Jan 10, 2018
There is literally no advantage to being good besides not being attacked by two factions at once. Even then, as long as you don’t attack NASCO it’s still 2 on1 and you’ll be making bank and be able to use all your powers as much as you want as well as stealing troops from the other team.
And honestly, NASCO fighting Balzac can be a huge disadvantage to capturing their teams - they attack the enemy base so often that the enemy will rarely attack on their own, because they're usually pretty beaten up. Which in turn makes it harder to take the base, because even a half-dead enemy will take a few turns to take the rest of the way to fully-dead, and you can't actually capture anyone without winning the battle.

But I still prefer doing things that way, just because the conversation between Queen Hornet and the Director puts you in a better light, and you can get more conversations between brainwashed Balzac members and uncorrupted NASCO members.

I wish there was a game like this but the main characters are male and
the monsters are still female
Isn't that just Venus Blood? Or does it have to be a modern setting?

Honestly, I prefer things this way; corruption games in general don't often have a female main character as the corruptor, so it's a breath of fresh air to me.

What’s everyone’s favorite team pairings? I personally like Arachnia, Yuri, and Fan as a team.
Putting the shotacons together seems like it could cause... Issues...

Teamwise, I made all NASCO members into their favorite bugs, and Balzac members into their elemental weaknesses. I think that worked out pretty well with the NASCO members, but I don't think Fate worked well with Mothgirl in retrospect; it might have been better to give her Fan instead.

Of course, mechanically, it probably would have been better to make everyone into Scorpions, but that seems pretty boring, and the game's easy enough anyway.


Jun 28, 2019
And honestly, NASCO fighting Balzac can be a huge disadvantage to capturing their teams - they attack the enemy base so often that the enemy will rarely attack on their own, because they're usually pretty beaten up. Which in turn makes it harder to take the base, because even a half-dead enemy will take a few turns to take the rest of the way to fully-dead, and you can't actually capture anyone without winning the battle.

But I still prefer doing things that way, just because the conversation between Queen Hornet and the Director puts you in a better light, and you can get more conversations between brainwashed Balzac members and uncorrupted NASCO members.

Isn't that just Venus Blood? Or does it have to be a modern setting?

Honestly, I prefer things this way; corruption games in general don't often have a female main character as the corruptor, so it's a breath of fresh air to me.

Putting the shotacons together seems like it could cause... Issues...

Teamwise, I made all NASCO members into their favorite bugs, and Balzac members into their elemental weaknesses. I think that worked out pretty well with the NASCO members, but I don't think Fate worked well with Mothgirl in retrospect; it might have been better to give her Fan instead.

Of course, mechanically, it probably would have been better to make everyone into Scorpions, but that seems pretty boring, and the game's easy enough anyway.
I liked Arachnia, Fan, and Yuri together for the double bully, they're both pretty harsh on Fan, but she becomes something of a masochist so she gets off on it anyway.


Jan 10, 2018
I liked Arachnia, Fan, and Yuri together for the double bully, they're both pretty harsh on Fan, but she becomes something of a masochist so she gets off on it anyway.
Ah, I only considered things in terms of pairings, since the game didn't have any triple-events... Hm, looking at things through that lens...

Mothgirl, Kanna, and Fate become Team Moochers; the first two spend all their time abusing their powder for petty luxuries, while Fate nags at them to exercise more while spending the rest of the time becoming the park's mascot. Eventually, she ends up starring in a famous sitcom My Little Doggirl Can't Be This Innocent.

Kaguya, Christy, and Sakura end up balancing each other out; dating Christy softens Kaguya's vices by eating up more of her free time, while Sakura keeps her sadistic edge sharp. Christy and Sakura mostly end up bouncing off each other, though; Christy has no interest in the maniac, while Sakura has no real (positive) interest in others in general.

