
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 27, 2018
You are being unfair now when it comes to Bob, Bob has always tried not to make the game too hard. There were some dead ends in the RFR. I always wanted to keep the dead ends and add some more (to increase the fun of the game). But Bob, against my advice, has "ALWAYS ELIMINATED" them. The last episodes of RFR were already very easy to finish. And MBFD is even easier now, plus there is excellent help that anyone can easily finish it with. To have real fun you should play without help.
Sorry I know ...I know :sneaky::cautious::unsure:


Dec 5, 2017
I love such games, it is also the reason why I started supporting RFR ... So far I have always managed on the day of the update to finish the update and write the WT to it ... Maybe the only difference is that my failures spur me on to do better...
Since my sarcasm got lost: That still doesn't discount most of the points I made. With a possible bug or feature hiccup, I question the validity of your quick jump to my failure. Anyway, enough said on my part. Have a nice day!
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 9, 2018
Dev. If you want more coin and my coin, don't ignore the comments or the reviews. Don't listen to the yes men. This game is an absolute grindfest in its current state. Unbearable. "The end of RFR got better" So basically instead of sucking alot it sucked slightly less. The logic behind putting a band-aid on a decapitation. Imagine if there was a version of RFR with absolutley no grind and a choice driven narrative. Its obviously a possibility because both games start off this way. Sandbox only works when its done well. Imagine if there was a replay gallery. Imagine more sexual content to actually put PORN IN A PORN GAME. Doesnt have to be a bang fest but definitely doesnt need to be blueballs. This is not being harsh, this is valid criticism for improvement to make this game better. This could easily be better than a few of the other top games on this site with these tweaks.


Not so Well-known Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2020
Hi Lukumoide. Ok if you are "a normal, average player", then I am a "clearly below average player", but I still have fun and joy ... ;)
And that would put me back on the Short Bus :( and I thought I was making such progress.......
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Capt OA

Apr 29, 2018
Stuck on 54/74 how to move on??
I'm stuck in 60/74, Ep2. I've tried several things for 4 days now, but still love at 15 , shy 85 (both go up to 18 and 83 at night but return to 15 and 85 in the morning), lust 9, and it resets to 0 (WTH!?!?) if I make MC take the bath in the morning while Julia is reading. No mod btw.
Please hints, I have the help enabled but I get nothing at any time, this is too much grinding and no advance...


Dec 5, 2017
I'm stuck in 60/74, Ep2. I've tried several things for 4 days now, but still love at 15 , shy 85 (both go up to 18 and 83 at night but return to 15 and 85 in the morning),...
safety feature
lust 9, and it resets to 0 (WTH!?!?)
normal game behaviour: 10 should become 1 love point > but since the safety feature is in place > lust goes to 0
if I make MC take the bath in the morning while Julia is reading. No mod btw.
Please hints, I have the help enabled but I get nothing at any time, this is too much grinding and no advance...
Lukumoide mentioned a walkthrough, maybe ask him kindly to post it when he finds the time?
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May 2, 2020
You are being unfair now when it comes to Bob, Bob has always tried not to make the game too hard. There were some dead ends in the RFR. I always wanted to keep the dead ends and add some more (to increase the fun of the game). But Bob, against my advice, has "ALWAYS ELIMINATED" them. The last episodes of RFR were already very easy to finish. And MBFD is even easier now, plus there is excellent help that anyone can easily finish it with. To have real fun you should play without help.
I respectfully disagree with you from the standpoint that I don't think you are an average player. I do like the info you provide here and gave you a like on this one. I think you forget that the average player, like myself, don't have access to the day to day development of either RFR or MBFD. Wish I could support Bob so I could use your W/T. Glad to see Bob also overrides your desire to make it more difficult. From my POV I find this game fun at first until I get stuck at which time I resort to W/T's.

I also find this game and RFR to be grindy with RFR overly grindy being an average player. However, I did complete ep 3 of MBFD using the help and hints from other players on this forum. Additionally I read almost all the script which gives clues to find the next step which gets me through most of the events.

I also applaud Bob's decision to make a public release and not punish everyone for the act of one. In the long run I think we will all benefit from this as the game develops and reduce the negative discussions that happen here most of which are mere reactions to other posts making it difficult to find helpful posts.


Not so Well-known Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2020
Wasting your breath my friend. The dev has decided their game is what they want to write and it's their game, so their right to do so. They clearly don't worry about making a living from game development given the tiny amount of Patreons but again, that is their right.

There are just so many high quality games written by people who know how to write that there's just no point wasting effort on junk like RFR and MBFD.
OK I am taking a deep breath;;;;; I don't know if this is going to come out right or how many people it will piss off so here goes!

