3.30 star(s) 15 Votes


Oct 2, 2018
I'm trying to get around mizuki rn and here are some of the thoughts I have
1. The game doesn't tell you much at all. People here keep saying that's because it's a demo but to me it looks like an intentional design choice. Game is clearly trying to be pretty hard with the limited resources , enemies hitting like a damn truck , and limited action you can do with sp. While we might get more direction and resources in the final version I don't see things getting too much easier than the current product.
2. Fuck the main fog area. I can't see shit and the map is giant without too many notable landmarks . I don't see how the dev would think for someone to go all the way across the map for a key to use at the starting area. While getting lost in the overworld might be fixed when the map gets in the visibility caused me to fall down holes that I couldn't see at all. The weird blotches that appear blocked the chest with matches in it from view too.
3. The main character is really really slow. While you can dash to go slightly faster you use up precious sp you need to do... well anything in this game and you can't regen sp outside save points and I assume items later on. It'd be better if sp regens when you stand still or maybe add a sprint button that has less speed than the dash but you can move faster than a snail atleast.
4. Could use one or two more save points. coupled with the slow moving speed dying punishes you super hard. walking all the way from the bottom of the apartment to the top and redoing the puzzle to challenge the already difficult chase is annoying which could easily be solved by adding a save point on the balcony . If not saves maybe check points for when you die ? Game is already brutal.
5. Hit stun is ass. Bird bitch can combo you on walls and shave half your health in one go and you can't do anything about it. No I-frames on get up either.
positives :
1. The sprite work is amazing. The game actually looks really nice aside from the fog. reminds me of kurovadis' visuals and I love that game. The character designs so far are cool too with the bird ghost.
2. The atmosphere is nice. When the music started up when the ladder appeared in the apartment I felt a little creeped out like something was coming. Mizuki's theme sounds pretty cool too. Hopefully more music will be added where there's not.
3. Combat is pretty fun. landing hits is hard but pretty satisfying when pulled off. really like that spin slash.
4. Neat details like our girl falling asleep at a camp site or cooking fish on the fire is really cool. Hope the dev adds more small stuff like this since it gives the game more personality.

I'll update if things change after the chase scene since it's really hard but this has a lot of potential . I can see outside of the resident evil and Zelda influence there's a little dark souls in combat revolves around memorizing patterns and dealing with enemies despite limited movement. I'd definitely tone down the difficulty though or hopefully there's an easy mode coming up
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Jul 28, 2017
I actually wanted to finish the demo before sharing my thoughts on the whole experience, but... I don't think I'll be able to beat that boss (can't figure out her patterns, ranged is apparently almost useless and melee is a death sentence). I'll say though, you summed it up almost perfectly (how I wished for a save point right before the first Mizuki encounter, having to redo the blocks puzzle every time is a chore). Quite refreshing compared to a person who can't read or provide constructive criticism.


Jul 28, 2017
If I may ask could you tell me where this is in the game ? This does not look anything like what I played
On the main menu, you'll have an option for "extras". It contains two maps, and I think that picture is from the first challenge. The monster won't always appear on the bridge though.
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Oct 2, 2018
On the main menu, you'll have an option for "extras". It contains two maps, and I think that picture is from the first challenge. The monster won't always appear on the bridge though.
I tried it . Jesus Christ the one H scene in the demo gives you a seizure

Deleted member 119819

Funny, how people with better arguments that speak against the game get deleted around here and those who fawn over the devs of the game stay. Another good reason to not pay into their patreon if I may say so.
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Deleted member 119819

Dark Souls 1-3 are all finished and polished Games that have been out for years, ofcourse you will have an easier time understanding simple concepts there. Unless... If I'd drop a player that never played a Dark Souls game before into Blight Town or Farron Keep they'd be like you and cry on the spot.

Because this is the very first alpha version of it, the sole purpose of this demo is to give you an example of the general controls and vibe of the game. In no way is it meant to give you real content aside from "That's how it will look like". It's to show you how hard things can get.

You get a random Key you don't know where the fck you should put it in and you will have to find the right door on your own, that's the kind of game / genre this is and you won't learn that by getting dropped in a fighting arena that only shows you the combat.

And to be quite honest with you, and excuse me if I hit a nerve here, if you didn't even manage to find the weapons on your own, then I'm afraid this genre, surival horror (or survival in general) is something YOU should stay away from. Especially in a genre like this, it is of utmost importance to check every nook and cranny if you want to know what's going on. If you don't have the attention-span for that don't come on here and cry.
I put everything I said on my post before into the rating of the game, feel free to read it. Wouldn't want valuable criticism to go to waste.
  • Haha
Reactions: goug


Jun 8, 2017
Funny, how people with better arguments that speak against the game get deleted around here and those who fawn over the devs of the game stay. Another good reason to not pay into their patreon if I may say so.
who's post has been deleted? and what patreon? there no patreon for this game.
are you ok? are you on the right thread?
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Jan 26, 2019
There is a version 1.3.1 for the (first?) demo as well as a "v.2" version (2.0.6 right now) with a bunch of added things it seems.
In case people are interested.


Mar 4, 2017
Just as a word of caution, this game is missing an epilepsy / seizure warning.

The second and third areas have lightning squids that, if you mass aggro one way or another, will constantly spam you with lightning bolts that are potentially seizure inducing. Combined with the fact you have little to no frames of invincibility after recovering means you can get stunlocked in rapid fire bright and flashy picture show.

But, for anyone just getting into this game now as it slowly gets updated, here's a few things that might help.

-You can softlock the game by missing the sniper rifle in the second dungeon's maze (The grassy one with the fly boss). I believe it's locked behind a gate that needs a key. You don't need the scope to shoot the switches, but it will help to see them and to scout ahead. You also can't blow up the wall in the thorn maze until you get the grenades, so don't worry about that blip on the map until you've completed the dungeon after this.
- The puzzle in the second dungeon with the two flies and the two sea urchins with red bricks is a pain the ass, but you have to push the two pillars out of the way, hop over the low wall and aim a gun directly up and find the sweet spot to shoot the activator block from near the bottom bridge. This took me way too long to realise.
- The puzzle in the ship regarding throwing things far does not require bouncing a kunai on a wall to hit the switch. I spent way too long trying only to figure out I'd gotten there early, it's way easier to use a grenade instead. Additionally, you can snipe the switch for the porticullus-y gate in the water from one of the floating driftwood platforms.
- There's only 6 enemies AFAIK That have H content. (Pirate / Lizardman / Fly / Fly Boss / Plant / Snail Thing) Additionally, there's 3p animations for pirates and lizards, and if you get your stamina reduced to 0 in the underwater dungeon by a lizardman double team you can get captured for an additional H scene / game over, which you have to go through and escape to get the fly wheel for the underwater loot.)
- An additional 2 enemies AFAIK have non-h animations. (Giant cthulu thing and the faceless ghost. Ripping you in half and uh, possibly an unfinished animated for the second.)
- Purify heals parasite. Antidote heals poison.


Jun 27, 2020
This game looks promising , but it sure needs to give more hints on where to go and what to do.

will keep an eye on it.
3.30 star(s) 15 Votes