Akari, Fan, and Yuri become a pretty efficient street gang; the first two spend their time beating people up for kicks, while Yuri always has water and shade ready for them so that they can make the best use of their downtime. People give their territory a wide berth.

(And now I'm imagining just how bad things get in a team with Akari, Fan, and Sakura... That must be pretty much non-stop blood...)
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Jun 28, 2019
Ah, I only considered things in terms of pairings, since the game didn't have any triple-events... Hm, looking at things through that lens...

Mothgirl, Kanna, and Fate become Team Moochers; the first two spend all their time abusing their powder for petty luxuries, while Fate nags at them to exercise more while spending the rest of the time becoming the park's mascot. Eventually, she ends up starring in a famous sitcom My Little Doggirl Can't Be This Innocent.

Kaguya, Christy, and Sakura end up balancing each other out; dating Christy softens Kaguya's vices by eating up more of her free time, while Sakura keeps her sadistic edge sharp. Christy and Sakura mostly end up bouncing off each other, though; Christy has no interest in the maniac, while Sakura has no real (positive) interest in others in general.

Akari, Fan, and Yuri become a pretty efficient street gang; the first two spend their time beating people up for kicks, while Yuri always has water and shade ready for them so that they can make the best use of their downtime. People give their territory a wide berth.

(And now I'm imagining just how bad things get in a team with Akari, Fan, and Sakura... That must be pretty much non-stop blood...)
There are also other dangerous vices everyone takes part in when you switch it up. Sakura basically gets Chika into human cock fighting.


Jun 28, 2019
I did not realize that the ability to do fundraising was removed entirely. I'll look into adding that back in, but it looks like that might be another feature that causes more problems than it's worth.


Jun 28, 2019
It's also funny that even though Christy is a villain she has more of a moral compass than the Insect Angels. She sometimes goes behind Scorpion's back to repay people she extorts out of her own pocket. (Yes, Scorpion actually pays Christy a wage.)
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Jan 10, 2018
There are also other dangerous vices everyone takes part in when you switch it up. Sakura basically gets Chika into human cock fighting.
I know; I've seen all the patrol events already, bar the location-specific ones that seemed like more effort than they were worth to find.

In terms of making everyone into their worst selves, I'd say the pairings would have to go...

Mothgirl, Sakura, Christy; Sakura gets Mothgirl into more sadistic pursuits, while Mothgirl teaches Christy to abuse her good nature for monetary gain.

Kaguya, Yuri, Fate; Kaguya and Yuri egg each other on, "hunting" in the park while Fate acts as their bait.

Akari, Kanna, Fan; Akari gets around what's left of Kanna's morals by teaching her to pick fights, and lacks any of softer edges that Kanna has with the other two, while she's just plain violent with Fan.

I did not realize that the ability to do fundraising was removed entirely. I'll look into adding that back in, but it looks like that might be another feature that causes more problems than it's worth.
Oh, is that what happened? I was confused that it was mentioned in the prologue but there was nothing about it in the game itself - I had thought it was just cut in the end. I'd say it's worth it, though, since without it there's not much you can do for money before you start extorting people.


Jun 28, 2019
I know; I've seen all the patrol events already, bar the location-specific ones that seemed like more effort than they were worth to find.

In terms of making everyone into their worst selves, I'd say the pairings would have to go...

Mothgirl, Sakura, Christy; Sakura gets Mothgirl into more sadistic pursuits, while Mothgirl teaches Christy to abuse her good nature for monetary gain.

Kaguya, Yuri, Fate; Kaguya and Yuri egg each other on, "hunting" in the park while Fate acts as their bait.

Akari, Kanna, Fan; Akari gets around what's left of Kanna's morals by teaching her to pick fights, and lacks any of softer edges that Kanna has with the other two, while she's just plain violent with Fan.