The highlighted text is the honest truth, and NO one should ever forget that; it is the Dev's Game and not yours ( the yours here isn't pointed at you the poster here but collectively for the group ) that is their writing style and that is what makes all of the games here interesting; some more and some less entreaging to play. The next part of making a living from a game may or may not be totally true, that I have no insight of. There again the Dev's total right to pursue how ever they want.
Yes there are a lot of really good games with better content and less chasing around and some very lengthy in game play. That was and is the writers style.
Like I had mentioned way back a few pages this Dev has inspired me to stop thinking "I wonder if I can make a game something like this" It isn't the believe ability of the content or story itself, but his use of more believable characters in the portions of the girls. I am not a writer of stories or a designer of graphics but willing to give it a try. Mostly for something to do. I may not be the only one out here that thinks of doing something similar or pushed back into doing it again after being discouraged. I also know that there are several Dev's that frequent this thread and also offer advise I am sure. I would even go so far as to say this Dev is taking notes on some of these comments for further consideration possibly later on. That we will really never know.
Junk: I really don't think so at all, but that is my opinion and mine alone...

Now if you really want to see JUNK go find something by Drunk Robot and try to go through them. You would come crawling back to this style of game on hands and knees begging for more so called abuse of a mouse by excessive clicking.........

I guess I am done and if some one got pissed "So be it" that's life Not bashing a particular poster but many in general.
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Engaged Member
Aug 22, 2019
Download android Ep.3.20 APK
P/s: Request Link Android Game at my


May 2, 2020
Let me add a little to my above post. It is hard for most DEV's to add a lot of content when shackling themselves with a monthly update schedule especially with RFR and MBFD. DEV's that only write porn can easily have a lot of content by just producing porn with little or no story. If that's the kind of game you want to compare Bob's work to then it is totally unfair to him. I think Bob does a very good job with his self imposed restriction and is one of the few DEV's who keeps to their update schedule.


Not so Well-known Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2020
I was stuck at 57/58 and getting the kiss @ 11:00 on the beach finished it off. Now at 58/58.
View attachment 1015958
There is that Kiss again: Huuuummmmmmmm :unsure: I guess I will have too go back and see if I can find that. I thought that I had sort of finished this at 58/58 bookmarks but seem to be missing something if there is a Kiss some where. Now where do I start to find this elusive scene.


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2018
47/82 That sort of makes me think that you have an even different Ver than most of the rest of us.....
"like you are at" I thought anyone would understand that it was an example, not the absolute factual statistic of my game....no I did not open my game just to check the exact number I was on, I think it is 62 out of something, but that was not the point which seem to have gone right over your head
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Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2018
Now that is a new one !!! haven't seen that yet MC try's to cop a nip feel but not a kiss... Oh and yea the second "should I go further" where she says could you stop is a bookmark one for each dress except when they go swimming.
indeed, there is no kiss on the beach, im at 61, 62 or 63 and all that happen on beach at 22 and 23 is he touching her naked ass and she is ok with it, but touching her breast and she goes ballistic.....there are also many "you missed an opportunity" dialogs that pop up where there was nothing to do, no julia to click on, no your self to click on and no fly to click on, but game say you missed an opportunity lol


Not so Well-known Member
Game Developer
Oct 23, 2020
"like you are at" I thought anyone would understand that it was an example, not the absolute factual statistic of my game....no I did not open my game just top check the exact number I was on, I think it is 62 out of something, but that was not the point which seem to have gone right over your head
Yes it did I guess and didn't even disturb any of the remaining hair that is left there.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
.....there are also many "you missed an opportunity" dialogs that pop up where there was nothing to do, no julia to click on, no your self to click on and no fly to click on, but game say you missed an opportunity lol
Strange, when I got a message "you missed an opportunity", I always missed an opportunity.


Jun 15, 2017
even with the help enabled I have absolutely no idea of what to do now. sometimes it shows "missed opportunity" but i tried to click everywhere
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Capt OA

Apr 29, 2018
safety feature

normal game behaviour: 10 should become 1 love point > but since the safety feature is in place > lust goes to 0
yes, I know, the problem is, the "feature" turns lust to 0, but love does not "stay" at 16, but, goes down to 15 again, so, 10 "lust" points wasted ...

I'll wait for Lukumoide to kindly post the walkthrough then, the supposed "help" feature seems to work only for a time ...
This kind of finely grinding games are way too much, IMO, at this point, the help gives no indication that the action has no effect nor tips for advancing the story...
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Dec 5, 2017
Strange, when I got a message "you missed an opportunity", I always missed an opportunity.
I can add a repeating instance of missed opportunity message: with a fly and a self and both options led to that message after either completion (clicking self, clicking fly and waiting for the death timeout, or clicking fly with last frame safe). Happened constantly in my game when I watched the late afternoon bedroom scene between Ida and Maria.
Maybe my random fly level resets are to blame, or that Maria was permanently stuck on 1 love point, or... :unsure:


Dec 12, 2019
In my case, the 58th event was in the bedroom, at 23 o'clock, where Julia lies on the bed in another dress, after dinner, at which the MC bared Maria's breasts while wishing a good night.
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