.

-Which changed to a degree when a succubi became the latest Demon Queen. With the instinct to serve activated, they're now her personal spy service, but... While they're effective, they're not exactly discreet. Wandering around asking questions of anyone who looks like they might know the answer works when you have magic powers and your appearance changes every month, but doesn't do a thing to stop them from going to the guards afterwards so everyone knows exactly what the demons are interested in at the moment.
Well that actually does get around most of the pitfalls I despise. For one, it removes most of the malicious intent, and I assume the soul/lifesucking part, which is the lethal part in my description. I still have doubts about how OP mind control can be in that case, since the length or extent is unspecified, but seems interesting enough.


Jan 10, 2018
Alright, I am still having a bit of a hard time here with this game. For one, I don't know much about how to decrease corruption so I can get a good ending. Can someone explain to me how corruption and reputation work?
Reputation... Doesn't, functionally. So far as I can tell, the only way to improve it is through a random patrol event for mothgirl, the one where a guy says he saw her in monster form and she brainwashes him into telling people that HORNET are the good guys. There are a bunch of patrol events for the other two that decrease it, however. Otherwise, you have no way of actively interacting with the system.

Corruption increases with several patrol events, using your new monster skills, and I'm pretty sure it increases by a small amount each day.

If you want the good-aligned ending, your best bet is to ignore corruption entirely, and just recklessly blitz down their headquarters so they can't heal, using NASCO as cannon fodder when possible.

Well that actually does get around most of the pitfalls I despise. For one, it removes most of the malicious intent, and I assume the soul/lifesucking part, which is the lethal part in my description. I still have doubts about how OP mind control can be in that case, since the length or extent is unspecified, but seems interesting enough.
In-setting, the mind control is mostly "As long as the Succubi is around to enforce it"; even longer-lasting mind magic generally wears off after a few weeks, but can be continually refreshed. It's also usually obvious to most people when someone is under its influence.

In-game, it's mostly a background detail - the main character is selling blessed and cursed artifacts rather than relying on her mind control powers.


Jun 28, 2019
Aw, that's a shame - succubi are really neat when they're properly used, being tailor-made to be an interesting social threat instead of being (essentially) another boring overpowered monster.

My own play by the following rules:

-Wildly overpowered in a very narrow area. Between powerful mind control magic, and being naturally charismatic, they can generally get whatever they want just by asking; it takes magic equipment to have a chance to refuse them, and that still does nothing about their natural charisma. But... If one can force a fight, pretty much anyone with a sword can kill them with ease.

-Which also makes them natural airheads. They literally get anything they want in life just by asking. They've never had to work for a thing in their lives, and what scheming they need to do can usually be summed up with "brainwash the right human"; furthermore, any mistakes and complications can usually be resolved with a hefty dose of mind magic. Because they're so overpowered in their field, most succubi are spoiled rotten, and have grown naturally incurious; they almost universally squander their gifts, much to the relief of humanity.

-They're "mostly harmless". Succubi, unique amongst demons, spend most of their time in human lands, but... Not in the way most would expect. Instead of devilish plots or carnage, they mostly waste their time on hedonism. Fine wines, delicious foods, exotic entertainment... As one would expect of short-sighted spoiled brats, they care about fun, not some sort of demonic agenda. And while their fun doesn't generally care about the financial health of their dupes, sadism doesn't come to them naturally; they feed on human lust, which encourages a certain degree of care on their parts.

-Which changed to a degree when a succubi became the latest Demon Queen. With the instinct to serve activated, they're now her personal spy service, but... While they're effective, they're not exactly discreet. Wandering around asking questions of anyone who looks like they might know the answer works when you have magic powers and your appearance changes every month, but doesn't do a thing to stop them from going to the guards afterwards so everyone knows exactly what the demons are interested in at the moment.
Is that what you interpreted from village of nightmare? Because that's pretty spot on barring a few succubi that break the norm (which is something I appreciate.)


Jan 10, 2018
Is that what you interpreted from village of nightmare? Because that's pretty spot on barring a few succubi that break the norm (which is something I appreciate.)
Oh, no, I was talking about my own game with those rules. While I'm familiar with Village of Nightmares, I never got around to playing it myself.


Jun 28, 2019
Oh, no, I was talking about my own game with those rules. While I'm familiar with Village of Nightmares, I never got around to playing it myself.
Wow, it's pretty remarkable how close you are to the rules of succubi in village of nightmare. The only parts where you split is that succubi aren't spoiled (they might've been before, but this new generation can't afford to be). And that these succubi worship a goddess of succubi and they're against killing for the most part since killing someone means one less worshipper. There's more than that, but there's some examples.


