i have only change 3 lines in settings section
it was
pl '<img src="pic/icons/clock.jpg" ><font color=red><font size=5><b> <<hour>></B>:<B><<$nilmin>><<minut>> </b></font> <font color=black><<$week>> : <b><<day>></b> <<$month>> <b><<year>></b> year '
pl '<img src="pic/icons/money.jpg" > <font color=black>I have <font color=green><b><<money>></b> <font color=black>rubles'
pl '<img src="pic/icons/energy.jpg" > Stamina: <font color=green><b><font color=green><<energy>>/<<100>></b>'
and i changed it to this
pl '<img src="pic/icons/clock.jpg" > <a href="exec: hour-=1 & gt $curloc"><font color=red><font size=5><b>--</B></font></a> <a href="exec: hour+=1 & gt $curloc"><font color=green><font size=5><b>++</B></font></a> <font color=red><font size=5><b> <<hour>></B>:<B><<$nilmin>><<minut>> </b></font> <font color=black><<$week>> : <b><<day>></b> <<$month>> <b><<year>></b> year '
if hour<0: hour=0 & gt $curloc
pl '<img src="pic/icons/money.jpg" > <font color=black>At me <a href="exec: money+=100000 & gt $curloc"><font color=green><b><<money>></a></b> <font color=black>ruble <a href="exec: energy=100 & razvrgg+=10 & pcskill+=10 & incestgg+=10 & gt $curloc"><font color=blue><font size=5><b>(stats +10)</B></font></a> '
pl '<img src="pic/icons/energy.jpg" > Stock of forces: <font color=green><b><font color=green><a href="exec: energy=100 & gt $curloc"><<energy>></a>/<<100>></b>'