3.30 star(s) 15 Votes


New Member
Jun 1, 2017
Anyone knows what to do against the giant ghost/harpy in the apartments, are you suppose to kill her or something?


Mar 3, 2019
I genuinely cant figure out how to attack, i know theres so button that switches a weapon but after 2 seconds my weapon disappears so... yeah....


Jun 4, 2017
Anyone knows what to do against the giant ghost/harpy in the apartments, are you suppose to kill her or something?
You need to use an item called Aurora (at least for the ghost, it'll buff you so your attacks connect). You can get it from the topmost chest on the labyrinth.

Edit: Silver258, you have all weapons equipped? The firearms you can only use while aiming (holding space).
Edit2: There's Aurora in the apartments too (chest in the room with slugs)
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Mar 3, 2019
You need to use an item called Aurora (at least for the ghost, it'll buff you so your attacks connect). You can get it from the topmost chest on the labyrinth.

Edit: Silver258, you have all weapons equipped? The firearms you can only use while aiming (holding space).
Yeah I do, the controls are acting super weird for me, I cant change them from WASD to move even though in the info section it says Arrow keys to move, and the weapon buttons are forced to my mouce clicks... but they dont work so..


Jun 4, 2017
Yeah I do, the controls are acting super weird for me, I cant change them from WASD to move even though in the info section it says Arrow keys to move, and the weapon buttons are forced to my mouce clicks... but they dont work so..
Did you already try cycling through the Input Modes on the options (I just changed to keyboard+mouse and it worked fine for me).

If that doesn't work, trying to download and extract the game again might be worth a shot. If it doesn't fix the issue, I suggest contacting the dev through the Itch.io comment section or through the blog. (he'll probably answer and try to help you)


Mar 3, 2019
Did you already try cycling through the Input Modes on the options (I just changed to keyboard+mouse and it worked fine for me).

If that doesn't work, trying to download and extract the game again might be worth a shot. If it doesn't fix the issue, I suggest contacting the dev through the Itch.io comment section or through the blog. (he'll probably answer and try to help you)
yeah i've tried the cycling thing and it still dont work

Edit: What the itch.io comment section?


Jan 14, 2018
To be really blunt - this seems pretty well made and I look forward to seeing it more fleshed out, but right now it's just not doing much for me. Mechanics all seem pretty solid so far, and most of the art seems good (although the animations I thought I saw seem like they could be a little better), just needs more stuff. Not really enough to review yet.

OP: Could probably do with the Rape tag seeing as the only two encounters I've seen so far seem to be knocked-down-and-fucked stuff but there's not really a lot of context to it.

I agree that there's a lack of clarity, in regards to what to do and where to go (wouldn't be a bad thing if the places you're supposed to go were either more clear or there were less dead ends).

For those of you who're having some difficulty with patience like me, take a look at this map by the dev (beware of spoilers in lvl design and stuff).
Cheers, this helped quite a bit. Seems like I actually found a few places where I was supposed to go but somehow managed to not get in the door and left it assuming it was a dead end.

only thing i seen so far is this View attachment 614195
I also got a sort-of grapple with something (Zombie? Ninja? Not the Harpy) in the forest but I couldn't tell much of what was going on. MC got grabbed from behind while standing and looks like there was a bit of ruffling around, but not much seemed to happen until they were defeated, at which point they were thrown to the ground like they were going to get fucked... and the level restarted. Not sure if that was supposed to be a death or if they just didn't have the proper animation in yet. Didn't help that it was in mist forest.

How can you maintain an erection with horror games, when your body diverts the blood to the muscles instead?
Fear/worry/stress/anxiety gives me the horn. "Fight or Flight" is more like "Flight, Fight or Fuck." Or maybe it is just the Fight reflex and we're counting the love muscle as a real muscle. It's actually a legit problem for me before real big events (exams, interviews, public speaking) and it's the real reason I can't play Alien Isolation, but it's also means anything that plays off those same emotions is way better than vanilla porn for me.


New Member
Aug 26, 2019
so i have an apartment key, but for some reason, the apartment door with the lock can't be interacted with. I'm not sure if it's just me missing something or if I broke something, can anyone help with this? 1586473798703.png 1586473835512.png


Feb 28, 2018
I don't know the Keys for the Arrow-Key moveset, but with WASD moveset you swap your active items with X => the key needs to be the active item in that case.


