To my understanding you must lose a cock size at least once before the Church becomes available and you may begin one a day.In the male playthrough, how do I get cum without increasing my corruption? I haven't been able to find the church yet
To my understanding you must lose a cock size at least once before the Church becomes available and you may begin one a day.In the male playthrough, how do I get cum without increasing my corruption? I haven't been able to find the church yet
Everyone seems to have their own defintion of "NTR" so I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I'll respond with this.How is the NTR in this game? I have no problem with it, but there are people who have doubts about what the ntr is like (Avoidable, Optional, Unavoidable) Or is it only for a particular genre?
Hopefully soon! The upcoming update adds a lot, changes a lot, and is laying the groundwork for some ambitious ideas that I really hope to implement update when?
I plan to add something like this in the upcoming v0.19 update.when will be the possibility to get out of sheldons blackmail / sub path? Or turn it around and get the upperhand over him?
Have you witnessed the scene where Auntie Sarah arrives and you pour them both a glass of orange juice? It's impossible to miss unless you purpoesly skip an entire week,ok I have done about 8 weeks as Male and I can't seem to get Vivian started have 5 women corrupted 1 of them is Chloe I seem to be stuck in some loop have over 1120 cum and I am working as the Janitor at the school it is making it very difficult to get money anyone able to assist me in getting Vivian going??
all I am able to get Vivian to do after school and on weekends is Yoga and talk about Golden Retrievers then she cleans the living room
I haven't been able to trigger the Aunt Sarah arrival I went through and progressed each day skipping ahead 10 minutes then checking attempting to get said sceneHave you witnessed the scene where Auntie Sarah arrives and you pour them both a glass of orange juice? It's impossible to miss unless you purpoesly skip an entire week,
Are you running the latest version of the game? It should say v0.18 on the left sidebar.I haven't been able to trigger the Aunt Sarah arrival I went through and progressed each day skipping ahead 10 minutes then checking attempting to get said scene
yes running latest version ok finally after restarting again and playing little slower reading some things I was able to corrupt Vivian but Aunt is gone again does she return want her as well heheheAre you running the latest version of the game? It should say v0.18 on the left sidebar.
You may have reached the end of her storyline if she's pleasured you in the morning. The hints for her storyline are a little buggy, but should be fixed in the upcoming version.yes running latest version ok finally after restarting again and playing little slower reading some things I was able to corrupt Vivian but Aunt is gone again does she return want her as well hehehe
only now my Demon won't contact me with the furthering Vivians corruption have 1780 Cum $750 and 3 Corruption vials not sure what to do now
when I look in the Contacts it says see what happens on weekend bit has been 4 weekends now and have done the skip 10 minutes ahead searched rooms for Vivian after I got done with work
Is there eventually going to be way to fight back as a female PC?
I plan to add something like this in the upcoming v0.19 update.
I love your ideas and actually felt the same way about the problems you described. In the upcoming v0.19 update, I have made some small changes to Ms. Lane's dominant path made some slight changes to Ms. Clarke's path, but ultimately it doesn't fix your biggest problem with it, though your idea is a very good one.I found this game enjoyable because we can turn the female cast into sluts but I have three problems(opinions) with it
1)Dom Ms. Lane does not dom the other students which is/was a major kill joy for me.
2)The whole Ms. Clarke story line, When I found out she was having baby problems with her husband I was like ' Yes I'm gonna corrupt her in a cheating wife who's gonna fuck a lot of dudes to increase her chance to get pregnant' but no it's just the male MC then I wondered if I could do it on the female MC path but that turned out to be a complete waste of time because all the female MC does is become a surrogate for her and her husband.
3)The whole possession vials thing because they completely kill their corrupt personality that I grinded corruption vials to make happen which made them and my time worthless and wasted and when you get to the possession vial stage it means there is no more scenes with the females I corrupted just thralls with little to no personality at the cult, I hope there might be a chance in the future to say no to the possession vial nonsense and just have more scenes with the corrupt females.