Thank you for seeing the trouble in how various shows portray unetical hiring practices - or rather absolutely bonkers - Mike is a wonderful paralegal, a great investigator, but Harvey had to have his absurd fallacy boner of sanctifying Mike scriminal past by literally turning into a criminal himself for years defrauding his clients and his peers by nonchalantly lying to them that Mike is a lawyer - we both know how worthless Mike is at actual lawyer work.
In all honesty I'm surprised you mentioned the characters from suits as I doubt many would have seen that show and not understand that comment as well as those who have watched it. I do think Harvey could have handled that differently than he did like for example as a Harvard graduate he could have organised for Mike to go there to study and gain his law degree like what had happened previously for Rachel when Jessica paid for her to go. Speaking of elitists, I'm surprised you didn't comment on the fact that the firm Harvey worked for would only hire graduates from Harvard as they looked down on other universities till several seasons later when the firm was in trouble.
Then you couple this with the heart breaking realisation that Zane daughter, the man who takes the fall so that Harvey suffers no repercussions for defrauding his client, she is just a lowly paralegal ”showing the ropes” to Mike who knows nothing about how lawyers practice law, abslutely not a damn thing.
All of that in the isanely liberal USA where you do not need to be a lawyer but a student or paralegal to actually do lawyer work if you appear in courrt with a lawyer who vouches for you - how damn lax does this show need to make the treshold of incompetence so that Mike would actually pass?
Instead of making a show about a powerful lawyer - Harvey and his trusted paralegal or investigator Mike - investigators and paralegals in the good wife or the good fight earn insanely big sallary and are basically hired on a whim, just like Harvey ultimately hires Mike knowing full well of the criminal activity he will be aiding and abiding for years to come.
In this game, tho, our absolutely fabulous actual runway model to rule the fashion shows the world over - gorgoues Mary Ann - is looking for a job on hooker row, where it seems that good looking girls are looked down upon - how else would disgusting violent assholes get them to work in the seedy places where she is relegated to live before MC saves her?