Apr 22, 2019
Demo was a chore to play through with the horrible shooting controls. No sexual content either so a waste of time atm


Jun 8, 2017
so i have an apartment key, but for some reason, the apartment door with the lock can't be interacted with. I'm not sure if it's just me missing something or if I broke something, can anyone help with this? View attachment 614893 View attachment 614894
you need to select the key the same way you use a healing item. next to the gun or sword on the bottom screen you will see the item but you don't have it selected to use on the door. i forget what key it is i been using controller.

Demo was a chore to play through with the horrible shooting controls. No sexual content either so a waste of time atm
have you try controller? or keyboard and mouse it all in the setting of the game. and there is some sexual content. and dont bitch about control you never played a shit game come back to me when you played some Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. you will have more of a reason to bitch about that then this.


Oct 1, 2018
This is garbage. You wake up in a sewer, find your way out, save the game and walk into a forest full of steam? So you randomly run around until you find random chests. Stupid as hell.
"[Demo v1.2.1]"
"Version: Demo v1.2.1"

Reading is just too fucking hard, ain't it?
Even for a demo you should have some sort of direction. That is barely an alpha of a game.
Please note this demo is not set at the beginning of the full game and doesn't explain much on how to play.
Wow you must be good at reading.


Jun 8, 2017
ok i'm going to be doing is a Tips and info for dumbass, because the people who say it a "waste of time" are the same people who don't play gungeon or same people who bitch about jump puzzles in games and i bet they never played a mario games. now my rant is over. now for the game at hand.

when starting the demo you will be in the sewer, after finding the way out, go to the save crystal to get your weapons and heal item, note don't use this heal item and try to keep it as long as possable. it use to get info from the two harpys. one of them give more info about the Giant ass ghost bird lady, other not so much. other note you do need to get your ass kick by the harpys to have steal your fish/heal item. there also area in the forest that has a hole in it, that goes to a underground cave like area, this is where you will find 4, 5 aurora to kill ghosts, ammo, money and the gun attachments to make your rifle into a bayonets, which allows you to use the bayonets as a melee weapon. note to get the gun attachments you will need torch to kill one enemy.

yes this is getting it own part
if your not ready for this the apartment will and can fuck up your day if your not ready.
when entering the apartment there some rooms with TV you will need to break one to get the key for the one of the next rooms.
this is where ill leave you hanging for now.

btw the monster that grab you are zombies. because if you get out of the apartment the shop guy talks about them and pretty much says when your naked "does zombie will take advantages if given the opportunity" so yes they are rapey.

item uses
-torch- can be use to kill enemies and plant monsters, also light the campfire-
-aurora- is only used to kill ghosts but don't get crazy using it because when you run out it gone for good-
-seabase- the is your starting healing item in the game and is use to get info from the harpys-
-bayonets- can be used for range and melee it also has like a second jump to when attacking in air but this maybe a bug-


Jan 13, 2018
really nice graphic design - this is the only reason one should check it out. The rest of game is pure garbo. I don't mean the fact that apparently the dev doesn't understand that the demo is supposed to convinve you to buy the game, and this one does the opposite, i meant that the design of the game is just the worst. The dev clearly doesn't understand that games supposed to be fun, not cumbersome. Some of the bad design points from my PoV :

-aiming controls. Hold space and transfer you hand from arrows, which are perfectly fine as aiming buttons, to wsad, which is the opposite of intuitive. Why do i have to completely shift both of my hands just to aim, while i'm holding my right hand on a perfectly fine set of aiming buttons already? and then i still have to press z to shoot, which i can't do without moving my hand from wsad. It means shooting is so much pain in the ass that i'm just not going to do it.

-lack of any directions for the player (lack of controls aside, you don't even know what you're supposed to be doing)

-difficulty. I get that some like their games hard, but either give us a weapon and let us feasibly kill monsters, or don't give us a weapon at all. If you give us a weapon, set monsters to take 10 hits, but the player to take 1 or 2, and stunlock the player with every hit, nobody's going to want to touch it. It creates "that's bullshit" moments and drain the motivation to see what else this game has to offer

-finite attack and slide/dash - this one's just the worst. SP and HP doesn't regenerate, at least for the majority of this "demo". Save points don't regenerate SP. I'm not going to play a "porn" game that forces me to do a perfect no-hit pacifist run *and* doesn't have porn to reward me with.

-Fukn Fade to black on sexual content - Ok, bud. You either put sex in the game, or you don't. If you do, you show it. If you don't, why is this game even on this porn site? We aren't here to play just challenging games. don't waste our time.

