I was going to wade in yesterday, but thought it was a bit late, seeing as how this is still rumbling about here goes....
First - sorry for starting it. Jezeru was responding to my comment about being surprised about the issue with cousins because of the legal status in the UK.
Without this site I would find the change in this game odd as marrying your cousin is legal in the UK and has been all my life (and yes I also have a cute cousin). I would have expected it to be similar in similar cultures, hey hum, what do I know?
It is legal in 28 states in the US as well including New York so Patreon is being a dick about this whole thing, what's legal to watch on TV like Game of Thrones has been banned on Patreon with our games. I'm about to release my second attempt at a game, it will be on Adult Pledge and my own website, screw Patreon and their BS!!!
If you choose to you can actually read their response as being their opinion and as such it is perfectly valid. Are Patreon physically being dicks? No, therefore an opinion of how they are dealing with it. TBH if I were they I would quote Patreon's own guidlines where they state GoT (incest and underage rape included) is fine, yet incest and underage rape in these games is not allowed. Are they being dicks? I think they are being bullied, but the bullys (Paypal) are allowing double standards. Are you an international bestseller, turning over millions of dollars? Fine the rules don't apply to you.
From experience, if any of the devs of any of these games started turning over that amount of money, Paypal would start approaching them.
Your comparison doesn't add up. Your just made your own comparison pointless and irrelevant. Why? Because you made it clear you understand Patreon has the right to self regulate. You are basically implying, you think they are dicks for doing something they are allowed to do. You are implying that they are dicks for doing nothing wrong. That makes no sense.
I have the right to sit naked in my back garden in the middle of winter, even if the temperature was in the minuses. I would think myself a dick for doing so.
It's not just about the right to do something, it's also should you do that thing and how you do that thing. Another example - I have the right to donate my money to homeless people, should I? That is my choice, if I do so should I give them money or give them a sandwich or give the money to a homeless charity?
Making personal attacks on Patreon, and thinking their self regulations is dumb are two different things.
Do I dislike Patreon deciding to self regulate? Of course, it's unfortunate. Do I think they are dicks for doing it? No, because they didn't do anything wrong.
Which is your opinion. Not right, not wrong, just different to Jerezu, both of which differ to my opinion. Patreon made their business decision, but their implementation of it reeks of double standards (see above) but it is also passive. They won't go hunting and will allow content if changed, knowing full well that patches go out (they wouldn't object to them if they didn't know about them). The silly thing is, neither of the parties pushing these changes actually host the material, it is only about money handling and I bet DS's and MrD's banks never complained about the money, (presuming they paid tax) I bet the taxman would be happy with income from visual novels. So is this a treble standard...ban the little people because we can and a) we don't make much from them so no great loss and b) we can hold them up as an example of how righteous we are.
All of this is just my thoughts and opinions.
I also think the game should be renamed to "My Cute (pay)Pal"
Edit for typos