Oh, is that what happened? I was confused that it was mentioned in the prologue but there was nothing about it in the game itself - I had thought it was just cut in the end. I'd say it's worth it, though, since without it there's not much you can do for money before you start extorting people.
Especially since Chika is more than happy to prostitute herself. She seriously rakes in dough. if your reputation is poor using her is a good alternative, especially in a "good guy" run. Just don't let the other two get corrupted.


Dec 30, 2018
Oh yeah, i feel ya, game is very biased to being evil.
No kidding. I don't mind the good girl route basically being hard mode, but it just gets ridiculous sometimes.

The worst part has got to be the battles with Queen Hornet. That the remaining good girls are controlled by the AI, I don't mind that part.

But then the AI just makes them spam their special attacks and their corruption just goes through the roof. That minus 10 corruption for everyone you get afterwards does almost nothing to make up for that, and you'll spend the next few turns bringing down your whole team's corruption levels unless you want to switch to the evil route.

What’s everyone’s favorite team pairings? I personally like Arachnia, Yuri, and Fan as a team.
Arachnia and Christy is a pairing that kinda grew on me. They nicely counterbalance eachother. And Christy is just adorably romantic~

Moth Girl and Sakura work really well together, too. Fan is my favourite pick for Moth Girl's other companion. Though their interactions aren't spectacular, Fan complements the other two on the battlefield amazingly well.

And Scorpion Girl and Fate are a perfect match. Both are aggressive and competitive in a sort of healthy way.

It's also funny that even though Christy is a villain she has more of a moral compass than the Insect Angels. She sometimes goes behind Scorpion's back to repay people she extorts out of her own pocket. (Yes, Scorpion actually pays Christy a wage.)
Christy is one of the things that honestly makes me wonder whether Barzac was even so bad. But even Fate and Fan are shocked when they see how far gone the fully corrupted Insect Angels are.

OK, Fan does say a few things about culling all humans in order to allow the environment to heal itself. But still.

OTOH, one of the reasons why the corruption element in this game is done so well is that you can actually see for yourself that post-corruption HORNET is so much worse than Barzac ever was.


Jun 28, 2019
No kidding. I don't mind the good girl route basically being hard mode, but it just gets ridiculous sometimes.

The worst part has got to be the battles with Queen Hornet. That the remaining good girls are controlled by the AI, I don't mind that part.

But then the AI just makes them spam their special attacks and their corruption just goes through the roof. That minus 10 corruption for everyone you get afterwards does almost nothing to make up for that, and you'll spend the next few turns bringing down your whole team's corruption levels unless you want to switch to the evil route.

Arachnia and Christy is a pairing that kinda grew on me. They nicely counterbalance eachother. And Christy is just adorably romantic~

Moth Girl and Sakura work really well together, too. Fan is my favourite pick for Moth Girl's other companion. Though their interactions aren't spectacular, Fan complements the other two on the battlefield amazingly well.

And Scorpion Girl and Fate are a perfect match. Both are aggressive and competitive in a sort of healthy way.

Christy is one of the things that honestly makes me wonder whether Barzac was even so bad. But even Fate and Fan are shocked when they see how far gone the fully corrupted Insect Angels are.

OK, Fan does say a few things about culling all humans in order to allow the environment to heal itself. But still.

OTOH, one of the reasons why the corruption element in this game is done so well is that you can actually see for yourself that post-corruption HORNET is so much worse than Barzac ever was.
Christy is just a big ol’ teddy bear. Probably why she was made a bear. It’s really cute how her stone faced and quiet persona is because she’s actually really freaking shy.


Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
Corruption game but actually everybody is a jacked bodybuilder (female)

Isn't that standard RPG mechanics? "Need to get more powerful....more swole...."

Hmm. Corruption game where you need to avoid getting more powerful. Hmm. Too much FF8/Disgaea? Having to find other means beyond level?

Mmm. Could be good, but also too nasty. Maybe just certain powerful gear/moves will corrupt you as you use it? I dunno. I feel there's something there, but the issue is not making it a 'gotcha' where you didn't know what was coming beforehand.