-navigation in menus and menus in general - however pretty, the sprites are too big, especially the fish, and the pixel graphics aren't scaled up to the moden screens. If i fullscreen the game, the menus (text in menus, more percisely) becomes very hard to read. navigating via arrows and contextual menus also using arrows is slow and unpleasant. Mouse navigation in the one menu that enabled it, from my experience, was also quite unpleasant, simply because the cursor is the size of an entire tile. But that point is up to personal taste.

-Music is repetitive and fails to set the mood due to being like a 15s loop. Starts being annoying rather than set the mood. I come here to fap, not to deepen my depression.
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Jul 28, 2017
Made it all the way to the apartments until the... harpy/ghost thing, and then all hell breaks loose. Why am I fighting her in the first place? That poor thing. Running didn't work, fighting didn't work. But I guess I just suck at it.


Jun 8, 2017
-aiming controls. Hold space and transfer you hand from arrows, which are perfectly fine as aiming buttons, to wsad, which is the opposite of intuitive. Why do i have to completely shift both of my hands just to aim, while i'm holding my right hand on a perfectly fine set of aiming buttons already? and then i still have to press z to shoot, which i can't do without moving my hand from wsad. It means shooting is so much pain in the ass that i'm just not going to do it.
about the controls you can do mouse and keyboard. you use the mouse to aim. if you hate the controls you can change them. the game has controller support.

-difficulty. I get that some like their games hard, but either give us a weapon and let us feasibly kill monsters, or don't give us a weapon at all. If you give us a weapon, set monsters to take 10 hits, but the player to take 1 or 2, and stunlock the player with every hit, nobody's going to want to touch it. It creates "that's bullshit" moments and drain the motivation to see what else this game has to offer
boy you never played the old resident evil and which gun did you use? because the rifle does more then the pistol.

-finite attack and slide/dash - this one's just the worst. SP and HP doesn't regenerate, at least for the majority of this "demo". Save points don't regenerate SP.
you can heal at the campfire you need to light it and the rest at it. and sp does refill after hit/saving.

edit: it also a horror survival game!


Jan 13, 2018
about the controls you can do mouse and keyboard. you use the mouse to aim. if you hate the controls you can change them. the game has controller support.

boy you never played the old resident evil and which gun did you use? because the rifle does more then the pistol.

you can heal at the campfire you need to light it and the rest at it. and sp does refill after hit/saving.

edit: it also a horror survival game!
All of your points are valid, but :
The controls should be relied always, no matter what part of the game is being shown. It's a menu in the game. If the dev is too incompetent to put a simple non-interacable control scheme in the options, then the OP should.

No, i never played old RE games, but i accept the fact that this game is a survival horror. That's fine - not my cup of tea, but i can definitely accept it. But the problem here is that the design of said game is neither survival nor horror. Horror would have fear - this only have gloomy atmosphere and enemies that almost insta-kill you, while it requires you to kill enemies that have heaps more hit points than you. Even dark souls don't put you in such unfair place, because it gives youan infinite hp potion and actual healthbar.
A survival would have you looting and actually finding stuff - this game have like...maybe 3 locations and chests which give you either useless (in the demo) money, or one hp/sp pot that you'll have to consume on the spot, because by the time you find it (it's in the forest, left down corner, had to swim through a pond), you'll have 0 hp or sp and will have to consume it instantly...it aslo gives you 900 of both which is definitely an overkill and i'd rather it had 9 uses instead of 1 use 9 times bigger than needed. Needless to say, hp pot is not a survival mechanics. Survival would be food, water, ammo, sanity, whatever. Item and stat management. This have neither.
I used the pistol, because there's not enough ammo for the rifle, and missing one bullet costs dearly (which with the aiming system, will happen more often than not). Same shit as with campfires - 90% of ppl playing it won't ever get additional ammo, much less on a rate that puts them at ease because "yeah the ammo might be limited but if i don't waste i will always have some" - nope, you will not. 5 shots and that's it. You won't survive or play long enough to ever find any more

As for the campfire, that's why i said "for the majority of this demo, you can't". It takes a lot of time - and a lot of playtime that isn't pleasant to even get a source of fire. I bet 90% of ppl playing it never get one. And it didn't restore my sp. Possibly a bug. It doesn't chance the fact that i still have finite knife cuts. Which is bullshit. If you're out of ammo and stamina, your only option is to Fkin die
3.30 star(s) 15 Votes