Jan 10, 2018
Wow, it's pretty remarkable how close you are to the rules of succubi in village of nightmare. The only parts where you split is that succubi aren't spoiled (they might've been before, but this new generation can't afford to be). And that these succubi worship a goddess of succubi and they're against killing for the most part since killing someone means one less worshipper. There's more than that, but there's some examples.
It's most likely because we're working from a common base. It's like how most vampire stories, despite taking the core concept in radically different directions, tend to end up with only a handful of truly important distinctions.

The mythological succubus was a tremendously powerful creature, but the stories told about her tended to focus more on explaining sleep paralysis than they did the implications of such a being; if such a thing truly existed, she'd have had the world wrapped around her finger in a handful of years. Just look at how easily people rise to positions of power in our own world simply by looking like they know what they talk about, even without any supernatural advantages.

A question, though; since Village of Nightmare succubi are more inclined to long-term thought, why haven't they taken over their setting yet? It shouldn't be that difficult to use the people they can control to undermine or overwhelm those that they can't.


Jun 28, 2019
It's most likely because we're working from a common base. It's like how most vampire stories, despite taking the core concept in radically different directions, tend to end up with only a handful of truly important distinctions.

The mythological succubus was a tremendously powerful creature, but the stories told about her tended to focus more on explaining sleep paralysis than they did the implications of such a being; if such a thing truly existed, she'd have had the world wrapped around her finger in a handful of years. Just look at how easily people rise to positions of power in our own world simply by looking like they know what they talk about, even without any supernatural advantages.

A question, though; since Village of Nightmare succubi are more inclined to long-term thought, why haven't they taken over their setting yet? It shouldn't be that difficult to use the people they can control to undermine or overwhelm those that they can't.
The thing is they almost did. There were basically two big demon factions, the succubi, led by the succubus goddess Amuni, and the Demon King, who leads various other demon and monster races. The Demon King realized the grave threat that Amuni posed and set off on a campaign to completely eliminate the race. At least for the moment, it seems he was successful in destroying the entire race, but Amuni was too powerful to kill, so he elected to seal her away, and with no more worshippers she would basically starve to death. With the race extinct and Amuni sealed away and forgotten for centuries humans basically forgot that succubi existed and unwittingly built a village near her prison. Two villagers were foraging for berries and accidentally stumbled into her prison. It's unclear whether or not the villagers undid the seal or if the seals ran out of magic to contain her, but she breaks free and converts them and the adventurer that comes to search for them. In this horribly weakened state it's vital that the new generation of succubi rebuild slowly, and subtly to avoid the eyes of the human church and the demon king. Succubi were outrageously powerful at their peak, but their power is tied to their goddess and their own lust, and with their goddess so weak at the moment they're currently a shell of their former selves.


Jan 10, 2018
The thing is they almost did. There were basically two big demon factions, the succubi, led by the succubus goddess Amuni, and the Demon King, who leads various other demon and monster races. The Demon King realized the grave threat that Amuni posed and set off on a campaign to completely eliminate the race. At least for the moment, it seems he was successful in destroying the entire race, but Amuni was too powerful to kill, so he elected to seal her away, and with no more worshippers she would basically starve to death. With the race extinct and Amuni sealed away and forgotten for centuries humans basically forgot that succubi existed and unwittingly built a village near her prison. Two villagers were foraging for berries and accidentally stumbled into her prison. It's unclear whether or not the villagers undid the seal or if the seals ran out of magic to contain her, but she breaks free and converts them and the adventurer that comes to search for them. In this horribly weakened state it's vital that the new generation of succubi rebuild slowly, and subtly to avoid the eyes of the human church and the demon king. Succubi were outrageously powerful at their peak, but their power is tied to their goddess and their own lust, and with their goddess so weak at the moment they're currently a shell of their former selves.
I see, an interesting explanation; a counterbalancing force (the demon king) kept them in check at their peak, and in modern times, they're largely depowered until they recover.


Jun 28, 2019
I see, an interesting explanation; a counterbalancing force (the demon king) kept them in check at their peak, and in modern times, they're largely depowered until they recover.
At the same time their advantage is that humanity is no longer privy to their tricks, and at least until inma sugoroku the demon king was unaware of their revival. But even though he wants to annihilate them again they’re basically using humanity as a shield while they restore their ranks and feed their goddess more power.


Jun 28, 2019
Humanity may be weak in general, but there are still plenty among them who can go toe to toe with any modern demon or monster.


Jun 28, 2019
So is there like a patch for the gallery? Because whenever I try to patrol in the gallery, I get a script error.
There isn’t right now. Don’t worry it’s pissing me off too. So I decided once I’m done translating demon peddler I’m going back and doing a major overhaul of this game.


New Member
Dec 2, 2018
There isn’t right now. Don’t worry it’s pissing me off too. So I decided once I’m done translating demon peddler I’m going back and doing a major overhaul of this game.
I wish you the best of luck. And thanks again for the base translation.
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Feb 1, 2018
You know, in-gallery, there is like this stats that is about sadism and masochism. I am not sure what exactly these are for. Are they for the captured or the monster girls?
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