Jan 10, 2018
No kidding. I don't mind the good girl route basically being hard mode, but it just gets ridiculous sometimes.

The worst part has got to be the battles with Queen Hornet. That the remaining good girls are controlled by the AI, I don't mind that part.

But then the AI just makes them spam their special attacks and their corruption just goes through the roof. That minus 10 corruption for everyone you get afterwards does almost nothing to make up for that, and you'll spend the next few turns bringing down your whole team's corruption levels unless you want to switch to the evil route.
The key to being good (at least, when I did it) is to be fast, and send in multiple teams when you strike. Just wait patiently at the base for a couple of turns until you see Balzac attacking (or, if you don't mind exploits, going in and out of the deployment screen until you see them); send in two of your own teams, and beat the heck out of them. You'll take minimal damage (especially if you have Mothgirl stun them), while they should be close to death.

After that, attack their base; don't give them any time to heal. Their other teams should still be beaten up from the prologue, but that won't be enough to win - your goal here is to further cripple them, taking the cannon fodder down to zero, then continue abusing the named characters.

After that, just keep on spam attacking the base - your own cannon fodder will make quick work of theirs, you should be able to take down the named characters before they can do much harm, and Catastrophe... Well, he can still hurt you, but with three teams, he's not going to hold up for more than a few attacks on the base.

Plus, NASCO will be supporting your attacks more often than not, letting you hold back a team to heal up a bit. NASCO will be fairly useless, mind you, but they can at least serve as meat shields for a bit. So long as Balzac doesn't have time to heal, your victory is eventually assured.

Now, you'll probably still have a couple of characters fall to corruption unless you deliberately avoid using their skills, but... If you're doing enough damage, you'll win the game before they can stage a rebellion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
I haven't tested their interactions yet, both would Chika-Kanna-Christy be the closest thing to a wholesome trio one could make?


Jan 10, 2018
I haven't tested their interactions yet, both would Chika-Kanna-Christy be the closest thing to a wholesome trio one could make?
Depends, how wholesome do you consider prostitutes? Mothgirl gets both of them into it; when Kanna suggests beating up a rich guy because he looks like a crook, Mothgirl teaches her how to seduce people like him for money and food. Then Kanna gets hooked on the "side benefits" and ends up sleeping with homeless men under the underpass for fun. Christy, by contrast, feels embarrassed by her intimidating size and stature before Mothgirl teaches her that her powder glosses all of that over, allowing her to engage in this kind of thing as well.

That said, it's still one of the least violent teams out there. But so long as you leave out Sakura, you can put pretty much everyone on her team and keep things nonviolent.


Jun 28, 2019
I haven't tested their interactions yet, both would Chika-Kanna-Christy be the closest thing to a wholesome trio one could make?
Sadly, there is no “wholesome“ trio. Christy is the only one who‘s personality comes out of the brainwashing almost completely unscathed. Even then, if push comes to shove, she’d never truly be able to stop the Insect Angels in engaging in their darker vices if they REALLY wanted to, she’s physically incapable of it. Even if she was they’d just brainwash her again.


Jun 28, 2019
Corruption game but actually everybody is a jacked bodybuilder (female)

Isn't that standard RPG mechanics? "Need to get more powerful....more swole...."

Hmm. Corruption game where you need to avoid getting more powerful. Hmm. Too much FF8/Disgaea? Having to find other means beyond level?

Mmm. Could be good, but also too nasty. Maybe just certain powerful gear/moves will corrupt you as you use it? I dunno. I feel there's something there, but the issue is not making it a 'gotcha' where you didn't know what was coming beforehand.
That’s kind of the theme of the developers next game “Demon Peddler.” A succubus merchant is selling corrupted equipment to two warring countries and slowly turning both sides into succubi through the gear.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2018
Gallery save is broken. "cannot read property undefined of undefined."
So not only is the menu unreadable, it's also pointless even with the translation.
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